One sensor pod finally stopped talking with the display module. For $27 for the set, and over 3 years, that’s OK with me. I was ordering another when the idea to post the recommendation came up.
I decided to run the dehuey last night to get the RH down. The dehuey heats the air too, so I wanted to be able to see the results as the night progressed, as I lay in bed in the other part of the house. The current run is half way through flowering and humidity is more important I think than cool temps at this stage to prevent mold. I liked the results I saw on the monitor.
During lights on the humidity and temps at the soil are several points different from the tops, but at night they are a lot closer.
I decided to run the dehuey last night to get the RH down. The dehuey heats the air too, so I wanted to be able to see the results as the night progressed, as I lay in bed in the other part of the house. The current run is half way through flowering and humidity is more important I think than cool temps at this stage to prevent mold. I liked the results I saw on the monitor.
During lights on the humidity and temps at the soil are several points different from the tops, but at night they are a lot closer.