But if so many people are talking about it (like you claimed in your other post) - then let's see where they're talking about it.
And dude... I hate to break it to you... But us doubting you does not mean we're behind the times. It means we're reasonable/logical people - who don't believe something just because some random person on the internet says we should.
Without sources, your claims mean absolutely nothing... See, I can do it too... Watch:
Hey guys... In 2012, santa clause is going to wave his magic wand and completely end prohibition. What? You've never heard anything about that? Well billionaires have been talking about it for a while now. Where's my sources, you say? Well, I have them - but I'm not going to share them. You're just behind the times.
That's basically what you keep repeating.
Oh, and for the record... Anyone who was paying attention could have foresaw the economy going to shit. I predicted that back when we invaded Iraq in 2003 - FIVE YEARS prior to it actually happening. Know what that means? Absolutely nothing, lol. It was obvious that our country was heading for a shit-storm, to anyone who bothered paying attention... So you predicting the economy going to shit, 2.5 years prior to it happening, doesn't make you special. It just means you recognized that Bush is retarded, and would eventually bankrupt the country.
I knew it was coming, and also how to make money off of it. That is the difference. I knew when and how to invest. I was very well prepared when everyone else was bitching I was making cash. You do not know to what degree I am involved in what is going on, and you are just prejudging because I will not sight sources. I guess Santa will be bringing me something good for 2012.
I do agree bush was retarted though.
I will leave this thread now because it seems that i have nothing to offer anyone. My "ctrl c" is broken.