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I like 210 C to start with, maybe as low as 195c, but if you are ready for bed, try 220c or higher. I have had mine for a couple of years now and it is a good product. Got mine off eBay, no issues.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
maybe try 210C or so until you get the hang of it, then use whatever you like. I leave mine at 190-195C. have you tried the elbow pack method with the whip?

edit: ninjad by sneaky


ghost in training
No just the cyclone bowl. How do you pack the elbow? Btw my 2010 edition does increments on 1 degrees

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
No just the cyclone bowl. How do you pack the elbow? Btw my 2010 edition does increments on 1 degrees

if its in 1 degree increments Im pretty sure its a new model

for an elbow pack you lightly pack or vacuum weed into the screen in elbow of the whip. tasty thick hits


If you have a grinder, fill it like you would normally grind it, but before you start twisting, turn it upside down. After it is ground up, open your grinder, lid should be on bottom and have the ground up weed in it. Just place the elbow over top of the ground up bud and suck on the whip. It will suck it up and you can pack it with your finger however tight you want it


ghost in training
Lol both those tricks work great! Thank you! Its day 1 with the q and ill admit I was a vaperizer skeptic but I'm pretty toasted from from a couple of those elbow packs lol. It definitely doesn't smell like mj smoke either. And it taste kinda funny to me too.. lol might just be me or I'm still learning how to vape properly. Right now its set at 420f fan speed 1 and it made me cough my head off. Other than that I'm a happy camper


Hey Cody, I don't use the bags. Never really gave em a chance. Ony pulled a few bags and never got thick vapor. I suppose if I gave it another chance it would be better...but I've moved on to bigger and better vapor utensils for now. I never used it in Fahrenheit, Celsius was always easier for me to remember even though I didn't know what temp it was actually at, lol. But someone previously stated you can start at a much lower temp, say 165-170 and pull some pretty tasty hits, but not much vapor. And I always liked feeling my hits. Around 195C I would start getting good vapor, but I liked starting out at 205C for the first vape session. I would personally not vape over that temp. When I thought a elbow was mostly done I would blow it into the cyclone bowl and repack the elbow. When done I would put all the 205C vaped weed in a jar and repeat. Now keep in mind this is in good times. That temp would give me a nice high and when I wanted to vape the 205C bud again, I would vape at 220C and this would give more of a sedative effect and put my lights out pretty quick. This is how my Q worked for me, it's always different for everyone keep in mind.

Good luck with your Q Cody, I know you will love it. I can't seem to get rid of mine. It sits on the shelf....just in case.
2 other quick tips most prolly already know....1) keep your AlreadyBeenVaped weed. You can cook with it, and from what I've read, the edibles are more sedative (maybe pain management? I can't remember). 2) if your running low and have any bho, that can extend the life of your "smoke". One time I was out and had only about two elbows worth of ABV and maybe .25g of bho. The ABV was baked at about 250C already, but when I would mix a toothpicks tip worth of that bho I would get what would normally be about an elbow and a half or 2 worth of hits at the 205 and 220 temps. That extended my "smoke" about 2-3 weeks from what I remember.


pure dynamite
170-220 degrees C is the setting i use on my Q with the whip.

as sneaky said, under 190 you get mostly tasty terpenoids, and then the vapour thickens, and you can vape a lot @ 200-210, or get thicker hits @ 220 or even above that. (over 230 you'll get the burnt popcorn taste)

with the bags, I usually do 180 @ speed 3, then 200 @ speed 2 & finally 220 @ speed 1 or 2
the vapour density will vary with vent speed & temperature, and lower temperature setting is neded when you use the fans compared to when you pull through the whip for same results.

enjoy your new toy! :wave:


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
I like to use the fan to help warm up the bowl and elbow for 5-6 minutes before packing my herb in there.

cody2white - have you tried attaching the whip to a water pipe or bubbler yet? I use my EQ with a small (8"-10") tube almost exclusively now. Cools down the vapor and makes your hits not so dry. My throat was getting irritated when i would use the whip for more than a few hits in a short time.


just ordered the extreme q 4.0 off amazon with the accessory package for under 200. good thread, i cant wait to try it out.


just got mine today and i love it. my glass elbow mini whip for the bags was broken in the box so im just doing those elbow packs now and totally wasted...
I love my Extreme Q! The whip feature is nearly all that I use. I rarely ever use the fan, but when I do it's nice to have 3 speed settings and the remote is very handy for adjustments. Also, when I get the occasional itch to fill a bag, I use the Easy Valve bags from my old Volcano. I prefer the Volcano bags to the EQ version because of the valve function and mouthpiece. If an EQ owner likes to fill bags, try the easy valve modification because it fits nicely over the elbow feature designed for filling bags.

On the other hand, if bags are your method of choice, IMO nothing beats the Volcano for speed efficiency.

I picked up my EQ for under $200 last year compared to the nearly $600 I paid for the Volcano about 5 years ago, so the EQ is a great value. Also, easy valve replacements can be purchased pretty cheap too, so give it a try and see what you think.
I've had my EQ over two weeks now and love it. Just used the whip so far. It works great and my lungs feel better already. Time for a solo!

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