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New member
It seems we don't need an opinion, you'll give us all the opinion we need. You don't happen to sell these do you?


New member
Lungus - that's right if people are looking for an honest opinion on a vaporizer i'm going to contribute.... 'Bex Bissell' there posted mis-information... hardly a credible opinion....

.... lot's of mis-information and gossip on here lately isn't there... i've had my volcano 2 years, own or have owned just about every vape made... and it erks me to see people posting stuff that isn't true....

... so you bet... when it comes to vapes i'll post my opinion/advice and help anyway i can .... you have a problem with that?


New member
I have no problem with you posting your opinion, what bothers me is that you say Bix opinion doesn't count because you like the volcano. Maybe Bix can taste the plastic I don't know, I'm not Bix, but I'm not going to tell him he can't because I can't. What I will do is listen to your thoughts on it and Bix's and others, hopefully try a volcano or any vaper out for myself and make up my own mind. Peace, Sorry I shouldn't have taken the aggressive tone.


New member
I think what GoldenBud is trying to say that BexBissel was simply giving misinformation not that it didnt matter what he was saying. When I read BexBissels post I was thinking this guy COULDNT have really used a Volcano or he would know that all three of his points are simply bullshit. The vapes dont get stale at all leavem or an hour two hours you name it it taste just as good as when you filled it. Bags come in all sizes if your smart enough to make your own sizes. I got one 9 footer for parties one 4 footer for me and the gents and on 1.5 footer for me. And as far as the bag taste....WHAT? the motherfuckin thing doesnt get hot enough to burn the plant let alone the fuckin plastic bag. And Lungus what are you doing even getting involved in this conversation if you havent even so much as used one. I dont know this site used to be so much less controversial. And no I dont sell the things I think the guys who do should lower the price thats my only bitch about it. Because for one alot I mean alot of the people who use pot for medical use pay out the ass for there weed now these guys are charging $500-$700USD for a Volcano after they already got rich off the damn thing but hey whatever I would probably do the same thing but $500-$700 I doubt it. Just glad I got mine cheap. But wish I had two like GoldBud. GoldBud what do you use on the road? I use the VBAT from www.vriptech.com I also use there SVT for home use when I dont use the volcano


New member
its all good everyone.... and i agree... it doesn't sound like the dude ever used one.. LOL

i just ordered a vaporbox and i like it real good, i have an inverter in my car the the vaporbox/whip doesn't take up much room, i use it... let it cool then put it back in a bag... no weed smell which is good, just don't want to get pulled over when its still hot or in use, lol

i've had my volcano a long time, made thousands of bags and got hundreds of people stoned as fuck 100% of them either want one or bought one so when i see bullshit in writing i chirp back - its my nature :)

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New member
And Lungus what are you doing even getting involved in this conversation if you havent even so much as used one.[/QUOTE
Little touchy aren't ya. I just wanted a little discourse without calling the other guy's opinion bullshit. Maybe Bex got the Volcano mixed up with another vaper who knows but don't tell me to shut it just because I want to hear the opinion of those who may not like it


the volcano is by far superior to any other smoking method.

the other day i took it to a friends house for a session with my toking buddies. All of them experienced tokers for years. The 'cano blew their heads off.

the chamber was only 1/3 full and temp to 6.

Imagine if i had filled it up all the way or boosted it to 7-8 or something :D


Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
Vrip 007 Setup Vs Volcano, Iam wondering which one I should buy, any input from people who have tried both the Volcano and Vrip system would be great, thanks for ya help.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
If the vape heats the material to around 185c then it does not matter if it uses a whip or a bag. I prefer whips to balloon/bags.


Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
glass on glass sounds so much better then the volcano, and the thing i didn't like to much about the volcano was i found it was harsh on the throat, caused serious dry mouth, and the vapor was not cooled down, glass on glass vapor going through water and ice sounds much better. Iam going with the Vrip system for sure.


I've been using a heat gun/bong setup for a couple of months now & it really delivers. A few days ago I rigged it for "ghettocano" - bought some tubing, a hose clamp & some oven bags... I doubt it's quite as efficient as a volcano (though I'm working on that), but it works great.

Hmmm - heat gun (Makita) - $70, hose-$.35, hose clamp-$.10, oven bag-$.80... downstem from an old bong - nothing; cork for the tube - free, came with the wine. Plus I can strip paint, weld plastic, defrost freezers, shrink-wrap (woo hoo!), etc.

If I was rich, I'd get a Volcano, no doubt, just for the convenience. Till then, this will do nicely...
My Volcano came Friday afternoon, and so I've been vaping all weekend. I am a convert, for sure Wasn't sure at first, and it took a lot of pushing to make the move. One day, I was hacking my head off as usual toward the end of a joint, and after 30 years of chronic smoking, I decided it was time to do it for my lungs.

Well, my very first bag, I sucked in half the bag like I was taking a huge bong hit. I then went into a 30-minute coughing fit that had me thinking, shit, what I f'cking expensive mistake!

But after I stopped coughing, I noticed I was in fact blown away, intensely high. I quickly learned it is not necessary to inhale the whole bag at once, but to take smaller hits and enjoy it. With my damaged lungs, at this point, this is the only way I can do it anyway without coughing. I took a hit from a pipe several hours later, and I was shocked by the nasty taste. Jeez...

I grow and smoke really fine, flavorful weed, but I never truly knew how delicious and unique these flavors are...

I know I will still probably occasionally smoke a joint or use a bong, but after one weekend, I've realized that the same amount of weed gets me far, far more f'cked up by vaping than by smoking. The taste is incomparable.

Now I need an exercise program to continue the rehab of my resinous lungs... but one step at a time.

For now, I already feel better and have stopped coughing chronically already, which is almost unbelievable to me.

Also, I love the ease and convenience of the Volcano. Wish it were portable but I mostly smoked at home anyway.

It was really a huge decision for me to put out $539 for a Volcano... but I am so glad I did. My health is worth that... and I didn't anticipate just how much I would love vaping and come to prefer it to quickly.

Peace. :wave:


Active member
Yeah i am also gonna by me a vaporizer.

I am gonna go for the vaporhighzer or de verdamper(the same thing)

I tried the volcano and the verdamper , and that verdamper thing makes me feel like i am smoking something.

The downside is that it is made of breakable glass and difficilt to transport.

I also wanna quit smoking.

Here most of us smoke joint with weed and tobacco. , so cuz of this i am addicted to tobacco , i really don't like smoking weed pure cuz the mix of nicotine woith weed gives a heavier stoned effec.

But when i tried the vaporizer i was blown away by the effect and how little i used to get that effect..

Now i am gonna save me 400 euros to buy that thing and give my lungs a much deserved rest and that way i can quit tobacco


I've been using a heat gun/bong setup for a couple of months now & it really delivers. A few days ago I rigged it for "ghettocano" - bought some tubing, a hose clamp & some oven bags... I doubt it's quite as efficient as a volcano (though I'm working on that), but it works great.

Hmmm - heat gun (Makita) - $70, hose-$.35, hose clamp-$.10, oven bag-$.80... downstem from an old bong - nothing; cork for the tube - free, came with the wine. Plus I can strip paint, weld plastic, defrost freezers, shrink-wrap (woo hoo!), etc.

If I was rich, I'd get a Volcano, no doubt, just for the convenience. Till then, this will do nicely...

I have a nice heat gun that puts out a little over 400 degrees I think, plus a bong or two, I might just have to give this a try.

Have an Easy Vape Digital due to be delivered next Wednesday and can't wait to try it out. My old lady is allergic to smoke, so right now I either have to go outside or sit in the bathroom with the HD exhaust installed when the urge is there. I'm hoping with the vaporizer, since there is no smoke, I can sit here in my office and vape away.

Trying to give up tobacco myself, might just try vaping that to see if it helps.


Vapor Genie

Vapor Genie

Besides my VaporBrothers, I'm also using the Vapor Genie (the pipe on the right) which uses a Bic lighter to heat the weed. It's portable and works as advertised. Takes a little practice. http://www.vaporgenie.com/



Got my Easy Vape today. A bit of a learning curve for an old timer, but after 2 loads it was delivering a pretty good punch. Definitely a different high from smoking, at least for me. Best part is I can set it up at my desk where I can vape in comfort anytime my RSD starts to flare.


Dude help me, they dont let me out much, seriously, WTF is this vaporizer thing I seen the picture it heats the weed how? I'm 58 years old and been smoking reefer since 1965 and I've just heard the term vaporizer in the last month since i joined up here, I'm always around bong shops and stuff and i aint never seen one and i want to, I got a good weed connection for BC bud, I live on the border, where do i get one?

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