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What about Iran?


Well-known member
...some ignorant-ass statements in here...much love and respect to my Iraninan brothers and sisters.....


My pain doctor is from Iran.Sometimes I think he's from Hamas or Hezbolla and his task is to get as many Americans strung out as he possibly can.

i dont know what exactly you mean by strung out..
but if you say addicted to medication..

thats unfortunately a habit which is followed by other doctors either.

medication is something which may not be understood well
when the root lies in something different we tend to suppress the surface
because it seems easy but sometimes it may also help,

so what shall i say i am not a doctor but what i see
is that we have to give each other place and understanding
and not blaming to infinity or beyond.


Registered Non-Conformist
The American USA propaganda machine is refined. The tendency of some to quote as facts with no actual experience is a trait often seen in in young societies, such as our own. Anyone from outside a major city has prob never met a Persian.


The American USA propaganda machine is refined. The tendency of some to quote as facts with no actual experience is a trait often seen in in young societies, such as our own. Anyone from outside a major city has prob never met a Persian.

maybe.. and when do we even know to have seen Persians :)
since its not always that obvious.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Stormie

How many times have you visited the Islamic Republic of Iran ?

When did you last visit ?

Thanks for sharin

EB .


please keep this thread off hot topic political issues, specially if you can't do it in a civilized way. please share more info for smokers re Iran, history, genetics, production methods, prices, quality, where and how to get something? etc.


Registered Non-Conformist
maybe.. and when do we even know to have seen Persians :)
since its not always that obvious.

My verb was "met." Not "see." So one needs to communicate, and get beyond the obvious.

The Iranian Landraces ... Are they dominant or completely Sativa in characteristics..? Or has some Indica come thru, via Hindu Kush..?


My verb was "met." Not "see." So one needs to communicate, and get beyond the obvious.

The Iranian Landraces ... Are they dominant or completely Sativa in characteristics..? Or has some Indica come thru, via Hindu Kush..?

see, met, no difference in that context.
everybody can be a friend it all depends.

all i ever heard about Iran is indica,
never read about sativas connected to it till now
are there some?

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
arent sativa more equatorial?

G`day PR

There are narrow leaf plants in Afghanistan and Pakistan .
Why not in Iran ?

Persia includes both Afghanistan and Iran . Once it was all one territory .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


G`day PR

There are narrow leaf plants in Afghanistan and Pakistan .
Why not in Iran ?

Persia includes both Afghanistan and Iran . Once it was all one territory .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

earth once was one planet, then animals came and started eating each other
and this being animal did not stop with humans unfortunately.

if you have some afghani sativa hanging in you cupboards,
i would love to see some.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day Hashash

No need to be a smarty .
No I don`t have NLD plants from Afghanistan in my cupboards .

Though Afghani nomenclature is particularly well documented . For at least 70 - 80 years .
If you were to take the time and read some of the information collected re .
You would be better informed and not make ignorant statements like show me your NLD in the cupboard ...

For a look at Iranian genes go look up Storm Shadows thread .
Fat leaves and skinny . All in the same batch .

You think the Hindu`s took all the NLD south with them ??

The Hash makers of Afghanistan came out of Yunnan / Xiangxing China . The cradle of cannabis .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
G`day PR

There are narrow leaf plants in Afghanistan and Pakistan .
Why not in Iran ?

Persia includes both Afghanistan and Iran . Once it was all one territory .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

this is exactly what i was thinking too

there will always be some variation within any population of plants.
i have seen "narrow" leaf afghani plants in the past


G`day Hashash

No need to be a smarty .
No I don`t have NLD plants from Afghanistan in my cupboards .

Though Afghani nomenclature is particularly well documented . For at least 70 - 80 years .
If you were to take the time and read some of the information collected re .
You would be better informed and not make ignorant statements like show me your NLD in the cupboard ...

For a look at Iranian genes go look up Storm Shadows thread .
Fat leaves and skinny . All in the same batch .

You think the Hindu`s took all the NLD south with them ??

The Hash makers of Afghanistan came out of Yunnan / Xiangxing China . The cradle of cannabis .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

despite all misunderstandings i try again.
i addressed humanity in general since this thread
tended to become one typical metaphor for it.

i didnt find any information about NLD´s from afghanistan
i had never heard of it before so i went to hunt some info
but could not find anything, google may also not be as corporative
as it once used to be, so obviously its not that easy to collect some info on that.

Cannabis Genepool all belonged to one Genotype, it evolved according to the light
and the environment we all know that or should know.

so if we can get over that childish blaming each other please show some NDL
from Iran or Afghanistan if you have some sources.

if this may sound ignorant again i apologize in advance.
i thought i am here to be interested and eager to get info
not to be blamed what kind of ignorant idiot i supposed to be..

thanks for sharing.. or maybe no thanks.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
despite all misunderstandings i try again.
i addressed humanity in general since this thread
tended to become one typical metaphor for it.

i didnt find any information about NLD´s from afghanistan
i had never heard of it before so i went to hunt some info
but could not find anything, google may also not be as corporative
as it once used to be, so obviously its not that easy to collect some info on that.

Cannabis Genepool all belonged to one Genotype, it evolved according to the light
and the environment we all know that or should know.

so if we can get over that childish blaming each other please show some NDL
from Iran or Afghanistan if you have some sources.

if this may sound ignorant again i apologize in advance.
i thought i am here to be interested and eager to get info
not to be blamed what kind of ignorant idiot i supposed to be..

thanks for sharing.. or maybe no thanks.

G`day H

Google Vavillov / Afghanistan .

He`s a Russian researcher who went there 70 - 80 years ago .

The skinny leaf plants are documented . They are the wild ruderal types that grow on the sides of roads and fields . Tall branched plants with skinny leaf .

Turkish canna can have thin leaves,. so to Marocan and Lebanese .
Trade routes cris crossed those regions in times past .

I also refered to the disporia of Sth China . The Hash makers in NW Afghanistan came from over the other side other ranges . Trekked east and south before heading north and west . So seeds and culture from the other side of the Himalayas came to Persia .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


thanks Elmar yes Vavilov was the keyword

here some text i found on icmag about him and afghan sativas link below

Ok, the commonly accepted history of the afghani is something many of you know but I'll run thru it just bring the rest of you up to speed.

In the late 1800's the Russian explorer Vavilov (a sort of Russian version of a combination Linnaeus and Louis & Clarke) explored Afghanistan. He noted that the afghans were cultivating sativas for hashish production and the variety of wild plants used by nomadic groups were indica. So what happened to the legendary afghan hash sativa? My theory is this. First off our definition of indica is probably quite different from Vavilov's 120 years ago. Interestingly one of vavilov's criteria for the taxonomic classification of indica was a height of less than 3 feet. The afghan hashish culture was composed of immigrants from Russian and ChineseTurkestan (approx location of modern day uzbekistan and xinjiang province of china) I believe that what vavilov labeled as cultivated sativa were actually giant pure indicas brought to afghanistan from turkestan. The reason these plants are no longer in afghanistan is while the climate of the two countries are similar and they both are irrigated by melted runoff from snow melting in the spring afghanistan is prone to EXTREME drought lasting sometimes ten years. The regions around Samarkand and Yarkand (the two areas of turkestan that supposedly produced hash that would make bubbleman blush even before christ existed) have large areas of deciduous forest showing that there's ample water supply to support very large cannabis plants. Because of these droughts afghanistan doesn't have any very large deciduous forest covered areas. Another piece of evidence is the gorgeous 6-9 ft tall uzbek hash plant indica strains (of which I have two hehe). One of which is the Tashkenti from cannabiogen. I purchased some about 2-3 years ago and it stretches more indoors than my zamal!! But its 100% indica and makes wonderful hash. If you look at the structure of a true p1 afghan you see short height, short branches that stay close to the main stem, and a dense covering of resin covered wide leaves with little actual flower weight. All of these are adaptations that allow the plant to conserve water in dry air during drought and simultaneously use the sun to efficiently produce trichome. Since I don't believe that resin helps the plant deal with drought it just seems far fetched that the plants developed their resin producing ability simultaneous to adapting to such a terrible climate. The hi resin trait must have been developed separately then combined with the wild afghans. While the afghani does have the traits that matter for producing good hash I believe that the genes from the wild indicas that allowed them to survive the hellacious afghan drought eventually carried over to the hash plants out of neccessity for survival. So the afghan hash sativas probably either never existed or are something we've been overlooking for a while now depending on how you look at it (at least in my opinion). BTW It takes a lot of balls for me to disagree RC Clarke who says it actually was a sativa.


makes me think about how indicas and sativas got named again
Lineé and Vavilov somebody one should know for sure.
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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
G`day H

Another one to google ; Hashish by RC Clarke .
Lotsa anecdotes from Afghanistan .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


thanks elmar i have clarke on my shelf
but maybe lets get back to Iran again.

Ganja baba

Active member
G`day Hashash

No need to be a smarty .
No I don`t have NLD plants from Afghanistan in my cupboards .

Though Afghani nomenclature is particularly well documented . For at least 70 - 80 years .
If you were to take the time and read some of the information collected re .
You would be better informed and not make ignorant statements like show me your NLD in the cupboard ...

For a look at Iranian genes go look up Storm Shadows thread .
Fat leaves and skinny . All in the same batch .

You think the Hindu`s took all the NLD south with them ??

The Hash makers of Afghanistan came out of Yunnan / Xiangxing China . The cradle of cannabis .

Thanks for sharin

EB .
Has this been proven yet that China was the cradle of cannabis , and also if you can point me in the direction of any literature about this and the yunman making hash in Afghanistan .thanks man

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