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What do you do when someone rips you off and you know them?



I've charged it to the game more times than I'd like to admit, but if you don't seek retribution you will be perceived as weak and look like an easy mark. I was involved in a very small deal where someone tried to rob me for a very small amount of bud. A friends was in the car with me and saw that the custy and I we're in a struggle; he pulled a gun and shot the kid a he was making his get away. I was shocked almost as much as the guy who got shot. First of all,I didn't know that anyone in my crew rolled with a firearm. Second, I was now part of what I was afraid could turn out to be a murder. I ended up leaving the state fearing the worst. Luckily the guy pulled through and wouldn't cooperate with the cops. I now have a reputation for shooting someone over a half ounce even though I wasn't the shooter. In the end it worked out, but it reminded me that shit can get serious real quick.


Active member
if you don't seek retribution you will be perceived as weak and look like an easy mark

Very true words .

I love the idea of a grower come scam artist poisoning his own grow , , ain`t karma a bitch .? :laughing:


ICMag Donor
and i bought into an "investment opportunity" he presented. 25k later I'm ripped off.

I did that decades ago...a limited (land) partnership, 350 acres. Turned out to be an albatross. Everyone quit paying their share of taxes, it was land locked, no access. Lost it and never "invested" again in property other than my own.

Good luck. In my opinion, living well, ultimately is the best revenge. That doesn't mean rich...it means living every day with purpose, no qualms (unless it's instigated myself), and clear conscience. Of course, I play a lot of scenarios in my head about revenge, but I don't act on it and let it go. That stuff can eat you up. Too, in younger days, sought revenge...karma came back to bite, gnaw, etc.


Active member
one way or another he needs to be taught a lesson. some use violence others use therir head. your choice but id spread the word that he is a thief and run him out of town via word of mouth. no one will want to mess with him or give him work knowing what he his. on the other hand a broken nose may be the right medicine for him. then he has to explain why he got his ass kicked. im not sure what i would do. im sure id see red and want retrobution but dont get yourself in trouble or end up worse off than you already are. you dont exactly want the rep of someone who let their entire grow out the door. attracts other theives and llowlifes. id review what you have going on and scale back the trust to those who have earned. that used to be a problem for me, trusting people without them deserving it. now adays you have to prove your self to me. dont get me wrong i still give people the benefit of the doubt but whn it comes to security and other stuff put them ona need to know basis.


Active member
I think this is why organized crime is effective, they dont mind getting their hands dirty (its true they often get low level guys do the dirty jobs) they take care of problems

Over here, from what ive been told couple of times, one of the main gang that runs the city gives you a warning if your selling in one of their bars, next stop is a beating and next stop is the cemetery. At least you get a warning, i thought that was pretty kind of them.


Power Armor rules
If you don't want to get screwed, start handling every part of whatever operation you're involved with. It is that simple. If trust is the problem then get it taken care of. Your filter just needs to be reset or thrown in the garbage. With doing so, you will be taking more weight onto your shoulders so you need to be ready to handle it. Sure you can blame others, but how far will that advance your position? The best lessons in life are the ones learned the hard way.

Turning the other cheek is ignorant and cowardly. Adapt or die. Use situational awareness properly and stop being taken advantage of.


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