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Vintage Colombian

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Outdoor plants coming along, not a lot of rain but enough where I don't have to water. Two different phenotypes, one like Malawi and the other very Haze like. Very sticky when touching either plant

The property owner was there the other day, he's the grower I first met. He was impressed with the plants and suggested putting some support for the newly forming flowers. This is really a huge compound garden and he had clean the entire area. I was really happy to see it as Alex is not really into working in the garden.

Anyway I hung out for awhile, had a coffee and turned the guy on to a handful of cured Kush. He was impressed with the smell and hit. He's older than me and smokes mostly for pain relief, so he liked the hit of Tolima. Dude has a finca in some remote location and told me I could grow there ( not for free of course). But it's too far and difficult to get to so I had to decline at the moment. Last October I gave him some Kamora seeds but never saw any plants. I'm still searching for the right place, right micro climate. Until then I do what I can. Improvise adapt and overcome.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeah so I go to see the outdoor plants with Alex this morning and one of the big plants is pushed over but not out of the ground. Instantly got pissed but the other night we did have some heavy rain. The plant beside it was fine and the two little ones. I don't know, I'd been about 5 days since I looked at the plants and they were fine. Anyway I pulled it back up and staked it for support. Normally I just let em grow outside if they're sativa without support. Anyway I didn't get any pictures but I did return later with Ruth. I want to build a little greenhouse in that garden and Ruth's got the guy to do it. So in ten days should have a little grow space. It was good to see Ruth, I'd been about 90 days since I last saw her. I get a little paranoid even with two plants when they start getting ready for harvest, put in a lot of time on these and I want optimal results.

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor
Starting to rethink this variety, it's taking forever. They just keep stretching and spreading out.

I'm going this Saturday to make some support for the long branches that are starting to get heavy with flower. The flowers aren't real dense but they get heavy with the rains.

Looking at the two plants, one is not only developing (flower) faster but also has a different structure. One looks more Malawi while the other plant is just like the Haze. Both plants are sticky with a smell like the SMG.

Hopefully will harvest late May or even July depending on the rain.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
One thing I'd like to add if haven't mentioned this before, I don't water these plants. Nor do I add any inputs as the plants grow, everything they need is in the amended soil.

If you noticed to the bottom left of the photo you can see where the property owner has planted something and put ash around the plants. Not a problem yet but I see one coming.

As much as I like the owner and this location I'm actively searching for another outdoor location. It's not as easy to find as one would believe, most locals don't want anything to do with cannabis, legal or not. And the local property owners that are cool want too much money.

Last few days we've looked at a couple outdoor options that are interesting and I'll post some pictures of the ones I'm considering and I'll explain why.

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor
This space is close to my current abode, still in town but on top of a little hill. Nice and secure with one exception, one neighbor has a view.

Plenty of space for a small greenhouse but I don't believe there's water or electric. Really nice lady owns the little lot and she has more property on this same ridge. But the monthly rent,no water or electric and the nosey neighbors makes this property a last resort.


So I continue to search for a suitable grow spot. It's a process lining everything up, right climate, right people and access .

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Here's a nice local sativa already in the proposed grow spot. It was all by itself and no one was taking care of it. The lady that owns the property said her father gave her the seed(s) . Although I spoke with the father he had little details about the variety.
He just said he'd been growing and making seeds with it for years (?). Didn't know where it came from or what it is. He's not a grower and only grows for himself ( everybody says that here). But he did mention it is potent
Anyway I got a handful of seed from him to try.

Looks very Colombian and obviously acclimated to the tropical climate. I'll test (smoke) this little plant in a few months and see if it's worth growing.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Here's where they were February 28 less than two months ago.

And a couple days ago

The Malawi likes to get big here in ground as does the SMG so I believe they'll keep growing. Now is the time to organize my drying area and plan a harvest strategy.
Beautiful days lately, intense sunny days with nice gentle rain all night.

red rider


White Window
You could have even better light if your roof had a cleanup! :biggrin:


You know i'm a window grower. Had cleaned my roof window after a longer time last year, there even were moose on it and then... Wow! 💦 ☀️ ✨ 🌿 😄

A beautiful place for your plants btw, i like the floor pattern. :good:

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I agree 100% the glass definitely needs cleaning. The floor is actually glass that lights up the floor below ( the kitchen). This is a temporary grow spot or thats what last year. It's impossible to explain how intense the sun light is here but even down stairs I have plants (non cannabis) . This area is really for drying clothes but I tend to take over any sunny spot in the house.

We've been looking for another location but I have to keep going so everything is temporary at the moment. All the small plants are clones waiting for they're turn at reversal.

red rider

red rider

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ICMag Donor
Took a few tester buds and dried them out. First impressions are important to me especially with a 6 month plant. Although I let nature do her thing there's still a lot of work and more importantly time that goes into bringing a plant(s) like this to harvest.

I'm sure most people on icmag understand what I'm saying. The sample is still green and change with maturity and a proper dry/cure. I'm impressed, the taste is incredible leaning on the SMG but different.

The hit is well exactly what I was going for when I made the cross 4 years ago. It's potent, more than the parents and in the direction I am looking for. The SMG has a very uplifting mood elevating effect that brings you out of any negativity. That effect is enhanced with the raw power of Malawi. Anyway it's up, clean and happy with low tolerance and high ceiling clean finish.

So far so good

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Id think there's still some growers here doing old strains but I don't see it. I work within really small circles so I've no idea what's out there. I know a few growers here but none grow sativa, mostly hyped up internet strains.
phone pics 2020 2021 1260.jpg

I don't see much interest in the original Colombian although I know there's a few local seed companies that sell SMG,PR and mangobiche. Most of my Colombians are from bud I collected here over the years and new varieties I stumble upon locally.
phone pics 2020 2021 1223.jpg

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Went up to see the garden this morning. Luis one of the owners was there, apparently he had planted some corn right next to my plants. No idea why he planted so close but I had trampled a couple of his corn plants. Felt bad and I apologized but he wasn't really pissed, but he let me know I was not really wanted in the garden. That's the way I felt at the time but he offered a coffee and we had a smoke. He was cool and all but I don't like the feeling of growing there.

The MHZ x SMG just keep growing up and out. Two very distinct phenotype but test samples from both are excellent. I have been smoking both plant samples for a couple days now and very happy.

red rider


Well-known member
Went up to see the garden this morning. Luis one of the owners was there, apparently he had planted some corn right next to my plants. No idea why he planted so close but I had trampled a couple of his corn plants. Felt bad and I apologized but he wasn't really pissed, but he let me know I was not really wanted in the garden. That's the way I felt at the time but he offered a coffee and we had a smoke. He was cool and all but I don't like the feeling of growing there. View attachment 18834874
The MHZ x SMG just keep growing up and out. Two very distinct phenotype but test samples from both are excellent. I have been smoking both plant samples for a couple days now and very happy.

red rider
Lovely work
Hopefully you will find a nice place to grow safe and comfortable
All the best :rasta:

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I consider this ( actually two big plants there, sisters) to be Colombian. It has Haze genetics that I believe to be decended from Colombian. And half the genetics are from Santa Marta but just as important as genetics is that it's cultivated in boyacá Colombia. Outdoors,in the ground directly in the equatorial sun. What you're looking at is Colombian primo and it makes me happy. This is the Colombian that doesn't make it to export.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Can't get a picture up but been raining pretty hard here the past few days. The rainy season is different here than the cloud forest (obviously). Couldn't sleep the other night because of the pounding rain but in the morning went to look at the plants and to my surprise they were exploding with new flowers. The rain didn't hurt them at all,in fact made them bigger. Both MHZ x SMG plants are thriving, this type of plant in this climate seems to never finish, they just keep making flower. But soon harvest day is coming because I've got other plants to work on. Both MHZ x SMG plants have mature flowers and I've collected,dried and extensively tested. As expected when I made the cross, I like the hit from both phenotypes equally, however I don't feel either of the two phenotypes are keepers to me. Maybe cause I didn't take cuts or because I only saw a couple plants but I think there's better plants in the genetics.
I've been smoking the two phenos for about a week almost exclusively and the effect is very much like the SMG but deeper and longer lasting. Pheno B is the hazyer one in apperence and seems a touch more potent than her sibling. For myself personally I don't care for extremely potent flower, I smoke all day and look for quality in other aspects of the effect. Overall I'll be working more with this variety once I get set up in the new location. Pictures coming.

red rider

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Back to some nice sunny weather that will hopefully help finish these babies off.

We've had some strong winds but doesn't faze them. I don't know whether to put something else there or just go somewhere else. The owner wants me to buy the house but I'd rather be a little further out of town. But I'm looking into cause it's in a micro climate I like.

I'm ready happy with this variety with the exception of the long flower time. But the SMG I used almost never completely finishes, always making new flowers. But growing clones in containers greatly reduces the time but to me takes a little of the quality off. Anyway next growing some pure local varieties to see if there's anything I like there. And I started some Kamora F2 s

Don't let looks fool you, this is one Bad ass plant ha ha ha.

red rider