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what guard dog with MY CHILDREN?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
It looks like an actual bull just with horns removed!

:bow: Buddy the BULL :respect:

I would not fuck with that dog! :peek:


Active member
Gotta go with Standard Poodles, the smartest dogs and most carefully bread over the years. Great with kids. Also, have to agree with Boxers. Had one as a kid and they are cool.
I know lots of people on here like pit bulls, but they are far and away the most dangerous dogs. Pits kill more people than any other breed by far, and the culprit in most cases is the family dog, the victims usually family members and children by far the most frequent victims. One person killed every 22 days in the U.S. A woman in California who was head of the pit bull society and pregnant, was killed by her family pets while she was in bed sleeping. Here's a link with pictures of some of the children killed and maimed by pit bulls:



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Many different types of dogs that are referred to as "pitbulls" are lumped together under the umbrella of one breed, that's why those statistics aren't accurate and never will be.

I know,kinda surprising that dogsbite.org (where the slogan is "some dogs don't let go") uses scare tactics and misleads.
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Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"


Active member
Many different types of dogs that are referred to as "pitbulls" are lumped together under the umbrella of one breed, that's why those statistics aren't accurate and never will be.

I know,kinda surprising that dogsbite.org (where the slogan is "some dogs don't let go") uses scare tactics and misleads.

Pit bulls are bull terriers, Staffordshire terriers, So called American bulldog, or any crosses.
I suppose you ignored the pictures and stories on this link of dead and maimed children:


No, I didn't see them, because that link is broken.

Nothing I said is wrong, you obviously have no clue what you're talking about.

Old Soul

Active member
RetroGrow, you should do some research. They lump all types of bully breeds under the pitbull category, it really has screwed up their reputation. American Bulldogs are actually included in the mastiff family. Everyone likes to jump on certain breeds for the damage they cause, but it really boils down to the owner. It takes a certain type of person/personality to own a large powerful breed, and many of them make their way into the wrong hands. It really is sad cause it is not the dogs fault.


Still gonna throw it out there again.

Great danes! If you don't know anyone with one... hard to know what gentle giants they are. Very protective of their pack. Google search Great dane with children under images.

Also their short hair is awesome ( I cant stand long haired animals) When I was a child I could lay on my great dane all day.


The Great Dane's large and imposing appearance belies its friendly nature; the breed is often referred to as a gentle giant.[4] Great Danes are generally well-disposed toward other dogs, other non-canine pets and humans, although, when feeling threatened, have been known to attack humans. This is usually brought on by a person that is unfamiliar to the dog. Some breeds may chase or attack small animals, but this is not typical with Great Danes.[10] The great dane is a very gentle and loving animal with proper care and training. They are also very needy. Some may find them frightening because of their huge structure and loud bark, but they generally have no intention of harming people.

They were bread to hunt wild boars... and wild boars are one dangerous game... they will protect till the death, and scare people unfamiliar... but the perfect family animal/guard dog. Loudest barks I've ever heard from a dog. My female's bark is SUPER DEEP.. she doesn't bark often, only when someone pulls up.

Yah`mon :tiphat:


Not the same picture, but another good one.
Ok I'm sorry but I just hav to try to tell a little story....

Once upon a time in Texas. Hippy Dude n the Missus were livin in the low rent part of town. Shit started next door.. Shots were fired..HD straps up,heads out,leaves the missus and two dogs locked indoors. J a beautiful red doobie attack/guard trained in Mexico (rescued dog..canines broken biting a dischargin 45 aimed at her previous owner savin his life) And Bear. Yep The biggest nicest St B you could ask for. While J was at the door tryin to follow her master, Bear jumped over a table through the screen took out a section of 6' board fence. J on his heels, all 3 hit the scene at the same time.. What a picture, HD with a Ruger Hand Cannon,J doob on the left, St Bear on the left. And 20+ gangbangers runnin side by side like brothers.. GETTIN THE FUCK OUTTA THERE...

I So Love Dogs


I was looking at pics on google, and couldn't help but think of strain hunter's jumping pit when I saw this one.

No need to jump :laughing:



Tropical Outcast
LOL yeah that must be a Great Dane!

My pit is in Cali...I am visiting in FL right now but should be in Cali next week.
Can't wait.

I was looking at pics on google, and couldn't help but think of strain hunter's jumping pit when I saw this one.

No need to jump :laughing:



Active member
No, I didn't see them, because that link is broken.

Nothing I said is wrong, you obviously have no clue what you're talking about.

Hmmmm....link works for me. Let me state that I have nothing personal against pitbulls. Have known many and they can be very sweet and gentile.
The problem is they are also known to turn, without warning, on their own masters or family members and kill them, especially children. There is plenty of evidence to support this, as statistics on dog bites are kept. This is not always the owners fault, but can genetic, as pit bulls have been selectively bred to fight and not to show any warning signs before attack. Most dog attack deaths are by pit bulls, with Rottys coming in a distant second.
Take a look at this link, the story about one pit bull advocate:

This link explains why pit bulls attack:

Pictures don't lie:


Not trying to offend pit bull owners, but many seem to be in denial about the situation.


To tha OP, lotta bullshit biased opinions, just on tha first page, didn't even bother reading tha rest, lol.

Being around game dogs all my adult life, and loving ALL dogs, I'll be tha first to say that most pits are gonna be tha wrong choice fer yer needs; just not a smart dog, comparatively speaking, tha last bitch was a smart pit, stupid as shit but bomb proof and one of my favorite breeds, regardless...

I'd HIGHLY recommend checking out KNPV, Mondio or French ring, schutzhund, sporting dog clubs and kennels.

You also are gonna need to do tha research on not only yer chosen breed but also tha family. I.e. I own a dobe from a german line family, high high prey drive, bad with children but tha smartest most aggresive bitch I've owned, snapping chains, cables, tha hole nine... Some dobe families are reported to be great with kids but I would say those are American bred dogs. I only recommend dobes fer experienced handlers, so much more fierce than many other dogs

Fer you, i'd recommend a Malinois (based on what yer lookin' for), great with kids, smart, and easier than a dobe. Regarding sex, females are more owner protective, whereas males are terrific fer tha property; though not exclusive. Males WILL test you, so please be aware of this...

Be well,
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oh shit dont tell me that bro!

oh shit dont tell me that bro!

To tha OP, lotta bullshit biased opinions, just on tha first page, didn't even bother reading tha rest, lol.

Being around game dogs all my adult life, and loving ALL dogs, I'll be tha first to say that most pits are gonna be tha wrong choice fer yer needs; just not a smart dog, comparatively speaking, tha last bitch was a smart pit, stupid as shit but bomb proof and one of my favorite breeds, regardless...

I'd HIGHLY recommend checking out KNPV, Mondio or French ring, schutzhund, sporting dog clubs and kennels.

You also are gonna need to do tha research on not only yer chosen breed but also tha family. I.e. I own a dobe from a german line family, high high prey drive, bad with children but tha smartest most aggresive bitch I've owned, snapping chains, cables, tha hole nine... Some dobe families are reported to be great with kids but I would say those are American bred dogs. I only recommend dobes fer experienced handlers, so much more fierce than many other dogs

Fer you, i'd recommend a Malinois (based on what yer lookin' for), great with kids, smart, and easier than a dobe. Regarding sex, females are more owner protective, whereas males are terrific fer tha property; though not exclusive. Males WILL test you, so please be aware of this...

Be well,

Well SteeleSavage,

I am very interested in what you have to say cuz I have already bought a female Doberman. Now you have me worried.

We have had her for 1 wk now, shes 12wks old now, I have noticed shes very smart already. she knows exactly what Im saying most of the time.

She likes to bite alot when shes excited and playing. I have been working on it with her every chance I get, I gently put my hand around her snout and say "no bite". Shes getting much better but still seems to forget in the moment of excitment and just puts her teeth on us, and loves to play and bite at my other little dog.

she is also very aware that Im watching her around my kids, and she seems to do pretty good around them, especially with the 1 yr old.

But sometimes she has this depressed/pissed look on her face, is she about to snap and take my finger off? lol!

She is about 95% German bloodline. Atleast thats what the breeder told me, I do have her lineage paperwork, but I dont know what all those names mean, I could look them up I guess but would be quite timely process

Im not an experienced dog person, should I even allow my kids to play with her until I know her adult personality?
How old will she be when her completely developed temperament comes out?

Oh yeah she really wants to eat/kill my cats, lol