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High Grade Vintage Cannabis photography


All I can say about this thread is every page is filled with excellence. Knowing your history is so important, so you can see exactly how things were and the direction in which it is heading. Excellent job FS. I myself still have some jamaicans and old sativa strains still going strong. Bumping into this thread I felt at home, I don't care about all the fancy looks and names, most of the times the only thing I do like is "taste" but a nice taste does not get you high. Majority of the weed (popular commercial grades) have beautiful tastes, but most just don't have the punch to back it up. I remember back in the day smoking some golden jamaican herb, and the high lasted for up to five hours at a time. That is some serious potency. Well I appreciate the old and the new, just give me potent, a nice mint or fruity taste and well for me looks are last. Its all about resin content.

I always tell my friends about certain high grade herb that I puffed on back in the day, and the crazy electricity I feel like lightning passing through my body, a nice body sensation, from my head straight down to my feet. I have not felt that effect in more than 18years. Anyone know of any current strain, that still gives off that electric effect when high. I would love to re-live that particular experience.

I smoked Exotic African Black a couple of times, I would pay $10. for a dime bag that was 3/4 empty, exactly how high times explained it, black, sticky, spicy, ridiculously strong, Imagine l would say about .5 grams rolled into a White Owl cigar back then, got myself and 3 pals totally roasted. Never ever got any seeds in it though.

I am a sativa lover first, and secondly a hybrid fanatic, I seldomly ever smoke 100% indica herb, cuz I like to get high, and drift to a place of peace and tranquitity. I have noticed that almost all indica's would just knock you out if you smoke to much, and or get you feeling lazy and unmotivated. I love feeling high, its all in the brain, slight body effects.

Here are a couple of shots of some sativa, and hybrids that still exist in my region. If anyone is interested in real oldschool sativa seeds, of old colombian and mexican origin PM me. If you want to get high, and get your eyes real bloody, Sativa's all the way...:abduct:






keep those HT shots coming four seasons. Great job again.


All I can say about this thread is every page is filled with excellence. Knowing your history is so important, so you can see exactly how things were and the direction in which it is heading. Excellent job FS. I myself still have some jamaicans and old sativa strains still going strong. Bumping into this thread I felt at home, I don't care about all the fancy looks and names, most of the times the only thing I do like is "taste" but a nice taste does not get you high. Majority of the weed (popular commercial grades) have beautiful tastes, but most just don't have the punch to back it up. I remember back in the day smoking some golden jamaican herb, and the high lasted for up to five hours at a time. That is some serious potency. Well I appreciate the old and the new, just give me potent, a nice mint or fruity taste and well for me looks are last. Its all about resin content.

I always tell my friends about certain high grade herb that I puffed on back in the day, and the crazy electricity I feel like lightning passing through my body, a nice body sensation, from my head straight down to my feet. I have not felt that effect in more than 18years. Anyone know of any current strain, that still gives off that electric effect when high. I would love to re-live that particular experience.

I smoked Exotic African Black a couple of times, I would pay $10. for a dime bag that was 3/4 empty, exactly how high times explained it, black, sticky, spicy, ridiculously strong, Imagine l would say about .5 grams rolled into a White Owl cigar back then, got myself and 3 pals totally roasted. Never ever got any seeds in it though.

I am a sativa lover first, and secondly a hybrid fanatic, I seldomly ever smoke 100% indica herb, cuz I like to get high, and drift to a place of peace and tranquitity. I have noticed that almost all indica's would just knock you out if you smoke to much, and or get you feeling lazy and unmotivated. I love feeling high, its all in the brain, slight body effects.

Here are a couple of shots of some sativa, and hybrids that still exist in my region. If anyone is interested in real oldschool sativa seeds, of old colombian and mexican origin PM me. If you want to get high, and get your eyes real bloody, Sativa's all the way...:abduct:






keep those HT shots coming four seasons. Great job again.
nice buds. hows the smoke?

enter sandman

Active member
Beautiful thought provoking thread...this backs up what I've noticed over the many years. I don't care what one says, sativa is what started it all & is responsible for where we are at today, though the irony is that the evolution of sativa has dropped off in favor of the 'indica'. Every mouth watering photo you see and strain for sell (mostly) is indica or indica dominant. Cash croppers 'sellers who kinda like weed, but are mainly in it to make money' have done this. Indica looks goood, smells goood and breaks up goood; everything about indica says with neon lights! Bag Appeal....that is it. Short flower time, yadayada. Long ago, the bud of indica was not even smoked (though sativa bud was) Indica bud was transformed into just hash...for that somewhat sativa high you get from hash. Many people love indica & that's your life I guess, but I personally dislike any indica or any strain with it in there. I have allowed mabye as much as 20% indica in some of my hybrids at times, though that was just out of curiosity and wanting a 'shorter indoor flower time'. Sativa has been THE king of cannabis for the whole history of mankind, period & end of debate. Our current technology has allowed these cashcroppers and breeders to create this bag appeal indica that one sees everywhere and these poor dopes who log onto these sites, like icmag, get fooled into ordering indica and brainwash themselves into thinking they have some good sh*t. Most (95%) of my friends are in full agreement with me on this situation, young and old friends. Of course indica has some great medical benefits...I won't debate that. But I think that is all it should be bred for...hospitals.


the smoke report!

the smoke report!

nice buds. hows the smoke?

The buds in the first pic, smells fruity with slight skunk undertones. The taste is like candy according to one of my friends, to me it tastes like a mix between potatoes and mild skunk. When you light it, the smell of the smoke is like a sweet incense. The smoke gets you going for a good 2 hours easily, before you may feel for another. But man this is some serious appetite stimulation type strain, seriously.

Here is an example of what happened to me the first day I started blazing this herb. I was just eating all day, all the time I was crazy hungry,
Before going to bed, myself and 2 friends smoked 2 joints, after that I ate 3 pieces of barbecue chicken, 2 portion of fries, salad, bread, and a portion of macaroni salad, woke up the next morning, ate a bowl of fruits, and a sandwich, as if I was still starving. Proceeded to take a morning blaze, and walla, I am back inside killing a gigantic bowl of cereal. Then proceed to make moves, all day I was eating, this really must be the most munchy giving strain I have encountered in a while.:joint:

four seasons

Charlie Garcia here is long and interesting article about the early Columbian Cannabis trade.

It states in this article some where that the Highland Santa Marta Columbian Cannabis variety was a Mexican Indica Hybrid .
Who knows for sure if any of these early reports in these magazines are for the most part correct. It sure makes a good read though.

High Times 1979



Nice Sativas Bloodytrees. Its too bad the rough hands of prohibition had to man handle them though.

Tell me about it, its still very illegal to grow the good herb where I am located roughly around 12 degrees north of the equator. But the tropical weather here makes growing herb a dream, where one can get 3 complete grows outdoors for the year.:joint:

The golden resinous bud in the pic below is a pure sativa strain crossed with a jamaican skunk, which leaves the cross as a 75%Sativa x 25% Indica hybrid. I have tons of seeds from this cross. The resin content is so high on this cross that the seeds literally are like glued into the buds. Here are some shots of A seedling and some seeds from that breeding.





I am sure gonna get some killer plants and buds from that cross, already a 5 day seedling, very hairy looking and you can actually see some resin content if you look closely in the last pic. Well Hopefully this weekend, I will have some of pure sativa landrace buds to take some pics for you to check em out.


Thanks four seasons

Thanks four seasons

keep posting these great articles...the Colombian story was very interesting

back 10-15 years ago I used to head down to my local Tower Records to see if the new issue of high times was in yet every month...it was the only credible (for the most part) drug information available...wasn't going to trust my govt. that tried to tell me my brain was a frying pan and drugs were an egg:laughing:

the internet is for sure more immediate and collaborative....the writing quality though of the mag. was its strongest point:2cents:

thanks again for not caving into the troll:joint:

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