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VerdantGreen's quarters - 250HPS organic mod.scrog


Active member
Hey VG,
How ya been? Things are looking good as usual. I just wanted to let you know how I made out with my mod-scrog's. I should have waited alittle longer before fitting the screen on the Cheese. I hope she stopped stretching because she is about a foot through the screen. The White Widow I fitted is doing pretty good. I think I may have gotten the timing on her almost right, lol. Thanks again!


Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
hey sacko thanks, i think the mod. scrog method flatters me really as it's very forgiving. if this was a conventional scrog then it would be an epic fail :D i kept two mums (out of 4) of the LT actually so i need to run the other one too. both were quite similar.

Bobbo - yeah that happens sometimes :D it's harder with seed plants too because often they wont begin to flower till they are a certain age whearas clones are already mature, respond quicker, and stretch less :) good learning curve though. my blueberry is a good foot above the screen. its ok as long as you can keep it under controll. a bit of wire here and there can help keep it in order, but make sure you dont constrict the stems.



Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
hey all, had to put a new carbon filter in today so i took the opportunity to take some lights off snaps of the canopy :dance013:
sourdogs at the front




Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
thanks StRa, yeah im pretty pleased. hard to get a good pic of the canopy with the lights on and i dont get up there much when the lights are off and usually the hps is in the way.
the lemon Thai smells like lemon cleaner.

its nice having a run all start at the same time and finish more or less the same time. im gonna try and break the perpetual cycle more often. its a good way to control mites too. they had crept in and had become a bit of a problem... i saw none in this grow till a week or so ago and i pulled those few leaves off and sprayed the plants a bit with weak neem. if you do the leaves from the underneath it doesnt hit the buds at all.



Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
jgrow, sb, Mr jay, thanks guys :D

Sourdog 1 got chopped yesterday. the smell was very astringent. ive never smelled chemdog but maybe thats the smell im getting. the funk has only just receded from the bedroom to a slight hint. definitely a stinker and some decent sized colas, bigger than i was expecting and very high quality trim/sugarleaf. the other one will get chopped as soon as i get the chance. there are also some F2 seeds i made with the males and some sourdogxhaze seeds on each too. i really should have dusted a bud on the Blueberry and LemonThai with the haze pollen too. i kept a cut of haze male though and some pollen in the freezer so maybe next time??

i have a few Deep Chunk plants - including one rather nice quadrifoliate girl - that i will be putting in the cab as a stopgap . the next round proper is Mr Greengenes cherry bomb and herijuana :)



look forward to seeing some shots before they go into jars... nice job!!! w.wonka


Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
i'll do my best wonka!


right another nice pic update. the plants are looking rather nice!

First off the last pics of sourdog2. this will hopefully get chopped in the next couple of days.
just over 9 weeks

nug, big

and the lemon thai is really a sexy beast. at 8 weeks and looking pretty ripe. better get the eyeglass out soon and check the trics!

i was pleased with this shot :dance013:


and the blueberry is into it's foxtail stage.



and introducing DCq - a quadrifoliate Deep Chunk plant grown from seeds i made from a Tom Hill 10 pack. for those that dont know quadrifoliate means 4 leaves at each node rather than the usual 2. ive taken a cutting of this.


about a week in




Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Great work...as usual!
I would love to get my dirty hands on a quad lady ;) You lucky bugger!


Awesome pix as usual VG! :greenstars: That quad plant is pretty cool as well! So there's a potential for 4 shoots @ each node? Sounds like a LST/Scrogers dream. :canabis: Have you run her before? If so, what's your impression. Thanks for sharing :tiphat:


Active member
nice VG !! those bud shots are beyond sexy! i had a couple trifoliate plants before and each one reverted to two stems per node eventually. interested to see what happens to your quad one :)


nice job verdant. i've got one dp bb fem seed from awhile ago, i hope when i pop her she gives up like yours! great quad too!


Active member
quadrifoliate - learned something new today!

that lemon thai looks very interesting.

looks like a 9 or 10 weeker.

might have to try that.

looks like "jangly" stuff .

nice job.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
paulo - thanks , yeah the quad is different and exciting - and quite easy on the eye ;) - i hope it flowers well and stays quad - and that the cutting roots lol...

blimey - yep that was the one that i thought was going to herm. still looks odd but better with lots of bud on it :moon:

SB - yes, 4 buds at each node hopefully, and 4 shoots i guess as well. it may be a scroggers dream if it wasnt Deep Chunk, which is impossible to scrog from seed. i did keep a cutting last time which i vegged for ages and scrogged - just to see if i could lol - so i guess that is possible.

bootz! - yeah i think this one will stay that way on this plant. whether the cutting stays that way will remain to be seen though. it defo has the quad leaves at the top of it though.

schwagg, tbh i hear many more success stories with DP Fem Bb than i do about the regular. perhaps the female they selfed is more stable than the male... i have seen male flowers on this cut once when the tops got too close to the light, not many though.

guanito - the lemon thai is actually quite 'smooth' and clear rather tan jangly or jumpy. its odd becuase its really strong and really clear, my friend said it was almost boring lol, and i know what he meant but it is quality. i personally prefer that type of high to something like trainwreck where you are just confused and headf*cked


had a quick tickle of the sourdog yesterday. seems nice, an unusual taste like some essential oil, maybe patchouli ?? i need to smoke more and get some buddies to try it. im terrible at placing those smells and tastes lol. it is some ponging weed though. the smell has only just receded in my house even though i dry it in the cupboard that my air intake starts at (and eventually goes through the carbon filter). i'll chop the other one tomorrow and see what sourdog 1 yield was.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
sourdog 2 has been harvested, looks like a decent pull...

sourdog1 yield was 72g - which is about 1g/watt if i include the wattage of the UV tubes (which i doubt increase yield weight anyway)

without the UV the GPW would be 1.15 which for a first run, in comparison with previous strains, is pretty decent.

gonna have a good toke on it tonite :D



cant believe what a 250w can do. i'll be so stoked to get buds like yours!! keep up the good work, i cant wait to start on my 250w grow.

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