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What Are You Eating Right Now!!!


Well-known member
she quit partaking not long after our first son was born. a real party animal before that. two or three hits off of a joint and she was looking for a couch to lie down on...boom, boom, out go the lights! now the kids are grown, but her job has random drug tests...:shucks:
I´ve never understood these drug tests american companies insist on. Every person has a right to use pain relief and the right to a decent nights sleep.
When I had my sciatica the only thing I could do was to basically drink booze. That´s no joke, I couldn´t get hold of weed (or use it where I was living) and basically getting drunk was the only way i could get any sleep at all. The pain was just too excrutiating.


Well-known member
my wife also stopped drinking years ago. last time was on an anniversary trip. i spent that night sitting on the edge of the tub in our room, holding her hair out of the mess in the commode. very romantic episode...;)


Well-known member
my wife also stopped drinking years ago. last time was on an anniversary trip. i spent that night sitting on the edge of the tub in our room, holding her hair out of the mess in the commode. very romantic episode...;)
I had 2 hangovers over the weekend and it reminded me of why I stopped drinking too much. Not touching anything for a few weeks! My gut certainly didn´t thank me for it either!
Usually I´ll just have a couple of beers or a little wine one evening and that´s it for 2-3 weeks.
booze is also not recommended when you´re trying to loose weight either :biggrin:


Well-known member
i don't know if this will work for everyone, but stopping drinking alcohol at least two hours before i crash and guzzling as much water as i can without puking prevents me from getting a hangover. it's probably a good thing i did not discover this until i was into my 50s... the threat of a savage hangover kept my inner demons at bay. :devilish:


Well-known member
i don't know if this will work for everyone, but stopping drinking alcohol at least two hours before i crash and guzzling as much water as i can without puking prevents me from getting a hangover. it's probably a good thing i did not discover this until i was into my 50s... the threat of a savage hangover kept my inner demons at bay. :devilish:
yes, drinking water works well. The water neutralizes the alcohol which is acidic :)
In the past I have also taken a baking soda tablet to prevent hangovers.


Well-known member
eating dark chocolate. Weather has been getting a lot warmer so I had to put it in the fridge. It´s kinda weird because it doesn´t melt in your mouth as quickly.

Had lamb, salad and roasted potatoes for lunch. It´s basically one of my staples. Salad is a must for me.
Thinking of having a protein shake for `dinner´


White Window

Don't panic, it's organic. :smoke:


ICMag Donor
A little homeade chicken soup, took a couple hours, 1st simmer some chicken parts, then remove all the meat and feed the feral cats who seem to know exactly when this is available to them.
Stir in some noodles, a hunk of good bread on the side and ahhhhh.


Well-known member
A little homeade chicken soup, took a couple hours, 1st simmer some chicken parts, then remove all the meat and feed the feral cats who seem to know exactly when this is available to them.
Stir in some noodles, a hunk of good bread on the side and ahhhhh.
sounds like a nice winter treat... in the summer time (not sure where you live, so it could be winter where you are ) :)