Lol what do I expect?
I expect when people find out there is harmful things in the vaccine to realize that it will harm them when given the vaccine.
However they just ignore the blatant facts.
Nice first post c u NNNt
It was admitted SV40 contained cancer viruses and nothing ever happened with that, just as nothing will ever happen with vaccines today.
The damage is already done and it can't be reversed (at this point in time). Our mutated and damaged DNA will forever be inherited and passed down through our progeny.
Eugenics in real time.
People already willingly consume these chemicals on a daily basis. Alcohol converts into acetone and formaldehyde in the body. There are levels which your body can detoxify. When you have too much you reach toxicity. Most people don't have a good understanding of how the body works.
Being vaccinated is still better than not being vaccinated. Yes the flu virus can and does mutate and the vaccination is based on last year's viruses... Our bodies mutate all the time as well, and you'll have a faster immune response with the antibodies present for the original virus.
I forgot to mention if you have young children at home, you should also get vaccinated.
I think most vaccinations are good, but I dont get a flu shot. I just eat homemade chicken soup in the crock pot or pressure cooker. It is a natural immune system booster. make it with bone in thighs, carrots, and what other veggies you want. cook it till the marrow melts out of the bones and into the soup, and dissolves. about ten
hours in a crock pot.
elderly people are getting injected with the flu and coming down with horrible flu symptoms, many are dying!