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mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You can call me whatever you want.

You also talk out of both sides of your mouth about genocide.

You lament genocide and call for death to Israel.

You are just caught up in hypocrisy and it's exciting for you.

There's no solutions other than more death from you.


Well-known member
You also talk out of both sides of your mouth about genocide.
umm no, i follow the legal definition of genocide as outlined by international law

You lament genocide and call for death to Israel.
Israel is a country. Countries aren't alive. Disbanding a country that's committing every crime in the book, including genocide, is itself NOT a genocidal act.

You are just caught up in hypocrisy and it's exciting for you.
This is like living during the holocaust, viewing the pictures, exclaiming death to nazis and someone like you responds with this.

There's no solutions other than more death from you.
How many times have we gone over this. The US and Israel are blocking all solutions as admitted by them! That isn't my interpretation, it's straight up what the US and Israel are saying.

Under international law, a group of people who are under the occupation of a foreign military has every right to defend themselves.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
umm no, i follow the legal definition of genocide as outlined by international law

Israel is a country. Countries aren't alive. Disbanding a country that's committing every crime in the book, including genocide, is itself NOT a genocidal act.

You were saying that the guilty people needed put to death, and when I asked about civilians you said that there were no innocent civilians in Israel.

This is like living during the holocaust, viewing the pictures, exclaiming death to nazis and someone like you responds with this.

It is terrifying to see people call for death of others.

Especially hypocritically.

How many times have we gone over this. The US and Israel are blocking all solutions as admitted by them! That isn't my interpretation, it's straight up what the US and Israel are saying.

There are literally no solutions. Either side will not stop. I was hoping for a ceasefire and a two state solution. You have previously mentioned that you don't want to see a two state solution.

I think Israel burning is your only accepted end to any of this continuing violence.

Under international law, a group of people who are under the occupation of a foreign military has every right to defend themselves.

It's also not okay to kill innocent people because you want to kidnap them to attempt a positive change.

The entire quagmire is a shit show and nobody is in need of high fives or veneration.

It's all terrorism and bloodthirsty hatred.

It's got you sucked all the way in, and I'm rather sad about that.


Well-known member
You were saying that the guilty people needed put to death,
correct. they should be put on trial at the hague and hung if guilty. biden administration and american media included.
and when I asked about civilians you said that there were no innocent civilians in Israel.
on many levels i think this. not just post-oct7. to live in israel means you're okay with ethnic cleansing and breaking international law and stealing land and killing people for land.

It is terrifying to see people call for death of others.
people who commit genocide are criminals against humanity of the highest order and should die. i don't find that to be a terrifying statement whatsoever.

There are literally no solutions. Either side will not stop.
stop falsely equating this to some 4 thousand year old holy war, no real academic or scholar on this subject does this, only zionist media propagandists who want to equate the goals of zionism as the goals of judaism, they are not the same.

I was hoping for a ceasefire and a two state solution.
You can hope all you want. It's not going to happen. This is a land grab. Expansionist colonies require more land to house the growing population. this is why they also went into lebanon and took a piece of syria that is 6x the size of gaza.

You have previously mentioned that you don't want to see a two state solution.
i once believed that was the best solution lmao until i began reading the scholars who've dedicated their lives to this subject. take Ilan Pappe for example who was one of the people who convinced me on a one state solution, you should go read what he wrote or find a video where he explains his position.

how would a two state solution even work? israel has said they wouldn't stop the occupation of palestinians even after a solution has been met. right there that by definition means palestine wouldn't be an independent state.

then factor that in with the increase and expansion of the illegal jewish settlements that extend into the west bank and now they are talking about settling gaza as soon as possible.

israel needs to be de-zionized just like germany needed to be de-nazified. all racial and ethnic supremacy dissolved. there needs to be a secular inclusive state for all involved parties like how it was before 1948. otherwise none of the injustices will ever be addressed and this shit will continue.

I think Israel burning is your only accepted end to any of this continuing violence.
Fake countries that depend on stealing land and killing the native inhabitants to continue it's existence, do not deserve to exist. The lives of zionists do not outweigh the lives of the people who were living there.

It's also not okay to kill innocent people because you want to kidnap them to attempt a positive change.
i've already said hamas has comitted acts of terrorism. hell, hamas has admitted it as well and has requested to be subjected to international law and reprimanded for their crimes.

either way that doesnt change much for me though. hold multiple generations against their will while you inflict all sorts of horrors on them will eventually lead to stuff like oct 7.

The entire quagmire is a shit show and nobody is in need of high fives or veneration.

It's all terrorism and bloodthirsty hatred.

It's got you sucked all the way in, and I'm rather sad about that.
palestine has a right to defend itself
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Well-known member
They are both far too indoctrinated for peace.
i would hope that nearly everyone is morally behind peace, but there's a hell of a lot of money in conflict, and it's easy work if you can keep from dying personally, and sleep at night knowiung you are aidind/abetting/profitting from such suffering. apparently, lots of folks sleep quite well. superior capabilities of denial/indifference is my best guess. or malevolence...


Well-known member
peace has no chance as long as israel continues to exist
so you advise more violence. okay. do you think the peoples of Israel are just going to surrender and say "we give up. scatter our seed to the 4 corners of the earth again" or "fuck you, come and take it!" they do have nuclear weapons you know. they aren't going anywhere.


Well-known member
israel hates palestinians because they are fascists racists apartheid settler colonialist jewish supremacists that want the ground the palestinians walk on.

palestinians hate israelis because they ethnically cleansed their grandparents and locked them in gaza under military occupation and blockade for their entire lives while periodically coming in and shooting children in the face.

this isn't really hard to understand.

if china invaded my state and killed a million people, then locked millions of us away and built a wall to keep us in, i think the hate against the people who did this to me is warranted.

stop acting like this is some two sided blame game. without the occupation of palestine by the zionist jews and their western powers backing them, none of this would be happening. or do you think that if zionists never took over palestine that the palestinians and arab community in general would still hate them? for simply being jewish?


Well-known member
so you advise more violence. okay. do you think the peoples of Israel are just going to surrender and say "we give up. scatter our seed to the 4 corners of the earth again" or "fuck you, come and take it!" they do have nuclear weapons you know. they aren't going anywhere.
of course not. the international community must step in and force this to happen by arresting the culprits and putting them on trial at the hague for starters. and if it comes to it, use military force.

cut israel off completely from all international aid, weaponry, money, military asssistance, etc.


Well-known member
of course not. the international community must step in and force this to happen by arresting the culprits and putting them on trial at the hague for starters. and if it comes to it, use military force.

cut israel off completely from all international aid, weaponry, money, military asssistance, etc.
"of course not" and then "use military force". :rolleyes: VERY consistent. "arrest the culprits" LOL! so we'll just ignore the fact that they will tell you to fuck off and go nuclear if about to be overrun? they'll nuke themselves and everyone around before they'll surrender IMHO. read up on Masada. would you/do you support a nuclear first-strike on Israel to prevent Palestinian deaths? and "arrest" Nuttinyahoo? just curious... we tried to "isolate" Japan in the Pacific for forever (they didn't have nukes). anyone here recall how many GIs died to put that little brush fire out? it had to be done, once begun, but know what you are advising.


Well-known member
"of course not" and then "use military force". :rolleyes: VERY consistent. "arrest the culprits" LOL! so we'll just ignore the fact that they will tell you to fuck off and go nuclear if about to be overrun? they'll nuke themselves and everyone around before they'll surrender IMHO. read up on Masada. would you/do you support a nuclear first-strike on Israel to prevent Palestinian deaths? and "arrest" Nuttinyahoo? just curious... we tried to "isolate" Japan in the Pacific for forever (they didn't have nukes). anyone here recall how many GIs died to put that little brush fire out? it had to be done, once begun, but know what you are advising.
the of course not was more so directed towards the "do u think israel will just surrender".

without the US, UK and Germany financing this genocide, israel would collapse. arrest these european governments, put arrest warrants on them just like was done to netanyahu and his govt. again, something needs to be done. and if they block all diplomatic and peaceful methods to do so, then i see no other way of stopping this conflict than by eliminating the people doing it.

im not in favor of nukes being used by anyone, ever.

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