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What are the pros and cons of glass vs. silicone bongs for durability and smoking experience?


Best bong I ever used was made of a large piece of bamboo with a bamboo stem and a thimble for a bowl. They lasted about a year or so, then you made another. Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the bamboo. Other than that, glass all the way.


Well-known member
i use only borosilicate glass for my vaporizer oven and bud vial. the draw tube is also borosilicate. this is laboratory grade glassware.

the vial and draw tube are easily cleaned inside with a rolled up paper towel while slightly warm. easy-peasy.

clean glassware is beautiful.


Active member
Small silicone bongs are great for parties and travel. Cheap. Don't break. Work. But otherwise they are usually not great bongs. They're surprisingly hard to clean. They're usually too small and often suffer from spray/backwash. I would spend a few quid on one to throw away at the end of a weekend (not very environment friendly) but a little glass bong almost certainly better, and probably not much more expensive.


New member
Hi guys, Wanted a discussion on the differences between materials, including ease of use, cleaning, and how they affect the overall smoking experience
When comparing glass and silicone bongs, both have their unique pros and cons. Glass bongs are often preferred for their aesthetic appeal and pure smoking experience, as they don’t alter the taste of your herb. They can be a bit fragile, though, so you have to be careful not to drop them. On the other hand, silicone bongs are super durable and practically indestructible, making them great for on-the-go use. They’re also easier to clean since you can toss them in the dishwasher, but some people feel they can affect the flavor a bit. Overall, if you prioritize taste and style, glass might be your go-to, while silicone is perfect for durability and convenience!


I have a giant collection of red silicone paraphernalia. Over 200 pieces.
I like how it doesn't break. It's super easy to clean. Just stick it in the freezer, and after it's frozen, take it out and slam it in a hard surface and all the resin shatters and you can just dump it out.
But after a year or so, the silicone starts to absorb the smoke and you can't get that out.
I think the best is silicone encased glass, that way you get the durability of silicone with the taste of glass.