what is the process for regrowing a plant that i have harvested. is it possible and will i get the same results
hi there I have a question
when re-potting in veg and the light cycle is on 20/4 or 18/6
do you have to leave the light off for 24 hours and then start the light cycle again
And another one, when re-potting is it better to water after 24 hours or water a little when re-potted?
what is the process for regrowing a plant that i have harvested. is it possible and will i get the same results
The soil I was thinking about using hasn't been used to grow anything, it's just been sitting in a bag in my garage for a while.
I didn't feed my plants anything during my last grow (also my first grow). This time I'm going to feed (organic), although I was blown away by the quality of the buds grown in ocean forest without any ferts, looking for a bigger yield this time. I will find some dolomite lime and get a fresh bag of soil, thanks.
Weezard, I don't really think you can make the blanket statement that "most" water treatment facilities use Chloromine instead of chlorine. Some of them do today, but from what I understand those are the vast minority in the US.
Anyone can call their water supplier and ask about what they use to treat the water. They will tell you if they use chloromines or not.
If they do, I would suggest not using that water at all for growing weed. There are a couple of threads around here that will explain the harms of chloromine.
To rid water of chlorine immediately, introduce 30ml of 3% H2O2 to the water, and feed as needed with no worry about chlorine being present. The solution will also enhance the plants growing and health.
Yes, Gold123, I should have put in the "per gal".
Weezard, you know there are even websites dedicated to lobbying against the use of chloramines in water systems.
Quite right, I've read 'em. The key word there is "lobbying"
They actually had me worried about the tap water here.
That's why I set up a few hands-on experiments.
What I found was, Chloramine in the water rooted cuttings faster.
Furthermore, plants watered with r/o, distilled, or rainwater were less lush and heathy than plants watered with tap water containing Chloramines.
Mind you, this is in coco, not in soil.
I don't actually know how it affects the friendly microbial life.
Ainokea, I don't use soil anymore
Many things seem to be happening to the customers according to these sites, including chronic skin rashes.
I Suggest that you "follow the money" and see who is trying to drum up fear to sell filters.
I did, it was enlightening
But of course the EPA touts chloramine as completely safe and that these customers complaints are unfounded.
I disagree.
Please go to their site and actually read it before you tell me what it says, yah?
Read the disadvantages paragraph.
Nothing is perfect and they admit to that.
But, the EPA is NOT trying to sell me an R/O filter.
The EPA is like that...they advocate anything and everything that THEY have a hand in, no matter the truth of the matter.
And on what, do you base that statement?
Using the EPA for a reference and a few anecdotes hardly sets us up with the best info, IME.
Again, I disagree.
They are a better source than "the guy at the hydro shop".
And if ya don't care for anecdotes, how about you give us some facts, and CITE references please.
And side by side A/B experiments are not anecdotes.
I, like you, want PROOF!
Especially when someone is trying to scare me with BS so they can pick my pocket.
I say that because R/O filters do not remove chloramine
There are threads in here that identified tap water with chloramine as the culprit of poor plant health. And I remember seeing reports folks were bringing back from their water supplier.
I'll post my water chemistry if you like.
It gives exact concentrations of the Halomethanes. (breakdown products of Chloramine) and I use it to decide how to amend my feeding.
And to find out if your water source is using chloramine, simply call them up and ask.
No need here, they send a yearly report and it is very thorough
I don't think I want to take the word of something I just read on the internet by someone that hasn't any verified credentials, save for age and a couple of anecdotes. Right?
Do not believe most of what you read.
Test it for yourself. I do.
Then you will actually know something first hand
"Something I read." and "I remember seeing."are not first hand knowledge.
Oh and, if you do let water outgas for 24 hours, it probably hasn't went stale yet...but simply pouring into another container will revive it's oxygen content to a decent level, even if it were void of oxygen.
I disagree.
What I have actually measured tells me that 8 hours is more than enough time for water to go "flat" and one pour is not sufficient to re-aerate.
And leaving it sit for 24, or 48 hours will not affect the Chloramine content any more than sitting in your pipes does.
That's one reason why the water companies switched to it for their secondary treatment, it's durable .
Adding an ounce (30ml) to a gallon of tap water will rid any chlorine that exists, and will increase the oxygen level immediately.
If that refers to H2O2, you are mistaken.
Hydrogen Peroxide might not hurt your girls and might even be beneficial, (I have not done a comparison test with it yet), but it will NOT remove or de-activate Chloramine, or Chlorine gas.
If you do not agree, please site your reliable references.
I use Linda Chalker-Scott for reference.
Absolute best pro advice on the net, so far.
Google her, you'll be glad you did.
*I am curious what you meant by "Certainly not you"?
wooooot wooooot don't have a Q right now but saw hemp is still responding after 3 almost 4 years of creating this thread sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much karma too ya bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanx alot hempkat for the advice. I have been getting advice from a friend who has been growing for 10+ years and a very good grower, producing great results and amazing bud. many thanx for all his help, but i have been doing a lot of my own research and beginning to develop my own style and technics. i seeing some nice results to.
So big thank you to this thread and the advice everyone gives.
Heya, have another question:
Why do some people clip the ends of the fan leaves when taking cuttings for rooting (or even new seedlings)?
Heya, have another question:
Why do some people clip the ends of the fan leaves when taking cuttings for rooting (or even new seedlings)?