Applying your logic to our current situation:No...its is EVERY sense of the word.
If it does not fit 'your' definition...then that is YOUR problem.
It will be LEGAL to possess cannabis
It will be LEGAL to cultivate cannabis
It will be LEGAL to store your cannabis
It will be LEGAL to use and possess HASH
It will be LEGAL to purchase cannabis
Sounds like legalization to me. As a matter of fact smart guy, show me a more liberal drug policy in ANY free modern society...You can't!
Its legal to possess cannabis now
Its legal to cultivate as much as you want right now
Its legal to store all you want right now
Ok hash isn't legal
Its legal to buy cannabis now..
Prop19 should just remove the "have to get a doctors rec" part.
Oh and adjust the bad laws... and let people vote about sales in counties, not the reps, and allow hash (which it currently does), etc..
Just because a recommendation is needed doesn't mean anything. Consider it a flat tax. Most people smoke to self medicate anyways.
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