yeah cats look taste.. try not to let her taste one. be the pack leader.. let her kno the children are a part of HER pack... Bite her the BOSSWell SteeleSavage,
I am very interested in what you have to say cuz I have already bought a female Doberman. Now you have me worried.
We have had her for 1 wk now, shes 12wks old now, I have noticed shes very smart already. she knows exactly what Im saying most of the time.
She likes to bite alot when shes excited and playing. I have been working on it with her every chance I get, I gently put my hand around her snout and say "no bite". Shes getting much better but still seems to forget in the moment of excitment and just puts her teeth on us, and loves to play and bite at my other little dog.
she is also very aware that Im watching her around my kids, and she seems to do pretty good around them, especially with the 1 yr old.
But sometimes she has this depressed/pissed look on her face, is she about to snap and take my finger off? lol!
She is about 95% German bloodline. Atleast thats what the breeder told me, I do have her lineage paperwork, but I dont know what all those names mean, I could look them up I guess but would be quite timely process
Im not an experienced dog person, should I even allow my kids to play with her until I know her adult personality?
How old will she be when her completely developed temperament comes out?
Oh yeah she really wants to eat/kill my cats, lol works for me. Let me state that I have nothing personal against pitbulls. Have known many and they can be very sweet and gentile.
The problem is they are also known to turn, without warning, on their own masters or family members and kill them, especially children. There is plenty of evidence to support this, as statistics on dog bites are kept. This is not always the owners fault, but can genetic, as pit bulls have been selectively bred to fight and not to show any warning signs before attack. Most dog attack deaths are by pit bulls, with Rottys coming in a distant second.
Take a look at this link, the story about one pit bull advocate:
This link explains why pit bulls attack:
Pictures don't lie:
Not trying to offend pit bull owners, but many seem to be in denial about the situation.
Imo that's the best age to train your dog and teach commands and bite inhibition but you'll haveShe likes to bite alot when shes excited and playing. I have been working on it with her every chance I get, I gently put my hand around her snout and say "no bite". Shes getting much better but still seems to forget in the moment of excitment and just puts her teeth on us, and loves to play and bite at my other little dog.
I used to get a pie pan and whack the dog on the nose. Makes a loud noise. Not sure if that is the best thing to do or not. Doesn't hurt the dog though, or make them hand shy.
Pittbull hands down. They are the best dogs to have around kids. They love kids. I have a 4year old pit and a 2 year old boy. And they are the best of friends. A child can pull on a pitts tale or ears with out getting nipped at like other dogs. The Lil ******s had petey a Pittbull. As long as u get your pit as a pup and raise him or her as a family dog that pitt will be the best family dog hands down. Don't believe the media hype.