Yeah good ideas cc,organic buds and biosynthesis i always wanted to try that trick burying the fish in the soil ever since i heard that tale of the indians doing it. I might just wait until I'm able to make enough compost for the veggie patch so I don't have to worry about wasting store bought and water it with plain tap and see what happens because I know if I have to do a ritual to water the veggies everytime I will eventually just get tired of it and just say screw it. But with making teas I wouldn't mind going out of the way to get the water cleaner..
ahaha--back in the old days in WV we used to bury pineapples and berries in the soil where our ganja plants grew--
BIO- that garden's a beauty--very nice black loamy soil to--i think all the farm animal poop helps alot-- wish mine looked that good--
TC--very nice beds, looks great to--you've been busy--do you make/can salsa?
avid veggie gardener and canner here to--got mine in 2 weeks ago--finally got about a 6'' to 8'' of loamy soil after 3 yrs. of working this red clay to death--also have fruit trees, berry bushes and concord and green table grapes
i use tap water here and have used spring water at my old farm in WV, i notice no difference-- i honestly believe with an outdoor garden the rainwater can be as bad as tap water-- the real key is having black rich soft loamy soil--
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