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What did you smoke tonight ( or today ) ...


Well-known member
Mango saphire , outdoor organic ,

certainly a better taste beside the indoor organic grow i' m used .

Blend of tropical fruit flavor and F.ckin kush effect .

Good night :biggrin:


soil margin

Active member
Solo's Stash,,, thanks, Leia

Man I’ve always wanted some Star Wars weed. Would love to get high as fuck and blow up the Death Star.

I was puffing on some Icy Diesel last night. Not the strongest stuff I’ve ever smoked but goddamn does it give you some munchies. Cleaned out my kitchen and then had to go clean out the closest grocery store. Would smoke some more right now but I don’t want to be eating chocolate and granola bars all day haha. Gonna wait until later.


Well-known member
Now i'm on my Amnesia xxl auto #2 ,
Jack H phéno ,
well balanced weed ,
don't get much more , baaaddd !!!!


St. Phatty

Active member
A semi-random enormous Sativa named Deer Feeder, which frosted up OK at the end.

A Blueberry Headband cross that is bagged and about to go into jars. Very lime Indica. Decent resin & potency.

A Blueberry Headband cross that got vacuum sealed today. She was the most potent and had to be harvested the earliest because of mold.

Anybody else using one of those things that pumps the air out of the jar ?

That has got to be good for helping the buds keep. Since they're perishable and all.

Vacuum storage in a freezer - anybody try that ? Seems like buds would age REALLY slowly.

moose eater

Went hand-to-hand with a serious 'bout of sleep dyssomnia in the wee hours of the morning with, among other antidotes, a freshly rolled joint of my own Greenhouse Seeds' Super Lemon Haze (circa; a while ago), from a test bud that had preceded the ultimate harvest. Full-well knowing that ~2-1/2 hours later, I'd be waking up, heading for a drink of water, and doing it all over again...

Did it anyway, turned out as predicted, but overall a success, considering known deficits in strategy.

I’m liking that Bandersnatch.

It’s got that cheesy taste with some funky berry from the Gobbstopper male.

Plus the effects are nearly 100 % Indica which is great right now lol.


Well-known member
Was gifted some Trainwreck seeds a few yrs ago by Gratefulhead ,I gifter to a friend in Florida who gave to his friend and that's what I got to puff while here in Florida this week .it's very tasty and a very nice head to it

moose eater

Was gifted some Trainwreck seeds a few yrs ago by Gratefulhead ,I gifter to a friend in Florida who gave to his friend and that's what I got to puff while here in Florida this week .it's very tasty and a very nice head to it


Some aging scissor hash from this last clipping. This one from my Dronkers Sensi Seed Bank, 1997, California Indica; my senior citizen in the stable of mothers.

Seems to me that it's either my metabolism, or SOME of my scissor hash is not as geared toward stable shelf life as the whole flower results? it's not like the scissor hash is exclusively trichs, the way my sieved hash is.... So.. ????

Insufficient energy to resolve some of the world's mysteries..

Besides, if we took away all of the worlds' mysteries, what would be left to keep us breathing, waiting in anticipation for someone to answer them?