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using Magnets on your plants

Sativa Dragon

Active member
IMO keeping your soil in a magnetic state can only be a good thing this also probably helps in leaching as molecules in a magnetic field tend to vibrate in suspension can only be a plus now we just need to find out how to implement this to our gardens in a efficient matter i believe when i started this thread by placing magnets in direct soil might not of been a great idea , then i hit on the idea of magnetic water instead which i think might be the answer either way when you think about it lights emit a frequency , when DWC yes even that pump is emmiting some sort of magnetic frequency we just need to curve it and figure how it can make our plants possibly grow faster yield more:tiphat:

PSSST!!! all your soil is already held in a magnetic state ;)



Kiss My Ring

the earth is a magnet too...

what's your gripe? you're always here, so what's up with the negativity?
contributing nothing but snyde remarks and attempting discredit by some intellectual arrogance cannot and will not derail investigation into and around this subject.

tell us what else you've discovered....


Active member
yes but a weak magnet
Earth's Magnetic Field Is Fading
John Roach
for National Geographic News
September 9, 2004
Earth's magnetic field is fading. Today it is about 10 percent weaker than it was when German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss started keeping tabs on it in 1845, scientists say.

If the trend continues, the field may collapse altogether and then reverse. Compasses would point south instead of north.

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Not surprisingly, Hollywood has already seized on this new twist in the natural-disaster genre. Last year Tinseltown released The Core, a film in which the collapse of Earth's magnetic field leads to massive electrical storms, blasts of solar radiation, and birds incapable of navigation.

Entertainment value aside, the portrayal wasn't accurate, according to scientists who say the phenomenon of Earth's fading magnetic field is no cause to worry.

"The field has reversed many times in the past, and life didn't stop," said Gary Glatzmaier, an earth scientist and magnetic field expert at the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Glatzmaier is keeping an eye on our planet's weakening magnetic field as he tries to learn more about how Earth's geodynamo works. The geodynamo is the mechanism that creates our planet's magnetic field, maintains it, and causes it to reverse.


Active member
i believe it does work here are pics of my girls i ran magnets in a few positions and they went into flower from clone @ 2 weeks i believe they grew pretty dam fast to reach 36" of course plants were on side so not under light but from what i see they did pretty good


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Kiss My Ring
yes it is.

...and that was what i was referring to...like you don't have a clue.

"And globally the magnetic field has weakened 10% since the 19th century. When this was mentioned by researchers at a recent meeting of the American Geophysical Union, many newspapers carried the story. A typical headline: "Is Earth's magnetic field collapsing?"

Probably not. As remarkable as these changes sound, "they're mild compared to what Earth's magnetic field has done in the past," says University of California professor Gary Glatzmaier.

Sometimes the field completely flips. The north and the south poles swap places. Such reversals, recorded in the magnetism of ancient rocks, are unpredictable. They come at irregular intervals averaging about 300,000 years; the last one was 780,000 years ago. Are we overdue for another? No one knows.

Above: Magnetic stripes around mid-ocean ridges reveal the history of Earth's magnetic field for millions of years. The study of Earth's past magnetism is called paleomagnetism. Image credit: USGS. [More]

According to Glatzmaier, the ongoing 10% decline doesn't mean that a reversal is imminent. "The field is increasing or decreasing all the time," he says. "We know this from studies of the paleomagnetic record." Earth's present-day magnetic field is, in fact, much stronger than normal. The dipole moment, a measure of the intensity of the magnetic field, is now 8 x 1022 amps x m2. That's twice the million-year average of 4 x 1022 amps x m2."


EARTH'S COLLAPSING DIPOLE Earth's dipole field has decreased over the past 150 years at a rate greater than if flow in the outer core were to suddenly stop. The trend has far-reaching implications, ranging from the potential for more extensive radiation damage to satellites, to the possibility the field is heading toward reversal. Atmospheric changes are known to result from variations in solar activity, and thus should be expected if the dipole decrease persists. Discussions include what would happen to the atmosphere if there were an extremely large solar proton event caused by a large-scale solar storm during the time when Earth's magnetic field is low. Press conference: Thursday, December 11, at noon EST. The associated session is U42A, at 4:40 p.m. EST, Thursday, December 11 in Room MCC 3001-3003.

silence is golden. better to keep your mouth shut and appear a fool than to open it and remove all doubt...unless you're willing to provide evidence to back your claims. if you're interested in this 'aspect of interest' i would suggest something...bring the big guns...you still want to argue, bring it to PM.

Aqueous solutions with dissolved fluorescent probes were exposed to a magnetic field, and the effects of the magnetic exposure were investigated by measuring the fluorescence emission intensity with a spectrofluorophotometer. The data were compared with those of magnetic exposure effects on colloidal solutions reported previously [K. Higashitani, K. Okuhara and S. Hatade, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 152 (1992) 125; K. Higashitani, H. Isari, K. Okuhara, A. Kage and S. Hatade, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 172 (1995) 383]. It is found that (1) the degree of magnetic effects increases with the magnetic exposure and becomes constant at a certain exposure time in the case of solutions of fluorescent probes with an alkyl chain, but no effect was observed for solutions of probes without an alkyl chain; (2) the magnetic effects decay with the concentration of alcohol in the solution, the solution temperature, and the standing time of the solution after the magnetic exposure; and (3) if it is presumed that an ordered structure of water molecules around the hydrophobic chain of probes is formed by the magnetic exposure, not only are the results in the present study but also are our previous results for colloidal particles explained consistently.



Diffusion of polarizable colloids in electromagnetic fields is considered. Extensive and intensive thermodynamic formulations of magnetic and electric polarization energy is used to establish driving forces that generate diffusion of colloids. Effects of concentration, activity coefficient, and interfacial and polarization energies are formulated in terms of corresponding concentration dependent diffusion coefficients. Magnetic and electric diffusion coefficients are defined and it is shown that the former can be made comparable and even larger than ordinary diffusion coefficients of polarizable colloids. Magnetic diffusion coefficients are derived for mono- and polydisperse colloid mixtures relative to the fluid and then are transformed to the dispersion frame of reference. It is shown that ordinary and magnetic diffusion coefficients of polydisperse colloids can be resolved into four and three basic coefficients, respectively.

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Milk is an emulsified colloid of liquid butterfat globules dispersed within a water-based solution.
A colloid is a substance microscopically dispersed throughout another substance.[1]

The dispersed-phase particles have a diameter of between approximately 1 and 1000 nanometers.[2] Such particles are normally invisible in an optical microscope, though their presence can be confirmed with the use of an ultramicroscope or an electron microscope. Homogeneous mixtures with a dispersed phase in this size range may be called colloidal aerosols, colloidal emulsions, colloidal foams, colloidal dispersions, or hydrosols. The dispersed-phase particles or droplets are affected largely by the surface chemistry present in the colloid.


Kiss My Ring
Colloidal Chemistry
Basically, colloidal chemistry is the science which converts elements into particles so minute that living plant cells can utilize them as an energy source, thereby stimulating the whole plant’s electro-magnetic system. All living cells emit electro-magnetic waves and the more waves the healthier the cell. These waves, the result of the phenomenon of electro-magnetic emission, are referred to as biophotons. An increase in the production of biophotons helps in what is termed Systemic Acquired Resistance [SAR] as the plant grows healthier and stronger and now has the ability to fight off pests and disease.

The heart of this new chemistry is the technology used to create a "colloidal micelle." This micelle is about the size of 10 hydrogen atoms, or one nanometer. Sub-microscopic particles are created in a microscopic field similar to a magnetic field. This chemistry has made possible the development and emergence of a variety of organic products, and is one of the 21st Century’s most promising advances in environmental science.


understanding osmosis.

If you seriously want to understand Zeta Potential and the "Double Layer",
you must first have an understanding of Osmosis.

Before the advent of computers, the subject was extremely hard to explain.

The subject can only truly be understood in dynamic terms. This link to "Lab Books" @ middlebury.edu, solves most of the problems in making a good presentation by using interactive computer animations. These animations run well on slower machines.

You should start a copy now. It will open in a new window and you can then click on Osmosis. You can then read the short intro and instructions, and start the animation. If you are a serious student, you may want to run some of them for 30 min. or more. These wonderful pages work "off line" also.

" Lab Books — Diffusion, Osmosis, and The Nerst Equation "
Dr. Joe Patlak — University of Vermont
Dr. Chris Watters — Middlebury College
Also see ... WATER — The Most Universal Solvent Known !
It is necessary to understand the "Physical Chemistry of Water" to Understand Zeta Potential.

Understanding Osmosis and the Physical Chemistry of water, still doesn't quite provide you with all the tools that you need to understand Zeta Potential.

Zeta Potential is expressed in terms of a voltage and there are two little guys in the Atomic World that are in CHARGE of that energy force.

The Electron and the Positron. The Positron normally lives a virtual existence inside the proton in the atom's nucleus. We call the electric tension of the electron, "Negative" and the tension charge of the positron we call "Positive".

Unfortunately, we also talk about an atom's "Valance Possibilities" in terms of positive and negative energies. This is not correct and produces much confusion in the understanding of chemical bonds and Zeta Potential.

What we call "Chemical Bonds" are actually a special Symbiotic Arrangement between atoms that are on a quest for "Dynamic Stability"!

Usually, all the atoms in the arrangement are electrically in balance. They both have an equal number of positrons and electrons. What aren't in balance are the atom's electron orbitals.

The "Universal Atomic Template" has a definite preference for the order and way that electrons are put in orbit around the atom's nucleus. The atom's ultimate goal is to have two electrons, with complementary spins, in each orbital level, but the "Atomic Template" has different criteria for filling the atom's orbits.

It just doesn't go — 1,2 – 1,2 – 1,2 ... — when filling orbitals. The orbits are filled with respect to the amount of momentum that is required to keep the electrons in their different orbits.

This means that it is possible for an atom to have 2 – 3 – 4 ... orbits with only one electron in them. The laws of inertia apply between the atom's nucleus and the orbiting electrons and this mechanical imbalance causes the atomic system to wobble or vibrate. Chemical bonds allow atoms to share electrons thereby reducing vibration and increasing stability.

It is quite possible for the "Mechanically Balancing Electron" to come from an outside source, or an electron can be totally removed from the atom's system with an outside source of energy. When this happens we have created an "Ion". Ions can transport an electric current through a medium.

These electrical interplays are happening so fast, and with such randomness, that it is hard to picture them in an environment as dynamic as water.

Our understanding of Zeta Potential can be refined by observing some of these electrical effects in a more static structure, such as the crystal lattices that we create for our "Solid State Devices". This simple, unencumbered explanation of electron movement in solid–state materials, can be generalized into the world of Zeta Potential.

Today, we use "Laser Doppler Diode Instruments" and our fast computers, to accurately and precisely measure the "Drift Velocity" of the colloid or cell when placed within an electric field of known voltage.

This drift velocity is then expressed as a " VOLTAGE " that relates to the total electric effect of all the electrons traveling in their unique orbits. All this buzzing around that all these electrons do, produces a "Negative Electric Field" around the atomic system. This virtual space is called "The Electron Cloud" or "Virtual Electron Shell".

The "Virtual Electric Barrier" that this activity produces, is what creates Mother Nature's "Atomic Anti–Collision System". I like to call it "Mother Nature's Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers".

The Anti–Collision Effects that the Virtual Shell imparts, is not anything like driving into a brick wall. It is soft and gentle, but very firm, in it's influences in the atomic world.

The Anti–Collision Influence comes on very slowly, and increases logarithmically as the distance decreases linearly, thereby preventing "Hard Knocks" from happening in the atomic molecular world. The "Zeta Potential Energy" gently—firmly pushes the systems apart. This can be a problem if you actually want to link atoms together, but our primary interest Here, is to keep Blood Cells and Mineral Salts, etc. from "Clumping" [ sticking ] together and coming out of solution.



Kiss My Ring
Magnetic Fields

Magnetic fields are made up of electrical charges that react to forces in the environment. Electrical charges can attract or repel and behave according to the chemical or physical forces in the surrounding field, according to How Magnets Work, a science resource site. An example of this can be seen in how electric currents will move through a wire when a magnetic force is at work. A magnetic field also is made up of lines of force that indicate the direction in which charges are moving in. When applied to water, the chemical composition of the water can influence how a magnetic field behaves.


According to Science Clarified, the principles behind electromagnetism describe the forces at work when a magnetic field is active. In effect, electrical charge and magnetic charge represent different aspects of the same event. When at rest, electron charges exist in a non-agitated state. When an attractant force is applied, electron charges become agitated and start to move in the direction of the applied force. In the case of water, its chemical composition determines what effects a magnetic field will have.

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Water Conductivity

Water molecules are made up hydrogen and oxygen atoms and their respective electron orbits. When exposed to water, a magnet field is carried by the electron particles that are exposed to the field, according to the Encyclopedia of Water. The chemical and physical interaction that takes place between electrical charges and water molecules can cause certain atoms to lose their electrons. When this happens, atoms become ionized or charged because of the missing electrons. As a result, these atoms will attempt to regain their missing electrons. The combination of ionized atoms and magnetic fields causes an electrical current to form in the water.

PH Levels

PH level is a measure of a water's acid or alkaline content, according to Microbial Life Educational Resources. It's based on a 14-point scale where high acidity levels fall within the 1 to 6 range, with 1 being the higher acidity level. Higher alkaline levels fall within the 8 to 14 range, with 14 being the highest alkaline content. PH levels also point to electrical conductivity in terms of how well a particular body of water can conduct electricity. In effect, a high or low level of conductivity can indicate how strong the magnetic field is.


As water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, the ionizing effects caused by a magnet field result from how electrical charges interact with the hydrogen atoms. When water contains a high acidic content (or low pH level), this corresponds with the amount of hydrogen ions present, according to Microbial Life Educational Resources. In effect, the electrical charges that sustain a magnetic field are carried by the hydrogen ions contained in the water. As a result, high concentrations of acid in water make for a stronger magnetic field.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/about_6458520_magnetic-field_s-effect-water.html#ixzz2ntKmjgns


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
A company is selling a device that is basically 2 electrodes (one for each end of the soil row that are connected to a low voltage wall wart. Nothing for hydro

IMO keeping your soil in a magnetic state can only be a good thing this also probably helps in leaching as molecules in a magnetic field tend to vibrate in suspension can only be a plus now we just need to find out how to implement this to our gardens in a efficient matter i believe when i started this thread by placing magnets in direct soil might not of been a great idea , then i hit on the idea of magnetic water instead which i think might be the answer either way when you think about it lights emit a frequency , when DWC yes even that pump is emmiting some sort of magnetic frequency we just need to curve it and figure how it can make our plants possibly grow faster yield more:tiphat:

Sativa Dragon

Active member
[URL="https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=36033&pictureid=892426&1"]View Image[/URL]

the earth is a magnet too...

what's your gripe? you're always here, so what's up with the negativity?
contributing nothing but snyde remarks and attempting discredit by some intellectual arrogance cannot and will not derail investigation into and around this subject.

tell us what else you've discovered....

Can you elaborate?

Is it that you can't stand when someone makes a huge point that diminishes your spotlight?

Nice Marathon post, who actually reads post after post of copy and pasted unsighted material.

Oh well whatever makes you feel better.



Kiss My Ring
to be fair dragon, i reviewed this thread and discovered you actually did make some contributions, so i bow to your indignation.

??? what spotlight??? we're all anonymous here...oh you mean my participation...

nah. i didn't see anything you posted that diminished my 'spotlight'. lol

those cut and paste posts have insights you obviously are overlooking.

....this is an electric topic with attraction and repulsion, i think my poles have flipped.

SativaDragon i think we can agree that i was out of line. i traced my reaction to your posts to the thought of the two bowls in the Primer series. i misunderstood your comment and that forced my perception of consequent posts...for that i apologize. i normally have thicker skin. my bad!

i hope we can reach an understanding and that we can coexist in this thread without aggravating each others.


Sativa Dragon

Active member
We certainly can come to an understanding. I appreciate your cander. It takes a person of integrity to own it, and you di.

However I am not without fault, I goaded you on a tad.

Much appreciated Trich



Active member
Nice! Two adults agreeing to disagree and acknowledging their faults. Not something you see much on anonymous forums. ++ Thanks for your contributions. Burning one for you guys. :huggg:

Happy Winter Solstice!



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