Seems like a stretch.
A Mask is what I wear to paint, or sand,
The shit people wear on their faces is a strip of fabric generally cotton and it’s next to useless except as a hijab.
Isis is so proud.
So if i wear a mask, how does it hurt anyone else?
If you nonmaskers don't wear one and you are wrong, who is it gonna hurt?
So take your ignorant comments and snort them up your nostrils, i hear they are antibodies.
Ur welcome to try ur bestest to make me
Ur welcome to try ur bestest to make me
We need to all recognize the moo wood is the baddest man on the internet
Just ask him ?
Hey,,, if fanboi says so, i guess its so
So if Bruce Lee kicked your ass and put a mask on your unconscious face, you wouldn't take it off when you came to??
We need to all recognize the moo wood is the baddest man on the internet
Just ask him ?
Then get off your belly.
The machoism was killing me.