Looking for a good price on an Arizer Extreme Q for delivery to Canada. Any recommendations ?
I see one dealer here claims any price under $259 Canadian can't be an authorized dealer.
Ebay shows cheaper. Can I trust EBay satisfaction ratings ?
MyRubberNeck.COM shows $166 US. Cant find any non-Ebay reports one way or another on this vendor, except one post on a board that IMO appears to come from the owner posing as a customer.
Vaporizer-Store.NET shows $179 Canadian. Cant find any non-Ebay reports, but seems to be associated with "Amazing Electronics" that has some mixed reports. Just got a REAL quick email reply from them claiming they ARE authorized and can handle warranty.
Waiting for email reply from Arizer about the above 2 vendors.
I don't mind paying more for a proper dealer, but from $180 to $259 is a big jump.
I see one dealer here claims any price under $259 Canadian can't be an authorized dealer.
Ebay shows cheaper. Can I trust EBay satisfaction ratings ?
MyRubberNeck.COM shows $166 US. Cant find any non-Ebay reports one way or another on this vendor, except one post on a board that IMO appears to come from the owner posing as a customer.
Vaporizer-Store.NET shows $179 Canadian. Cant find any non-Ebay reports, but seems to be associated with "Amazing Electronics" that has some mixed reports. Just got a REAL quick email reply from them claiming they ARE authorized and can handle warranty.
Waiting for email reply from Arizer about the above 2 vendors.
I don't mind paying more for a proper dealer, but from $180 to $259 is a big jump.