Great work! Any updates on this project?
yes sir!
i made 1000's of fresh f1 seeds with the original seeds i got to sprout and i'm working on testing those now to see how i did.
ill getting some pictures of them up here.
i'd also like to crack some more of the original vintage seed stock and explore them a little more because i know there are some lost genetics in there, but i've been a little tied up making more Oaxacan gold and Highland Guerrero seeds.
i'll be popping the original vintage stock with some new germination methods i've learned in the past year. so stay tuned!
I am anxious waiting for those new methods!![]()
Heya! I've read the first couple pages, and a page or so near the end. I'll fill in the middle shortly, I hope.
I have some heirloom landrace seeds dated from 35 years to almost 50 years old (red/orange Thai from the early 80s, Acapulco Gold & Columbian Gold from the 70s, some 20-30 year old ruderalis-sative crosses from South Central Alaska, some old-school Kush, etc.)
A number of years ago I'd tried lightly sanding the ribs on some with fine grit sand paper or emery cloth, soaking over-night in 1 cup of water with one drop of bleach, then rinsing and placing in a baggie on paper towels, and so forth.
The seeds have been stored in a variety of circumstances, but for the past many years, in bags/canisters at room temperature, ranging from 70 degrees f. to lower 80s f.
Years ago I received some unsorted bag seed from a fellow on the South Central Coast of Alaska who'd been a Merchant Marine over the decades, and got a wide variety of them to pop, including a couple that distinctly reminded me of the foot-long Oaxacan 'horse-tail' buds we got 1/4-lbs and lbs of in the mid-70s; long, wispy, feathery, like peacock feathers, or a trimmed and braided horse tail/mane. The two plants looked identical; one you could smoke all day, and get little more than a headache. The other, the first time I sampled a bud (1995-1996?), I took a couple or three puffs, and promptly caught a 2-1/2 hour nap. I was skeptical that this was the plant's doing, so I took another couple or three puffs after re-awakening, and the same outcome occurred. Upon the third 'experiment' that afternoon/evening creating the same outcome, I was pretty sure it was the plant.
Not exactly the stereo-typical psychedelic sativa high (and they were definitely long-narrow-leafed sativas), but definitely stout in potency. The less-than-useful plant (dubbed 'sativa sister dull') quickly met her end, for obvious reasons.
Her sister ('sativa sister vibrant') lived healthy, wealthy, and wise, very easily cloned, until we relocated and built our home. I still have the canister those particular seeds came from as well, though based on my experience a bit over 20 years ago (21-22) there's a LOT of variety in that canister. It might take a bunch of testing (if still fertile) to come up with anything close to her, if there's any remaining at all.
But if I can hatch some of these old classics, and gain some true heirlooms from them, I'd be thrilled.
Thanks for the thread!
hey moose eater!
that's very cool you got so many types of old seeds like that.
i have a friend that's a expert with south American varieties and he talks about how old Colombian lines can have a stoney effect like what you talk about.
dark Colombians like reds and Colombian black have the most narcotic effect and some will give you a light LSD like trip if your lucky.
also some will grow very wispy like the grinspoon strain.
The worms eat decaying matter, so you shouldn't be concerned for your seeds.Every time i throw up vegetables with seeds in my compost, they pop ( the seeds) all over the place with no help.
This said i ve never tried it with old cannabis seeds, so i might be wrong.
Hi. I have a question about the worm bins. I am planning to do it at small scale for germinating seeds.
How do you avoid the worms eat the seeds or the seedlings?
Wish I had a worm bin to germinate these Alien Rock Candy.. went 0 for 12 on the 1st half. Any ideas what to try Mystic. I haven't seen a single person get any to grow, I got some to crack but tap root barely stuck out.
hey man!
how old are these seeds and how were they stored???
from what i've learned along the way, it's best to clean the seeds in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution first before doing any germ method to rid them of any mold spores.
it's sounds like that's what happened to yours, they pop open then stop growing because mold will attack them faster than they can grow.
or your other problem is that the seeds weren't stored well and the auxins and hormones are dried up.
a good friend just told me about coating the seeds in a dry beneficial bacteria to fight against bad mold when germinating.
so seeing that you don't have a worm bin, i'd do what i said above and then find a good quality organic soil mix and plant them in it after you soak them in light B1 solution over night to jump start them.... or you could just send them to me and i'll toss em in my worm bins for ya.![]()
a good friend just told me about coating the seeds in a dry beneficial bacteria to fight against bad mold when germinating.
By beneficial bacteria, are you referring to something like a broad-based myco and bacteria powder, like Great White? Or something different?
I have Great White and was talking about it to Mystic last night about it.
I added some to my worm bin since it will help with the worms who do feed on bacteria as well.
It will help your seeds along.
I made a list of what's in Great White here.