^^^^^ that pick brings back horrible memories ......... nasty
hello 2 buck chuck...
specious you say?
no one is forced to walk into harbor side and pay exorbitant prices.
two buck chuck is readily available..
ignorant you say?
I suppose you like to think you have a point dagnabit, but I think you're too stoned to make it. Try again later.
Maybe you're a bit to slow to catch it?
Most others were sharp enough to understand...
But alas the world needs ditch diggers.
Your right,that sh#t is gross.Whoever sells stuff like that should be stoned.I dont mean they should get high,i mean people should throw rocks at them..Somewhere,a Tree is missing all its bark.That could be the ugliest weed ive seen in my twenty five years of smoking. Im sorry that shit like that still exist. Bet it gets you super ripped though.haha
Whats funny is I remember the days when there was good weed coming out of mexico...nice long spears of some good looking redhair'd bud...nice taste, none of this fermented shit-brick of today.
lol @ whoever said that they HHS was "going down" over 2.5 million in owed taxes. The same day the tax debt was reported it was also reported that HHS was on track to do 28 million in sales this year.
Seeing as how their tax debt is less that 10% of their annual sales, I am not so sure they are going down so soon. And now that the IRS has clarified for them exactly how to pay the feds their cut, they will probably comply and will not face audit again.