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What Makes A Master Grower ?


Active member
I became a Master Gardener in 2000, went through the Oregon State University Master Gardeners program. I had been in the plant and gardening business for 10 or 12 years already.
I'd say a master Gardener and a Master Grower are much the same. They are able to answer questions, guide gardeners/growers and are willing to impart their knowledge for the sheer joy of growing the plants we love, be it weed or dahlias. Master Gardeners are required to impart their knowledge to those who ask with out compensation, a Master Grower would do the same.
Seems to me that there are alot of Master Growers on this site, they give of their knowledge freely for the joy of growing plants.

i agree , ..of course theres a lot of ego but there is also those one percenters that just excel and that includes many pursuits ! look , we have horse whisperers and dog whisperers and sometimes wife whisperers , not that i excel in that last one ...i think that someone who grows and also maybe has been through much schooling in horticultre and also has a driven passion for cultivating plants and also , more importantly , a very deep and sometimes a "spiritual " understanding of of plant and soil health are , i guess ," masters ".


Active member
there is only you and nature, nothing else: as to what makes a master grower; knowledge experience and innovation, ability to handle multiple medias with proficiency. Always sharing with others. Peace Badmf...


Strange plants

Strange plants

Hi im new trying to work this out anyway ive just gone to my front garden and these was there anyone have a clue because it dont look good on a high street


Strange plants

Strange plants

Hi im new trying to work this out anyway ive just gone to my front garden and these was there anyone have a clue because it dont look good on a high street


  • image.jpg
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Strange plants

Strange plants

Hi im new trying to work this out anyway ive just gone to my front garden and these was there anyone have a clue because it dont look good on a high street


  • Dried
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