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VerdantGreen's quarters - 250HPS organic mod.scrog


nevermind, I answered a question from like page 2 of this thing, damn this got big quick!

beautiful stuff with 250 watts, truly inspiring how you grow and keep it secret from your kids! I got to show a few people this...

"new camera? higher resolution? not cropped like usual? probably not meeting some kind of requirement for the site. Or maybe you are maxed out of upload space?"


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
mugenbao - yes i wish i had bought an airpot sooner. they kind of looked pretty flimsy and i wasnt sure how i would attach the modules or lug them about. my grow is awkward - i have to kind up tip the pots to get them out of the cab. everything has to be strong and rigid...

Irie_Lion :tiphat: - nice to see you. i hope i can do these cuts some justice! i have a feeling i may have vegged the ECSD a bit too long but we will see

StupidBoy - i think there is an airpot thread at the bottom of the growers section...

sacKO - hey mate yeah i love trying the new flavors, thats what it's all about for me tbh.

ganja_hasi - thanks for the kind words :wave: - its a pretty low tech setup really but i like it that way.

hey mad, look forward to seeing your scrog fixings to airpots. if you are not short of space i would go for about 6" or so between top of pot and screen, perhaps a bit less but you want to be able to get your hand in there easily and have some air able to get in...

OGmolton - yeah thanks, keeping it from the kids is tough sometimes, but then it keeps things quite disciplined. ege i just went up there today, knowing that i cant go up again again till sunday... - so everything gets done and checked and then the plants get left to grow. tbh i could do a little better if i had more time with the grow - especially during the stretch when it would be good to train everyday.


mad librettist

Active member
VG, I can't imagine not being able to be with my plants. In the evening I leave a window open on the tent so we can hang out.

I have to say - your airpots kinda look like space ships. Or futuristic battle armor for space pirates. The smart pots are really different, more like my worm bin. Capillary matting would work especially well with them, since it would wick up the sides.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey mad perhaps thats why i got a bit confused - are smart pots rigid??

you cant get smart pots in the UK and airpots are pretty obscure here too - i got mine from ebay.

hey guanito :)

i had the luxury of an hour with my plants this morning, all looks good. the Cherry Bombs are budding up nicely and have just about filled the screen. it looks like one influence of the red T5 tubes is to speed up the flowering response somewhat - hard to be sure about that but the plants seemed to show sex and bud up quicker than i was expecting...

diesels are doing well and stretching...

pollen from the CB males is being collected. the pollen doesnt drop from the flowers till well after the open which is odd but makes it very easy to collect. not sure if i will make more CB seeds but i intend to use the CB pollen to make seeds from all the clone-onlys that i will be running. and make the Cherryjuana cross too. i have a nice heri girl in my other cab and i hope to collaborate with a friend who has a few more heri girls. would be nice to get a nice wide selection of genetics in there to make the cross better for possible line breeding.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey glodenglow, thanks :) its kind of perpetual, but i like to clear the cab and start 4 at the same time when i can as this is a good way to get rid of mites - and it is very hard to eliminate them when there is always a plant or two in the cab to harbor them. clearing it out now and again is one of the best forms of integrated pest management imo



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi all :tiphat:

Cherry Bomb 2 is stealing the show this week with some sensational burgundy pistils. never seen this first hand before
3 weeks :dance013:big up to Mr.G:dance013:

canopy has filled out too, i love the deeply serrated leaves.

cherry bomb 1 also at 3 weeks

the sour D cuts are doing well too.. stretching.
ECSD cc cut at 2 weeks

Sour D dna at 11 days

i also used a LUX meter to measure the light levels in the cab. definitely brighter at the edges a bit further from the reflector rather than up near it - so im trying to keep the light just a bit higher - canopy is 8-9 inches from the light



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi red :wave: and thanks

Bobby, RudeDog, SB thanks guys :tiphat:

it all seems to be doing OK, the airpots are working fine so far. i did another training session on the two SD cuts this morning. still some stretch left in them i think. both are nice plants to work with scrogging wise although the leaf stem (petioles) in the ECSD are a bit brittle.

im getting a nice little stash of pollen from the Cherry Bomb male branches. be dusting some buds soon. i probably will make some more ibl seeds from the CB females.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks marn - takes a bit of setting up but it pays you back in yield for sure ;)


the diesels are budding up and looking decent.
the Cherry Bombs look off the hook, specially the pink pistil one. both are still putting on height too. i dusted a little bud on each with some pollen from the males i had.



Active member
Amazing grows, I just spent almost 5 hours straight on this thread, I have no idea where the night went. You have convinced me to throw a screen into my new tent. Hopefully I am able to achieve even a fraction of the results you are consistently seeing! Thanks for this thread and the plethora of information it contains


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks tr1ck - im really glad this thread has helped so many people !


CB2 is still looking very promising and also putting on some bulk. i wasnt going to clone these CB but i took a cutting of this one today. i have no idea if the pistil color is rare in this line but i love this plant
CB2 at 4 weeks. looks like the pollen has taken too


CB1 is no slouch. not the most even canopy bot some of those colas are going to get BIG

the Sour D is coming on nicely and looks like it is topping out. stretchy but not too much so it's a problem.
at 18 days

ECSD is at 3 weeks. more tops on this one but they will end up being smaller because of it.



Take A Deep Breath
That CB2 is a looker......and the other Cherry Bomb looks like it's gonna yield huge..

I'm very interested to get your opinion of the Elite Clone vs Mother From Seed question once they've finished up (the diesel cuts).

Stellar stuff as always.
What do you think is better, more larger tops or a bunch of small ones like your ecsd? Are there significant differences in yeild or light coverage?