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We grow vegetable gardens too! Post your Garden pics here


Well-known member
Tayberries and some raspberries behind and on the right. Tayberries are a cross between a raspberry and a blackberry. It sounded neat years ago when I bought the plants but both straight raspberries and blackberries are better than this hybrid in my opinion. I wish I had planted something else like Marionberries or more raspberries. Now I can't bring myself to tear them out.


The blueberries are doing good. They went on a growth spurt from much better light after I cut down the disease ridden peach tree that I had been trying to save for years. It just got decimated with peach leaf curl. I sprayed everything you could throw at it to no avail. I finally broke out the ladder and the saw. All that's left is the trunk which I'm going to hang a couple bird feeders from

They need a good trimming. I didn't get to it at the right time this year so had to be postponed until next year..



Well-known member
Picked about a gallon of peas this morning from one of the spots I planted them in. This spot is done. Gonna give a couple days for the stragglers then rip them out and plant something else. We had a couple 90 degree days that finished them off. I have a couple spots where I started some later and the heat didn't affect the younger plants. Now that we're cooling off and will be in the mid 70°f range for awhile those should make it to harvest before it heats back up again.

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I grow lettuce in small nursery pots of coco off the ground. It keeps the slugs and many other pests away. It keeps the lettuce clean except for a few needles that fall from the fir trees in the back.

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Potatoes The tall ones are Yukon gold and the shorter ones are russets. The russets were store bought potatoes that sprouted and the Yukon's are from seed potato I bought at a nursery and were planted quite a bit after the russets. They sure grew fast. I carefully dug around next to one of the russets and found some decent sized potatoes. But they have awhile to go unless I dig some baby potatoes which I just might do.

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Pole beans I call this my Bean Machine.

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Bush beans, rutabagas, beets, and cilantro. The beets are getting buried by the beans. I planted things much too close. I let the cilantro go to seed each year and harvest the coriander seeds for culinary purposes.

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That is a well tended garden. Great job.


Well-known member
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the plant in the center of the photo. I would like to correct the problem. I am not familiar with growing bulbs, someone gave my wife a couple of bulbs.

The solar light you see in the photo does not come on because the yard light at night is too bright.


Well-known member
What species of plant is it?
My wife told she thinks it's a lily but I have no idea. She was visiting a friend and one of their neighbors asked if she would like a couple of bulbs, that's all I know. I don't usually have problems in my garden, however, I have never grown a plant from a bulb. So I am at a loss for a correction.