AGRO Green
Foarte frumoase . ce setup ai folosit? si ce linie de nutrienti?
1 :X
1 :X
Foarte frumoase . ce setup ai folosit? si ce linie de nutrienti?
1 :X
Very nice plants man... that Highland Thai looks great! I hope he transmits good genes and characteristics to their children!! Oaxaca X Highland Thai sounds amazing too!
Those hairy-ass mexican balls lol!!- one Highland Thai pussy getting ready for those mexican balls
se mai gasesc seminte deastea!!!
ca din cate imi amintesc cica au fost putine?
sau confund?
si cateva imagini tot de la Namkha:I smoked a few buds with a friend of a friend who grows the local highland Thai strains in the area - had only been curing for about a week, but very well grown... smelled distinctly similar to the Wrigley's Juicyfruit I used to chew as a kid, but obviously more going on than just that... to my nose it belonged in the same carroty mango end of the spectrum, and by geographical association in my mind it as part of the Greater Himalayan drug strain genepool
the high was very bright, open and clear - very up and heady... this wasn't a proper sampling though... I'd already spent the first half of the day blazing a really heavy Lao strain which had that kind of wrecked psychedelic stupour effect that many SEAsian ganja strains have... but the effect of that particular Highland Thai this guy was growing cut right through that...
Those hairy-ass mexican balls lol!!
Credeti sau nu eu am cumparat ultimul pachet de pe site-ul lor anul trecut, am platit pentru 12 si-am primit vreo 30 dar rata de germinare o fost destul de redusa insa am avut noroc de doi masculi (se gasesc destul de rar) si o sa reproduc linia cu 4 femele... e un landrace originar din muntii Shan, nordul Thailandei la frontiera cu Burma...