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what guard dog with MY CHILDREN?


Active member
:off2: but don't use frontline flea medication. brand sucks balls and dangerous. my brothers malinois grl got super sick. still sick. almost back to normal. so warning to all.


Well SteeleSavage,

I am very interested in what you have to say cuz I have already bought a female Doberman. Now you have me worried.

We have had her for 1 wk now, shes 12wks old now, I have noticed shes very smart already. she knows exactly what Im saying most of the time.

She likes to bite alot when shes excited and playing. I have been working on it with her every chance I get, I gently put my hand around her snout and say "no bite". Shes getting much better but still seems to forget in the moment of excitment and just puts her teeth on us, and loves to play and bite at my other little dog.

she is also very aware that Im watching her around my kids, and she seems to do pretty good around them, especially with the 1 yr old.

But sometimes she has this depressed/pissed look on her face, is she about to snap and take my finger off? lol!

She is about 95% German bloodline. Atleast thats what the breeder told me, I do have her lineage paperwork, but I dont know what all those names mean, I could look them up I guess but would be quite timely process

Im not an experienced dog person, should I even allow my kids to play with her until I know her adult personality?
How old will she be when her completely developed temperament comes out?

Oh yeah she really wants to eat/kill my cats, lol
yeah cats look taste.. try not to let her taste one. be the pack leader.. let her kno the children are a part of HER pack... Bite her ears...growl...be the BOSS


Hmmmm....link works for me. Let me state that I have nothing personal against pitbulls. Have known many and they can be very sweet and gentile.
The problem is they are also known to turn, without warning, on their own masters or family members and kill them, especially children. There is plenty of evidence to support this, as statistics on dog bites are kept. This is not always the owners fault, but can genetic, as pit bulls have been selectively bred to fight and not to show any warning signs before attack. Most dog attack deaths are by pit bulls, with Rottys coming in a distant second.
Take a look at this link, the story about one pit bull advocate:

This link explains why pit bulls attack:

Pictures don't lie:


Not trying to offend pit bull owners, but many seem to be in denial about the situation.

All I see are some opinionated anecdotes about extreme cases and a website selling dog training dvds :tiphat:

If you're going to make a point with sources at least make em credible

Any statistics on pit attacks aren't accurate.

Are they more dangerous than a pug? Yeah, of course they are. But the stuff you're saying about them snapping and randomly attacking people makes you sound like an alarmist.
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natural mystic
ICMag Donor
She likes to bite alot when shes excited and playing. I have been working on it with her every chance I get, I gently put my hand around her snout and say "no bite". Shes getting much better but still seems to forget in the moment of excitment and just puts her teeth on us, and loves to play and bite at my other little dog.
Imo that's the best age to train your dog and teach commands and bite inhibition but you'll have
to find another way to train that and show her "that's not a game". Every time she bites, shout out
"AOOOUUUUUA" break the game and show her your back. Within 2 days she won't bite any more ;)


Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
I used to get a pie pan and whack the dog on the nose. Makes a loud noise. Not sure if that is the best thing to do or not. Doesn't hurt the dog though, or make them hand shy.



German shepards are great guard dogs and really family friendly.

I wouldn't hit my dogs with anything, the best way to curb bad behavior is to put your hand over their muzzle like their mothers would do with their mouths to deter the behavior. Getting down and growling when muzzling em tells em that the behavior is not going to be tolerated and there could be discipline coming if they continue. There has been a lot studies done to wolves to understand their behaviors lately and it translates nicely to dog training.

Good luck, Peace


just my 2 cents but usually people willing to do home invasion or literally straight up kill people for something a meaningless as paper probably arent going to think twice about killing a dog if it comes at them or beating the poor dog to a pulp..

do you really need a guard dog is my question? does anyone really? has anyone actually ever been saved by their dog, sadly ive been robbed plenty of times just my luck really and i own 2 rocks. they were beat to hell and thrown outside while i was robbed...

i wish i just bought a gun instead at that time... -_- i couldve saved the damn dogs instead of using them to protect me... poor things cant even walk right anymore. they tried :/

i just personally think its wrong after experiencing such a traumatizing situation, ill never expect a animal to save me again. never. they should only be intended to befriend and nothing more, expecting them to stop invaders is asking a little too much from a dog if you ask me, dogs cant carry weapons other than their teeth and once they feel that cold steel get slapped against their faces they arent trying to bite anyone.. besides scream and yelp in pain and wondering why they hell a human being is expecting them to save their ass...


I used to get a pie pan and whack the dog on the nose. Makes a loud noise. Not sure if that is the best thing to do or not. Doesn't hurt the dog though, or make them hand shy.


bobby that avatar from afro samurai suites you all to well, you use battery acid for PH down and you slap your dogs with pie pans LOL.


M, you can either pm me tha family yer bitch is from, no need fer tha immediate (first) breeder (could breach yer security) or share here...

Sounds like she has some fight drive, thats good... Trade yer hand fer a bite rag or tug, don't discipline too much, save that fer over a yr old; with her wanting to bite too much, or goes fer yer face, hold tha muzzle and bite her nose, she'll understand.

I highly recommend joining a club or working with an experienced group... Tha book "Top Working Dogs" is an excellent starting place. Dobes love to track, don't give 'em a sleeve too early, they ain't bulldogs... They love to please, obedient, these are some of tha smartest dogs ranking im tha top 5. Never strike yer animal, it can make 'em hand shy...

More later,


^ Definitely. Nothing wrong with having weekly sessions with a dog trainer (someone who works with schutzhund dogs, preferably). We did it with my last shepherd who is a very intense dog and it helped us incredibly.


natural mystic
ICMag Donor
^^ slap and bite her nose..loool sorry guys, the dog needs to be trained and not to be punished for no reason...


Biting a pup and growlin IS training. I hav rescued several large aggressive males. If I don't show them I am the ALPHA they would eat my ass( not in a good way u tossers). It is a language they understand. Watch how a bitch trains pups.
Slaps are a human reaction most times inappropriate.


Pal's got it, we're talking animal behavior. Many folks would trip seeing some of tha techniques used on dogs; and working dogs in particular. Dealing with hard, dominant dogs, whether male or female requires a fair, consistant hand. Starting with quality genetics firstly, just as with cannabis; a polished turd is still just that, a turd. Heredity first, then consistant environment.

Yer training sessions with yer pup should be more loose like and fun. Not much discipline, not to many "no"'s. Getting tha dog on tha leash, again, positive and short sessions 2 er 3 times a day. I teach tha "down" command and sit, first. Gaining tha control of a high drive dobe is imparitive and though easier to train than many other dogs, can be challenging as they may (mine is) be very aggressive and powerful. Tha sheer tenacity, compared to tha other "working" dogs (save for pits, uncomparrable in gameness and bombproof) is awesome to see. Check out some Utube working doberman vids...

Wish I could share info bout tha lines we have but again, breach of security... Just some hard, dominant dogs with lots of prey and fighting drive, athletic, smart and hardwired for man work, tha very thang this breed was put together for by Herr Dobermann. No doubt, i'm very passionate about tha breed.



natural mystic
ICMag Donor
In my very humble opinion, any form of physical contact to rebuke or teach a dog ( slapping,punching,biting) is simply not acceptable.
Violence generates violence in dog training (and not only :D) . If you are not sure about what to do, I'd recommend to find a professional dog trainer who
specializes in protection work and ask for some help. If she/he tells you to hit the dog or use any form of violence, find yourself another trainer.
Just sayin, if it comes to a conflict between you and the dog, the dog is not greater but stronger, faster, and has much better teeth
than you have :D. For sure you'll not win by strength alone, so you need to work on training strategies that make the dog want to cooperate with you.

Just my 2c
Pittbull hands down. They are the best dogs to have around kids. They love kids. I have a 4year old pit and a 2 year old boy. And they are the best of friends. A child can pull on a pitts tale or ears with out getting nipped at like other dogs. The Lil ******s had petey a Pittbull. As long as u get your pit as a pup and raise him or her as a family dog that pitt will be the best family dog hands down. Don't believe the media hype.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Just to be clear, a pie pan is not a frying pan.

A pie pan is made from aluminum foil, and is very light and pliable. It's what they sell pies in.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Pittbull hands down. They are the best dogs to have around kids. They love kids. I have a 4year old pit and a 2 year old boy. And they are the best of friends. A child can pull on a pitts tale or ears with out getting nipped at like other dogs. The Lil ******s had petey a Pittbull. As long as u get your pit as a pup and raise him or her as a family dog that pitt will be the best family dog hands down. Don't believe the media hype.


Seriously they are the best dogs on the planet. There are other good breeds absolutely but with small children raised with the dog it's a pitbull all the way they are non-human aggressive by nature however they will go after cats & game it's very hard to break them of those traits because they want to hunt normally. If I recall correctly they were bred to take down bears & boars for hunting and later used for pit fighting against each other which used to be legal in the UK many years back but any dogs showing human aggression were culled from the breeding pool and the breeding pool here in the USA is quite small in all reality. They may be aggressive to a stranger in a protective manner but that is good and most of them won't even do that unless it's a strange dog. A 60 or 70 pound pitbull will conquer a 185 pound man no problem and they will protect the family or "pack" to the death. Best combo seems to be a loud little barky dog like a poodle to alert for intruders and get the pitbull going and the biggest baddest darkest colored pitbull you can find to protect your home & family but still let the kids ride it around the house and snuggle with it. I love pitbulls and I can't say anything bad about them from personal experience other than them being stubborn and their tail breaking shit when they are jumping around like a maniac wagging it so hard because they are happy to see you. That and the too much love sometimes really they are ridiculous they are like big babies they just want love but you need to raise them from puppy stage for them to be 100% reliable that is the only way I would have one with kids, not an adult rescue with an unknown possibly abused background. And as others have stated you absolutely must establish yourself as the alpha male with them do not ever let them dominate you period whatsoever because that will result in you raising a potentially dangerous dog they really do benefit from consistent handling you can't let them have their way at all or they will keep testing you. :ying:

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