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Weed Wars: New show on Discovery

yea, little stevie was a bitch. i thought it seemed kind of scripted when stevie was blaming the vicodin for his thievery. maybe it wasn't scripted, but it was a lame way of showing how bad vicodin is. i feel like thats what they were trying to do.
they kind of use a lot of words with negative connotations. like when the brother is driving to the baseball game and is like "out entire team will be whacked out on edibles." whacked out? come on man, don't say whacked out. sounds like they're tripping on hallucinogens to someone who doesnt have any idea what a cannabis high is like.


Yea not the best show...the lady in the wheelchair was good, but that Steve guy was really bad!! The disp I work at has been ripped off twice, once by an employee and once by 2 guys breaking in and stealing everything, so it happens, but damn that guy was bad!!
Not sure why medicating before a softball game is bad, its about having fun, not always so serious.
Its slow as shit right now, its just that time of year, ppl have their outdoor harvest and dont need to buy from a dispensary. Doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that out hehehe
I hope it gets better!

Medicating and fun in the same sentence? Hmm.. i dunno about that. That's kind of what makes the whole "medical marijuana" scene look like a joke. The government says it has no medical value and it's a schedule 1 substance. I don't see how this whole medical marijuana thing can ever be taken seriously or have a chance to advance. In my opinion, the feds need to make it a schedule 2 substance before anything. Harborside is suppose to set a standard and be an example. Having "fun" by "medicating" before a company softball game is not setting a good example. There are just too many contradictions in the "medical marijuana" scene. I blame the government mostly. I know cannabis can seriously offer relief to truly ill patients but the majority of the country see it as a bunch of potheads having "fun" and getting "high". Not medicating. I also think the producers of this show are aggressively trying to convey this to the audience.


New member
Hmm... Interesting episode there... still have mixed feelings about the image in general.

High points of the show:
* The lady in the wheelchair who was anti-drug but found that cannabis helped relieve her pain. I was pretty much in the same boat until I injured my back taking care of a deaf/blind individual, and my back has never been the same. An acquaintance of mine said try this, and after a discussion that went on into the wee hours of the night I tried some... 6 hits later, no more pain in my back. I was rightly impressed.

* The softball team, the coach (the GM) figured that half of them would be ripped, but they played like they werent even on the edibles. They even won the game! Maybe they still took some but they toned it way down.

* The commitment to quality. I'm learning what to look for when I buy some bud, and I think everyone should too. You don't want your shit contaminated and end up wreaking havoc on your body, do you? Spider mites, very good point about handling contaminated plants then tracking it in the rest of the house. I've got to learn about mitigation (that is for another thread, or LOTS of reading of the Jorge Cervantes book...)

Now the bad:

* I would have fired the stealing employee PERMANENTLY. Get addicted on opiates and start stealing, you can't be trusted, ever.

* A lot of bud being rejected. That's unfortunate, but I think what I take from it is "it is what it is, it happens in the market, and the dispensary can't control it - the growers can and do try their best to control it, but still..." I would call this one a 50/50 good/bad but more so good because this ties into the commitment to quality.

* Strain selection. Was it just a fluke or did the employees forget to set out a decent selection that day or what? I have not that much information, so I can't quite comment on that.

On the past episodes, they made it seem like they got nothing but bumbling growers who bring in bunk product, but I know better. I think they wanted to dramatize on that point to make for catching shows. If you had all good growers and getting nothing but high-grade product that is free from mold, infections, infestations, etc, then would the show be not as dramatic?


at least they are telling the stories about the people who really get life changing help from using cannabis, so the editors can't be all bad. anyway why shouldn't they use cannabis when ever they feel the need, most if not all of them seem to be medical users. that's the whole point, this shows how people can live normal lives despite or thanks to cannabis. wish i could find the 5th part but seems it's not uploaded yet.

also interesting to see how the city council is rushing to get their hands on some of those profits being put back in to the community. even the irs is drooling at the idea of reducing their bottom line some more, lol.

Zen Master

they'd have more top shelf if they offered more to the vendors. Everyone is getting nickle and dimed and if you have the clientele that pay 50 an eighth all day you should be able to go 4+ for the best of the best.... but they dont.


Active member
Non profit my ass
Very bad. It will never be legalized. Thanks to Harbour side. They make it worst to the eye of the people.
It's all about image. When I got out of college I quickly realized that no one will take you seriously if you aren't dressed "for the occasion" and take yourself seriously. Please lose the bow tie and pigtails Steve and tell your sidekick to lose the dress. I'm sure you folks are amazing people, but this isn't about you, its about medical marijuana.


Registered Med User
Went to harborside yesterday. some cool people workin there, some not so cool. one dude helpin with the clones was cool, then this other little piece of shit comes on (short guy with a black hat) looked like he didnt want to be their at all. Take hella long to answer anything, acted like I was bothering him. Moved slow as fuck, looked like he just smoked a blunt of herijuana or somethin. kept forgetting what I was asking him to get down for me, I finally said fuck it, Ill jus take the couple cuts that took you 20 minutes to find on your own shelf. wasnt educated on shit. Its cool you work at a weed spot and smoke and all that but if you cant function you need your go get yo ass fired. Then I went and standed in line for about 25 minutes, when i get to the counter dude had an attitude too, like he didnt wanna show me shit. Bitch I got a pound of some shit thats killin yall shit at the house, Im jus tryina try some of that cbd shit. bought a gram, not going back.
P.S. If you want to make a show to document the business aspect of weed, please dont do wear pigtails and bowties, ole mad hatter lookin ass motherfucka. N get rid of your damn dragqueen associate. This is adding fuel to the fire... I can here it now ... "obviously these drugs got these guys turning into social misfits and fruitloops, do we want our kids growing up in a wold where this is OK??" ..... Bas business. Fuck Harborside. Garbage ass weed anyway, purple heart killin um, but these days fuck clubs period the way im fealin, still chargin 20 dollars a gram during a flood cuz they know they patients are old or sick and dont have connections on the street. I dont wish nothin bad on people, but if they got robbed Id laugh my ass off.
GET MO- hella right dude!
Make sure you heavily dip your cuttings in horticultural oil to kill any Mites. In the 2nd episode a worker in the clone department got a mite infestation at home. That Turd is probably dragging the BORG into work everyday on his clothing and contaminating thousands of cuts. Use you imagination to prepare for the worst.


Went to harborside yesterday. some cool people workin there, some not so cool. one dude helpin with the clones was cool, then this other little piece of shit comes on (short guy with a black hat) looked like he didnt want to be their at all. Take hella long to answer anything, acted like I was bothering him. Moved slow as fuck, looked like he just smoked a blunt of herijuana or somethin. kept forgetting what I was asking him to get down for me, I finally said fuck it, Ill jus take the couple cuts that took you 20 minutes to find on your own shelf. wasnt educated on shit. Its cool you work at a weed spot and smoke and all that but if you cant function you need your go get yo ass fired. Then I went and standed in line for about 25 minutes, when i get to the counter dude had an attitude too, like he didnt wanna show me shit. Bitch I got a pound of some shit thats killin yall shit at the house, Im jus tryina try some of that cbd shit. bought a gram, not going back.
P.S. If you want to make a show to document the business aspect of weed, please dont do wear pigtails and bowties, ole mad hatter lookin ass motherfucka. N get rid of your damn dragqueen associate. This is adding fuel to the fire... I can here it now ... "obviously these drugs got these guys turning into social misfits and fruitloops, do we want our kids growing up in a wold where this is OK??" ..... Bas business. Fuck Harborside. Garbage ass weed anyway, purple heart killin um, but these days fuck clubs period the way im fealin, still chargin 20 dollars a gram during a flood cuz they know they patients are old or sick and dont have connections on the street. I dont wish nothin bad on people, but if they got robbed Id laugh my ass off.
Sounds like a normal day at harborside.


Registered Med User
The best clubs Ive been too are: Purple heart in oakland, fruitridge wellness center in sac, northstar in sac, and I forgot the name but this place on auburn blvd in sac right by the freeway entrance across from the hospital with the hydroshop down below it(no clones but has the best meds of any club hands down). I cant stand those self rightous false sense of pride havin ass dispensaries like cannacare and harborside.
Innocenturd- I take precautions on mights and powdery no matter what the club. floramite and eagle 20 soon as I get um. never during or right before flower tho.


The cat that loves cannabis
yea, little stevie was a bitch. i thought it seemed kind of scripted when stevie was blaming the vicodin for his thievery. maybe it wasn't scripted, but it was a lame way of showing how bad vicodin is. i feel like thats what they were trying to do.
I've been thinking about the little stevie incident and I don't buy his i"m an addict, and this was my first theft crap.
Let me tell you why.

Many of us here are recovering hardcore drug addicts, and for those who aren't, they at least know one.
So tell me how many addicts steal $3000 and still have every penny of it to turn back over two weeks later????
None, that's how many.

An addict gets money, and they can't smoke, shoot, or pop it fast enough.
No way would they still have all of it two weeks later.

So either stevie made up the addict story to get sympathy from big steve, or that kid has been ripping them off seven ways to sunday for a long time now and finally got caught.
'Lead buyer" a smart thief could rape that position for thousands a month.

Funny how after they fire him their profit margin makes a huge jump.
If I was Big steve I would go back and audit every transaction that kid was ever involved in.


"big steve" is too busy taking 2 week vacations to mexico. Fool don't even show up at the tax meetings or whatever. He just puts the load on everyone else it seems.

Ground Up

The best clubs Ive been too are: Purple heart in oakland, fruitridge wellness center in sac, northstar in sac, and I forgot the name but this place on auburn blvd in sac right by the freeway entrance across from the hospital with the hydroshop down below it(no clones but has the best meds of any club hands down). I cant stand those self rightous false sense of pride havin ass dispensaries like cannacare and harborside.
Innocenturd- I take precautions on mights and powdery no matter what the club. floramite and eagle 20 soon as I get um. never during or right before flower tho.
For the win.... El camino wellness has ok meds.but clones go quick ,staff is top notch and there fast, and if you want to shoot the $hit for a while,they pull someone else up front and move you to the side ... real Deal...... there vend prices arent bad either!

Ground Up

Rivercity wellness on northgate changed owners, and has issues with the feds from previous owners... its an accident waiting to happen~!!!