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Corpselover Fat

Active member

Russia Overtakes Saudi Arabia To Become China’s Top Oil Supplier

  • Russia overtook China to become the top supplier of oil to China in January and February, with imports of Russian crude hitting to 1.94 million bpd.
  • Chinese imports of Russian oil jumped by 23.8% year-over-year as the country took advantage of Russia’s discounted crude.
  • For the full-year 2022, Saudi Arabia was China’s top crude oil supplier – ahead of Russia – with shipments averaging 1.75 million bpd.

Duh. Of course, because they have sell oil for so cheap. India and China are bleeding Russia dry.


Well-known member
@greyfader your better version of the West teaches me that you'are probably wrong gay and wrong bearded? Fashion psychologic victim right? By hoping you are not pedophile or zoo ouhouhou! I can offer you Free Lambsbread to cure.

Me i'm proto West, wild wild West that hate my mother and father, white man friend with wolf, yellow red black people far of racism and I'm not afraid of anything except myself in the face of injustice, i born to die and hard to kill, big artist. Peace

well, thank you for the reply!

i know english is not your first language but maybe you could help me out a little bit by clarifying some of your points.

first, if you think i'm gay, i will say, i have never had sex that way, and that's the way it will stay.

men don't have enough tits and ass for me.

but you seem to be sort of hung up on the subject. this is not the first time you have brought this up.

homophobia? only insecure men are homophobic. real men know what they are and are not worried about it.

i am very happily married to a beautiful, intelligent woman. 26 years of real true love and compassionate caring. my wife is a hero. i would die for her.

i don't think you are gay but i do wonder why you have been living alone all these years.

it's ok to be asexual. sex is not for everybody. you have plenty of company in the army of the unlaid.

i'm not a pedophile either. i think the welfare of children is the shared responsibility of all adults.

i would protect any child in danger. i have five of my own. not with my current wife. but from earlier relationships.

i was a rolling stone, wherever i laid my hat was my home.

i will take you up on that offer for the lambsbread. my first experiences with it were in jamaica 40 years ago.

by the way, i'm 72, how old are you?

please notice that i have responded point by point here just so that you know who you are talking to.

i'm a little confused about the term "proto west, wild, wild west that hate my mother and father."

could you please explain this?

it sounds as if you are saying you are a native american. if so, we have something in common.

what tribes are you descended from?

my heritage is cherokee and choctaw on the native American side, and scotch-irish on the other.

but, i don't think you are a native american. i've read all your threads and have come to the conclusion that you are probably Romani of east indian ancestry. living in france.

that would explain both your love of russia and your hatred of nazi's. the nazi's really persecuted gypsies in ww2. i think they killed 1.5 million of them in europe.

i'm not too fond of either russians or nazi's because i believe in democracy.

do you believe in democracy?

and you are a big artist, too? what art do you pursue?

you come across as a hip, mellow dude full of love in your cannabis threads.

but here, on this thread, i'm seeing an angry, frustrated person that has trouble expressing himself.

why don't you and i make a pact to honestly try to understand one another?

this is a cannabis site and i have a relationship with cannabis going back to 1965.

how long have you been involved with cannabis?

it could be therapeutic for us.


Well-known member
Why all those space between your sentences ? To amplify the void that corresponds to your existence and to appear falsely larger than you are? Classic common rican bullshit empty of knowledge of human history and geography, your part of Amerindian and Irish convict heritage just cry but hey that's karma well done for you and yours. My Breizh and proto Celtic Hyperborean culture is thousands years older, that permit myself to well select, improve and understand what is cannabis. diametrically opposed to your grow full of fake weed that get you down and stupid instead of get you high and aware. You are all for the most part a gaping and stinking wound for humanity and cannabis and hopefully your days of existence are now counted faster and faster, for the good of the whole world.

Aha and you wish more teaching from me lol just read the forum, in one day i can work more than you can in a week so why i would explain what is art for a little man, be satisfied with the initiation for children i give which is your starting point. Age means nothing and around me i teach and educate kids and ancient with the same art of living, and if there is no common sense and discernment on their part I instantly disappear.
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Well-known member
(And knowing that iam sex symbol lol all the women who seem inaccessible to you fall in love with me, that why iam alone to give some love them all. I think to meet my wife and her girlfriends at my 50 so i have 5 more years left before being star and pollinate the world with my regular seeds and my regular blood dna safe of covid zombie injection) :cool:
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Well-known member

Eurofolie: 27 decide to send a million shells to Ukraine​


For The Opinion, the euroliberal daily newspaper, these shells are « proof of European success ». For us, who are neither Europeanists nor liberals, it is the guarantee that we will take Russian shells in return. One wonders if the 27 heads of state, meeting for the occasion on March 16 and 17, 2023 in Brussels, are aware of what they are doing behind the backs of the people they are supposed to represent, and above all defend.


We note, at the top left of this capture, the unusual expression « Power up ». While this is a suicidal alignment with the positions of the Empire, which leads Europe to ruin – at least economic – for its sole interest. The details of this large shell order leave you speechless, but the statement by European Commissioner Thierry Breton is beyond comprehension :

The Internal Market Commissioner, Thierry Breton, rightly presented, in early March, a plan to boost the European military industry, by attracting more private investment with the help of the European Investment Bank. For him, we have to go to « the war economy ». Since then, he has embarked on a tour of European arms factories: Bulgaria, France ( at Nexter and MEDA, in Bourges ), Czech Republic, Slovakia… Its services have mapped the continent’s ammunition production capacities, spread across 11 countries and around 15 factories.
It is, still behind the backs of the people, a gradual entry into war, but under the acronym of « peace ». You must dare to write that these arms purchases will be partially reimbursed ( at 60% ) by « the European Peace Facility ». Peace is therefore war. Welcome to Orwell.

Here we are, homeopathically, in a confrontation with Russia. It's official, it goes through elements of language democratists, humanitarian, but that prepares us for the Third.

Outside the EU, the British offer Ukrainians depleted uranium perforating shells, which Iraqis after 2003 tasted of collateral damage. Russia reacted quickly :

The representative of the Russian Federation at the OSCE forum in Vienna, Konstantin Gavrilov, said Moscow would consider supplying shells with depleted uranium cores to Ukraine as « the use of dirty nuclear bombs ». ( Source : Twitter)
In the very agitated register, there is Poland: its representatives multiply dangerous declarations. Polish Ambassador to France Jan Emerik Rosciszewski said on LCI :

« Either today Ukraine will defend its independence, otherwise, in any event, we will be forced to enter this conflict... »
Ambassador of Poland to France Jan Emeric Rostiszewski :
"Either Ukraine will defend its independence today, or we will be forced to enter this conflict.
Because our fundamental values, which were the basis of our civilization, of our culture, will be in… pic.twitter.com/3kc7ui0y6a
— Brainless Partisans ( @BPartisans ) March 19, 2023

Proposals immediately denied by the embassy itself, which argues that the media interpreted the words of ambassador « out of context »...

In France, Macron wants to reactivate the national service for young people in 2024, but the latter, more and more numerous and taken up the streets, don't seem to want to die for Zelensky, let alone for Macron.

The collaboration between France and Ukraine is not only military, it is also safe : our glorious gendarmerie has been forming ( since 2017 under the direction of the Minister of the Interior Gérard Collomb ) elements of the Ukrainian National Guard... Some « graduates » may even be recruited in France. It is recalled that this guard has Nazis from the Azov movements and the National Corps in its ranks. Those who would see there a risk of rising FDO violence against the demonstrators are only vile conspirators...

The French are not all candidates for the Europeanist slaughterhouse
( longer version here)​

Thousands of Parisians participated in the anti-war march demanding the resignation of the French government. According to local media, a march against arms deliveries to Ukraine and for the withdrawal from NATO takes place in the city center.
People chant… https://t.co/htdjfqueZC pic.twitter.com/4FnbVpYIDc
— Brainless Partisans ( @BPartisans ) March 18, 2023



Active member
the nazi's really persecuted gypsies in ww2. i think they killed 1.5 million of them in europe.

i'm not too fond of either russians or nazi's because i believe in democracy.

do you believe in democracy?
I thought it was 6 million. Anyway, you are not too fond of Nazi’s yet you support them because they are US proxies in war with Russia and you are a russophobe. Now about democracy, one would have to be an imbecill to believe in it since what is implied as being a rule of the people by the people is, in fact, the rule of capital and financial oligarchy for whom the people do not matter.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Why all those space between your sentences ? To amplify the void that corresponds to your existence and to appear falsely larger than you are? Classic common rican bullshit empty of knowledge of human history and geography, your part of Amerindian and Irish convict heritage just cry but hey that's karma well done for you and yours. My Breizh and proto Celtic Hyperborean culture is thousands years older, that permit myself to well select, improve and understand what is cannabis. diametrically opposed to your grow full of fake weed that get you down and stupid instead of get you high and aware. You are all for the most part a gaping and stinking wound for humanity and cannabis and hopefully your days of existence are now counted faster and faster, for the good of the whole world.

Aha and you wish more teaching from me lol just read the forum, in one day i can work more than you can in a week so why i would explain what is art for a little man, be satisfied with the initiation for children i give which is your starting point. Age means nothing and around me i teach and educate kids and ancient with the same art of living, and if there is no common sense and discernment on their part I instantly disappear.
Oy vey or even oy oy.

Corpselover Fat

Active member
"Prigozhin stated that Russia is fighting “exclusively with Ukrainians” who are equipped with NATO-provided equipment and some “russophobic” mercenaries who voluntarily support Ukraine - but not NATO itself.[3] Prigozhin also noted that Russian officials most likely knew that NATO would offer Ukraine military aid, because “it is ridiculous to think that when [Russia] decided to conduct this special military operation it did not account for NATO’s help to Ukraine.” Prigozhin noted that he is unsure about the “denazification” objectives in Ukraine, because he does not know if there are “Nazis” in Ukraine. Prigozhin also noted that Russia will ”demilitarize” Ukraine only when all of the Ukrainian military is destroyed, claiming that this effort is ongoing, but that it is unclear if it will be successful. Prigozhin stated that Russia can avoid an exhausting protracted war by deciding now which borders it wants to capture. Prigozhin also called on the Russian military and media to stop underestimating Ukrainian forces and engaging in internal conflicts. Prigozhin effectively rejected the Kremlin’s pre-war and post-war claims that Russia needed to defend itself against a NATO threat in Ukraine and undermined the necessity and probability of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s stated maximalist objectives for this invasion."


Well-known member
@Roms first, thank you for your honest and sincere opinions!

"Why all those space between your sentences ? " to help you discern individual ideas, of course. i try to be considerate.

"empty of knowledge of human history and geography" well, it appears that you are the one who doesn't understand Celtic history as ireland is one of the major sites of ancient celtic people.

The Celts first arrived in Ireland about 500 BC, there is no reliable information on how or when the Celts became the dominant Irish ethnic group. It is thought that the Celts arrived gradually, spreading slowly across the country, a process that could have taken several hundred years.

so, it looks like you and i, my brother, share celtic genes.

and, are you saying that the native american cultures are not thousands of years old? if so, maybe a basic anthropology course would be of help to you.

and somehow, your genetic and cultural background makes you a master of cannabis, in all regards?

are you claiming that your knowledge of cannabis is genetically imprinted in you but not others?

if this is your approach to cannabis genetics it must mean you think you have magical, godlike powers.

you know what a shrink is? and why they call them shrinks?

"the initiation for children" now i'm wondering what you initiate children into?

so, you are 45 years old! wow, while i have a 57 year relationship with cannabis, hash, lsd, shrooms, and peyote and have been growing and studying for 26 years, you assume you have more acquired knowledge.

based on what? and for you to have even 26 years of experience you would have had to start at the age of 19.

you may have but i doubt it.

your plants really don't look all that healthy to me. i can help you with that.

when does a pollen chucker become a great artist? when he believes it in his own mind. you will never find a truly great artist who has to tell others how great they are.

"And knowing that iam sex symbol lol all the women who seem inaccessible to you fall in love with me, that why iam alone to give some love them all. I think to meet my wife and her girlfriends at my 50 so i have 5 more years left before being star and pollinate the world with my regular seeds and my regular blood dna safe of covid zombie injection) :cool:"

this one deserves a special reply all by itself because there is so much unsaid between the lines. it's the over-compensation that gives you away.

am i detecting a pent-up rage because women don't find you attractive? a 45 year old man living alone is a little bit strange and rather un-natural, don't you think?

if you are all that then i am a geriatric porn star.

Corpselover Fat

Active member
Be infantry on an open field attacking trenches. Be infantry on an open field attacking trenches under mortar fire. Be wounded infantry on an open field attacking trenches under mortar fire. Be dead infantry.


The fuck is wrong with their commanders?



Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor

That is a good plan for the rooskies. After the MQ-9 was lost, the Americans moved some F-35s close by. The F-35 should have been escorting the b-52s, and then the radar and thermal signatures of the F-35can be measured and mapped.

Those SU-27s are carrying powerful missiles. The Black Sea is not crawling with rescue means if the B-52 is attacked.

Biden is gonna drag the world into a war because the bunch running him don't like that the rest of the world is flipping them the bird.

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