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Vertical Scrog

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Don't lie, you needed more room for chickens.

Yes because chicken crap is one of the things I grow best. In that list are chicken crap, worm crap, and bullcrap.

How did the worm castings work for you? I used them to start my seedlings for my garden with napa floor dry and coco coir. Fricking worked great and didn't loose any to dampening off this year.


Active member
Yes because chicken crap is one of the things I grow best. In that list are chicken crap, worm crap, and bullcrap.

How did the worm castings work for you? I used them to start my seedlings for my garden with napa floor dry and coco coir. Fricking worked great and didn't loose any to dampening off this year.

I can definitely agree with the first part :biggrin:. Don't feel bad bro, I'm world famous for my algae cultivation skills :good:

I'll say this about quality worm castings....... It's damn near worth it's weight in nugs :biggrin:


Active member
can you guys buy str8 from the worm farms in your area ? when I lived in AZ I could go to the worm farm after they harvested there worms and buy the stuff they had in the worm beds for a 125 for a pickup bed as full as you could get it. it was some great stuff, I grew several grows using it , dident cut it with anything. believe it was the prettyest plants I ever grew.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
can you guys buy str8 from the worm farms in your area ? when I lived in AZ I could go to the worm farm after they harvested there worms and buy the stuff they had in the worm beds for a 125 for a pickup bed as full as you could get it. it was some great stuff, I grew several grows using it , dident cut it with anything. believe it was the prettyest plants I ever grew.

Yes but it is $25 for 10 pounds. I have several pounds of European night crawlers I use to eat my plant waste. So if I need some I have them. I just gave 3 gallons to bobblehead when he gave me my glue babies. Took me 6 months to get about four gallons. But I have another 8-10 galloons that will be done soon.


Active member
Yes but it is $25 for 10 pounds. I have several pounds of European night crawlers I use to eat my plant waste. So if I need some I have them. I just gave 3 gallons to bobblehead when he gave me my glue babies. Took me 6 months to get about four gallons. But I have another 8-10 galloons that will be done soon.

should have known inflation would have hit . this was back in 1982 .


Active member
Yes because chicken crap is one of the things I grow best. In that list are chicken crap, worm crap, and bullcrap.

How did the worm castings work for you? I used them to start my seedlings for my garden with napa floor dry and coco coir. Fricking worked great and didn't loose any to dampening off this year.

Everybody has their talent, yours just happens to be producing different varieties of shit. The worm castings are good I guess. idk. There's a whole lot of changes going on over here honestly. I can't say specifically what the worm shit has done.

I can definitely agree with the first part :biggrin:. Don't feel bad bro, I'm world famous for my algae cultivation skills :good:

I'll say this about quality worm castings....... It's damn near worth it's weight in nugs :biggrin:

Get in where you fit in. You should start an algae growing thread. Algae Grower's Unite! :moon:

should have known inflation would have hit . this was back in 1982 .

You were buying truckloads of worm castings before I was born JW. :tiphat:


Active member
1982 was a GREAT year.....The White Lotus shot into this world that year!

IC, got my MKP today and gonna make a stock solution of it.....got about 3 weeks before i need to use it. I actually just picked up some worm castings for my veggie garden....since my plants are already established in containers would it be best to just top dress and water in? Is that an different than brewing a EWC tea with some molasses?


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
The MKP will take several days to disolve. So early is good.

I don't use the EWC on my plants. Just use it on seedlings and my veggy garden. Others will have to answer that one.


Active member
One word dude, biodiesel. You could make a killing if they can figure it out with algae.

:laughing: Maybe I'm on the forefront of a new industry and I didn't even realize it :biggrin:

Damn 1982, now that is embarassing.

Nevermind, I'm far too old or........ high, to read apparently :laughing:


Active member
well I grow the biggest fungus nats ever, they look like hummingbirds there so big

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Um I may have you beat. Here are my fungas nats.


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