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What about Iran?

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
It might be interesting to you guys that most darwishes here smoke hash. Hashish is a big deal here. It's really part of the religion for some ppl. There is a sub religion (ideology) under Islam called soofiesm it's heavily associated with traditional music and smoking and eating hash. The whole event goes something like this.
Before the event starts ( mostly in an old ancient buildings ) they make the food which is something like Russian boursh. It's like stew very watery with mix of beef, tomato, potato, beans,etc. even though it's ready to eat and cooked its still on top of very light fire made out of wood near the entrance. Every famous dervish that comes in throws a pice of hash in the pot if wee chooses to. The food pot is kinda covered with something like women sucks so the hash goes in the pot and stays there for a few hours and gives its oil to the food but at the end the take the suck out so there is no residue in the food. Afterveatingbthe food that talk about religion and then the fun part starts. Dervish play traditional Persian instruments and others do like a cartographer dance with it and after awhile they say they lose their selves to their master. And they have none of the feelings and emotions associated with this material world.well this part I have no experience with. I've just watched the whole event as a guest of honor since my dad was a well known musition in iran and also a dervish god rests his sole. Anyways I thought you stoners might find this event intresting.
I would also like to add that dervishes were historically beggars but they don't keep anything. They give it to the poor ppl. Dervish begs for money and food not cause he is poor but to know himself and then the higher power beyond him throu humiliation and love with are the only 2 possibilities when you ask for help from someone ( money, food, a helping hand, etc) the subject either provides the dervish his needs (love) or the dervish gets rejected or ignored (humiliated)
I might ve wrote too much non sense I was very stoned. Sorry if it is very un organized. I just wrote whatever came into my mind

G`day Lilomax

I appreciate you taking the time to describe your experiences .

@ Stormy
Hayedeh . She`s a big healthy girl ?

What`s the rules re women singing pop songs wearing dangly ear rings ? While over doing the seductive eye thing . lol .

Thanks for sharin

EB .


Well-known member
if I was you I'd def 'holiday' in iran... the garden spot of the world.. afterwards take a side trip to Afghanistan..
if they don't behead u in iran, they will def catch up with ya in affie...

send us some photo's...


Active member
It might be interesting to you guys that most darwishes here smoke hash. Hashish is a big deal here. It's really part of the religion for some ppl. There is a sub religion (ideology) under Islam called soofiesm it's heavily associated with traditional music and smoking and eating hash. The whole event goes something like this.
Before the event starts ( mostly in an old ancient buildings ) they make the food which is something like Russian boursh. It's like stew very watery with mix of beef, tomato, potato, beans,etc. even though it's ready to eat and cooked its still on top of very light fire made out of wood near the entrance. Every famous dervish that comes in throws a pice of hash in the pot if wee chooses to. The food pot is kinda covered with something like women sucks so the hash goes in the pot and stays there for a few hours and gives its oil to the food but at the end the take the suck out so there is no residue in the food. Afterveatingbthe food that talk about religion and then the fun part starts. Dervish play traditional Persian instruments and others do like a cartographer dance with it and after awhile they say they lose their selves to their master. And they have none of the feelings and emotions associated with this material world.well this part I have no experience with. I've just watched the whole event as a guest of honor since my dad was a well known musition in iran and also a dervish god rests his sole. Anyways I thought you stoners might find this event intresting.
I would also like to add that dervishes were historically beggars but they don't keep anything. They give it to the poor ppl. Dervish begs for money and food not cause he is poor but to know himself and then the higher power beyond him throu humiliation and love with are the only 2 possibilities when you ask for help from someone ( money, food, a helping hand, etc) the subject either provides the dervish his needs (love) or the dervish gets rejected or ignored (humiliated)
I might ve wrote too much non sense I was very stoned. Sorry if it is very un organized. I just wrote whatever came into my mind

I enjoy reading your posts too! I love hearing about your culture! I'm not really fond of the US cultures so hearing about yours is great!


Active member
I can't stop listening to this Iranian music! Hayedeh is a very good artist. May she rest in peace.


if they don't behead u in iran, they will def catch up with ya in affie...

send us some photo's...
That was awesome.lmao. It's very big if thou.
The only difference is if they kill you here it's stealthy and probably fast like a shot to the dead. And no one probably find out about you but in Afghanistan you will have long captivity and you will have your own show on tv! You won't be talking much during the show but in the final episode you ll be beheaded and you'll be famous. Billions of ppl gonna see you on TV. You will be more famous than you coul ever be if u lived 90 years. Hooooray TV time lol


For those of you not familiar with Sufism I'd suggest you check it out. Many parallels between the Muslim Sufi, the Hindu Sadhu, the Christian Ascetic and the Zen Buddhist.


Active member
I banged a couple of twin Iranian babes once an i tell you it was fucking amazing there HOT


I'm going to Iran in a few weeks.

Can anybody confirm the relaxed legal situation regarding hashish and weed? I can't find any official source and trip advisor are only saying that the Iran has harsh drug laws.

Is there any wild cannabis growing? In which regions could I find it?


Active member
Read this on Lonely Planet. Dont know if its correct or not but :
'Carrying the smallest amount of hashish can result in a minimum six-month jail sentence; don’t expect assistance from your embassy or a comfortable cell. Trafficking heroin or opium carries the death penalty'.


probably giving a baksheesh will help if you are in trouble in Iran but i think its important to have iranians friends if someone is planning to go to Iran to smoke cannabis. a muslim will easily travel in Iran, i never went to Iran but i really wish to, years ago i smoked opium with an old iranian immigrant in my country, i was so surprised he told me he brought back some small quantity of opium from Iran, i was young and found him crazy to do that but he was a very laid back man owner of an iranian restaurant and a very nice man, he returned to Iran few years after, too bad i did not keep contact with him. I think Iran is a great place to visit, american and israelian governments always say nasty things about Iran because they are afraid of the nations or people who resist to them but when you understand well what happens and what happened in the past in middle east or maghreb, you understand who really are the devils. i hope the iranians will help more the palestinians because the arabs abandon them and who knows how long the palestinians people could live with the nazi like israelian government and all their accomplices. anyway Iran should be a more chill country to visit now for strangers, at least we could say incha Allah.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Go crawl back under your rock you loser ... Your just a small minded moron...

Iranian Genetics are on another level... your just jealous you no access.. Denied Brain Washed Media Guppy :tiphat:
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Active member
Yeah Storm Shadow .I saw that post cant remember who it was by. Christ that was ignorant. What a thicko. :laughing:Has now been removed but now it looks like your havin a go at Gizmo.:). ...


Active member
anyone got any updates on legal situation of weed in Iran? cant find any reliable info on web. I hear theyve relaxed Visa regulations for certain countries but Brits and US citizens still need Visa.

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