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Weed Wars: New show on Discovery


I love my life
What on earth is wrong with regulation? It has to be regulated, just like alcohol. It is a simple fact that smoking harms a developing brain and therefore it is a communities responsibility to make sure it is not easily accessible for minors.

And for course it is going to be taxed, it is a high in demand consumer product, any high in demand consumer product will eventually get taxed one way or another.

I see two separate arguments. Your first argument seems to fall in on itself when you realize cannabis has been prohibited and therefore largely in the underground / unregulated economy If there really was a community responsibility to make sure cannabis is not easily accessible to minors, then almost every community in the USA is failing miserably because cannabis is more available to anyone who wishes to consume it then it has ever been. Because cannabis is everywhere and developing brains are battling the potential harm without the help of federal or local regulation; AND the population is not seeing ANY increase in cannabis related mental health issues, THEN regulation must NOT be NECESSARY for the health and welfare of the populace.

Your second statement about taxation rings true with mans nature. Perhaps you should drop the first part of your argument and state that cannabis will most likely end up regulated SO THAT the government can TAX (shake down producers and consumers) to the maximum revenue generation point.

So I'll half agree with you. Cannabis is always taxed one way or the other, the tax of prohibition is most likely higher than the tax born by producers and consumers under a regulated regime.

To answer your question: "What is wrong with regulation?"

ANSWER: The evils of regulation are normally waste (salaries to non producers), graft (bribes paid to non producers), and inefficiencies (individuals normally know best how to run their garden, not government prohibitionists now set to tax collection mode.)


joe fresh

Active member
the way i see it full on legalization is the way to go...even then you will see buisnesses sell it and they will get taxed

look at beer and wine, you can brew your own if you want, but pp who sell it get taxed, its normal
It is a simple fact that smoking harms a developing brain and therefore it is a communities responsibility to make sure it is not easily accessible for minors.

I seriously doubt it. Where did you get that idea? I mean I know it is fairly common even among smokers to think that but it's probably not good science. Why would cannabinoids be neuro-protective for adults but not children?


Humans are tough creatures, even young...but fuck man, theres some serious shit in cigs that makes the combustion of plant material look like vapourising rose petals..


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I seriously doubt it. Where did you get that idea? I mean I know it is fairly common even among smokers to think that but it's probably not good science. Why would cannabinoids be neuro-protective for adults but not children?

this documentary for one has some testing with rats and cannabis where they are considered adolescents, younger than 15 yrs of age. the negative effects are obvious...

BBC Cannabis: The Evil Weed?



Active member
I know I'm a bit late to the party but I finally saw the first three episodes of this show, and I wanted to weigh in because what I saw seems to be a lot different then I think a lot of people saw, based on the comments.

Overall I think it's a great show, well produced and edited, and it's representing the MMJ community in a positive light.

I read a lot of comments on here about how some of the folks on the show are dumb for one reason or another. Well, from my perspective, for my entire life I've been smarter than 99.xxx% of the people around me. I can't immediately disqualify a person for being dumb, because then I would hate everyone. And for years I did....but what I eventually learned is that every one of us has positive skills and perspectives to bring to the table, and it's just a matter of looking out for and nurturing those, and judge the person as a whole based on that, not based on some superficial crap like IQ or other deficiency.

The brother for example--people aren't giving this guy enough credit. He might be dumb in some ways, but in other ways (like PEOPLE skills) he appears to be pretty damn smart. I can just tell the dude's heart is in the right place. He is an asset to the team. And funny as fuck. I'd love to sit down and smoke a blunt with this guy.

The accountant isn't stupid. He's an *accountant*, who was asked to go in front of hardened politicians pretty much by himself, and somehow single handedly convince them not to go ahead with their consciously made plans to hurt this business. When does a typical accountant normally encounter such situations? Of course he failed. At least he fucking tried. He seems like a chill guy, and probably a great accountant.

Even the grower guy, who at first I disliked, turns out to be an OK dude in the end. He does seem a bit arrogant, and a bit of an attention whore, and maybe his actual experience/skills haven't caught up to where he thinks he is, or what he is capable of. I can't hate him though because he reminds me of myself too much. Oh, and he is a steroid user who did a cycle for the show, so you can't blame him for too much cockiness, lol. He will do just fine, and hopefully will learn a lesson the EASY way about keeping his mouth shut about details of his grow.

As far as Steve himself..... I've read comments here on the past about how this guy and his buddies are supposedly Italian mafia. After watching this show.....I don't believe that shit. I reserve final judgment til I meet somebody in person, and maybe some of the locals have seen a side to him the show didn't air. I don't know. Based on the show, I'd say he's a good guy at heart, and has the makings of a great leader. I can see why HHC is so successful. I don't see any malice in him or anyone else on the show for that matter, even the guy who stole from them. And I think the way Steve handled that situation was probably the best way to handle it, and reflects well on him as a leader.

The overall picture I'm seeing here is, and people across America are probably seeing as well....these are pretty much just normal folks trying to get through life while the government throws the book at them. Anyone who has worked in any kind of business run by amateurs trying to do a big thing can relate to things like the closet being stuffed full of boxes of paperwork they had to dig through to find documents. Then there was the whole softball team and the brother trying to build up some esprit de corp amongst the team. All of that is stuff people can relate to in their daily lives.

I'm really glad this show was made. I think it will do nothing but help our cause.

joe fresh

Active member
Personally i think when you have a bunch of hippies from the 60's who have not changed their immage since then, running a "medical" shop they dont like proffessional no matter how good and clean the shop looks. imo everyone there should look like they work at a pharmacy...


Active member
Yeah, I laughed at the mite thing too. Hey, it might actually work...IF you could get the CO2 concentration high enough, and keep it high enough. I doubt it would be something you could accomplish without difficulty though due to leakage, and obviously he failed. You gotta give the guy credit for experimenting though.

And about trying to clean the buds up to sell, the correct response would have been to make that shit into hash or BHO and sell that instead. Would have taken a hit on profit, but not rep....which is everything. Hey, young people make dumb decisions, and self-assured ones make even dumber ones....but they often reap greater rewards down the road, too.

joe, I wasn't sure what I'd think about the dress dude after reading the comments on here, but to me he's funny. He plays the strong silent type perfectly. It was like seeing your grandpa, in a dress.

People aren't going to be judging this show based on "professionalism." That's what some stoners are focusing on, trying to change ourselves to satisfy other people. Others like me feel like we should be proud of who we are, and when we expect to be accepted as we are, that's when we will be.

The people out there on the streets who watch this show out of a curiosity to find out about what this "medical marijuana" thing is all about, and who actually don't know to begin with, aren't going to be turned off by the fact that people are freaks and weirdos on the show. They're already EXPECTING that everyone is a freak and weirdo. Instead, they'll see the freaks and weirdos, yet be surprised to see they're actually quite normal, and even likeable. That's exactly why this show is such a good thing.

joe fresh

Active member
co2 to kill mites does work....you need the co2 ppm at 10000-20000 ppm for 1-2 hour, 3 times a day for one week...kills any bug you may have, but it is pricy and your room has to be sealed

ive done it, it works great


i thought i'd read that before about co2, also figured he wasn't giving enough, nor turning his vents off to saturate the room with it. but yeah if room isn't sealed it's not a good idea lol.


They're already EXPECTING that everyone is a freak and weirdo. Instead, they'll see the freaks and weirdos, yet be surprised to see they're actually quite normal, and even likeable. That's exactly why this show is such a good thing.

great point..we can only hope its true. i should ask my dad if he saw the show :laughing:
Yeah, I laughed at the mite thing too. Hey, it might actually work...IF you could get the CO2 concentration high enough, and keep it high enough. I doubt it would be something you could accomplish without difficulty though due to leakage, and obviously he failed. You gotta give the guy credit for experimenting though.

And about trying to clean the buds up to sell, the correct response would have been to make that shit into hash or BHO and sell that instead. Would have taken a hit on profit, but not rep....which is everything. Hey, young people make dumb decisions, and self-assured ones make even dumber ones....but they often reap greater rewards down the road, too.

joe, I wasn't sure what I'd think about the dress dude after reading the comments on here, but to me he's funny. He plays the strong silent type perfectly. It was like seeing your grandpa, in a dress.

People aren't going to be judging this show based on "professionalism." That's what some stoners are focusing on, trying to change ourselves to satisfy other people. Others like me feel like we should be proud of who we are, and when we expect to be accepted as we are, that's when we will be.

The people out there on the streets who watch this show out of a curiosity to find out about what this "medical marijuana" thing is all about, and who actually don't know to begin with, aren't going to be turned off by the fact that people are freaks and weirdos on the show. They're already EXPECTING that everyone is a freak and weirdo. Instead, they'll see the freaks and weirdos, yet be surprised to see they're actually quite normal, and even likeable. That's exactly why this show is such a good thing.

Bullshit. I am very professional in my day to day and most of the "stoners" I hang out with are as well. People who don't use need to understand that there are people out there who are exactly like them who choose to responsibly use marijuana for medicine or rec or whatever. Showing them a bunch of social misfits that smoke pot doesn't so anything for our cause!!! We really don't need to reach out to anyone who is already accepting of old men in dresses and bong hit inspiration for bow tie selection. I'm pretty sure all of those people are already cool with me smoking up!!!

This show did nothing for the legalization movement and nothing for promoting responsible use. Quite the opposite is true in most every respect. They did show a couple medical cases and the experimentation of a new smoker, and showed one little blurb about safe product. That all tolled doesn't make this show good for either the medical or rec legalization movements. Especially with the dickheads comments in the last minutes of the series. I love how he is being mentioned in articals as being a driving force for the treat mj like wine initiative. Such a hypocrite. He is just saying whatever he can to make sure he keeps lining his pockets.


ICMag Donor
Bullshit. I am very professional in my day to day and most of the "stoners" I hang out with are as well. People who don't use need to understand that there are people out there who are exactly like them who choose to responsibly use marijuana for medicine or rec or whatever. Showing them a bunch of social misfits that smoke pot doesn't so anything for our cause!!! We really don't need to reach out to anyone who is already accepting of old men in dresses and bong hit inspiration for bow tie selection. I'm pretty sure all of those people are already cool with me smoking up!!!

This show did nothing for the legalization movement and nothing for promoting responsible use. Quite the opposite is true in most every respect. They did show a couple medical cases and the experimentation of a new smoker, and showed one little blurb about safe product. That all tolled doesn't make this show good for either the medical or rec legalization movements. Especially with the dickheads comments in the last minutes of the series. I love how he is being mentioned in articals as being a driving force for the treat mj like wine initiative. Such a hypocrite. He is just saying whatever he can to make sure he keeps lining his pockets.

:yeahthats Well said Midnight Rudy!


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
RE> People aren't going to be judging this show based on "professionalism."

Uhh some are....it was on a downtown Santa Cuz bar's TV last week and everyone was totally laughing and making "comments" on the show, now this is more of a tourist type of bar but..it was obvious to me and my crew that it was looked on as a joke and I totally agreed with them as well.