ilife said:Using any bag filteration system bigger than 32 gallons is almost impossible. For any of you that have pulled up the 73um bag in a 32 gallon bag filteration system have already learned this, for it is almost impossible to pull up by yourself or with a friend. Stick with the household washing machine, 220um zipper bags, and a good 32 gallon bag filteration system, preferably an improved system such as Payload bags. The adding of the screen to the bottom sides of the filteration bags really makes for a quicker, easier, filtering system.
The less time your trichomes are the water, the stronger the flavor is.
Good post and totally agree. It is almost impossible to lift, but with a few guys. I think the washer machine is the way to go myself. I'll be giving it a try later on. Those screen zipper bags make life alot easier. To bad Mila dosen't have them listed on her site, or i just didn't see them.
Good post and take care all,