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Uruguay leader calls Colorado pot law 'fiction'


Mujica is a hero hahaha... 1$.... if i pay this quantity in spain i would only grow for make seeds an water hash with 3-4 plants... and the rest i would buy it on the dispensary...



It is good to see progression, but I think Mujica should leave Colorado out of this and worry about his own country. By the way things look currently, I would much rather be in Colorado.


Ah you can't blame him for trying. We saw a belgian documentary recently, about colorado, the conclusion it had was a bit double: adults can use it responsibly, but theres a big problem for the youth still at school, smoking away and ruining their chances at life.

I agree its not ok for young people to use it on a daily basis, alcohol isnt either but you cant compare it to alcohol in this aspect imo, cannabis is seen as benign and there is no physical hangover, being under effect can be hidden easier, so young people tend to use it more on a daily basis without realizing the negative effects it can have.
With pot being legalized for adults, the notion that its harmless is further strengthened - while its not, compared to alcohol it is in a lot of ways though - and its much easier to get hold of, all you need are some older friends...

I always saw this as one of the main difficulties in legalisation, though it is more of a parenting issue than anything else. If you can talk your kids into not abusing alcohol you should be able to do the same for pot.


very lucky to live in colorado ;) and uruguay too ! ! !
cannabis remains a problem for the country. Even after 20 years in Holland was big problems. cannabis dealers have much less dollars and sell much more Heroine ! even in school children 12 years give free doses. Get a younger client, heroine and cheap . because the cannabis market was no longer for them . The Coffee Shop were willing Many schools have closed Coffee Shop in Holland To regulate or Decriminalize Cannabis remains a big problem because the traffickers earn a lot of money. .
trafficker if they lose a lot of money to develop other ways .... heroine ! cocaine ! ect ...
it is good to allow cannabis we are all FOR this option but nothing is easy as between policies ! young kids! traffickers ! use the med ! farmers ! ECT .... agreements are not identical for all. Politicians do not have the same goals as MED USE ! ! !
ETC and ECT ! ! ! Countries are moving in a positive direction but there will always be big problems because it is a drug. It can help a lot of USE MED or responsible adults but it can shatter mentally childrens very quickly :(
but countries arrive more or less a good thing to do with cannabis ... this is positive. Colorado be good option. must be seen later with the year ?
Good evening has all !!!!!!!!!!!


New member
G.O.Joe - You've gotta get off those 'shrooms dude - you're getting 'brain-fog'!
How can you say it's not "foreign relations"?

Do you really think the cabal's conditions are different for Uruguay than for Turkey or Kanada!

Take a deep breath & GO BACK TO SLEEP!

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
G.O.Joe - You've gotta get off those 'shrooms dude - you're getting 'brain-fog'!
How can you say it's not "foreign relations"?

Do you really think the cabal's conditions are different for Uruguay than for Turkey or Kanada!

Take a deep breath & GO BACK TO SLEEP!

I don't know what your real problem with me is, but you sure do have one and it doesn't involve Uruguay.
My avatar is some shadowy order's bitch, huh? I'm down with his cabal.

What has changed?

Original news, Tue Dec 10, 2013: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/12/11/us-uruguay-marijuana-vote-idUSBRE9BA01520131211
Cannabis consumers will be able to buy a maximum of 40 grams (1.4 ounces) each month from licensed pharmacies as long as they are Uruguayan residents over the age of 18 and registered on a government database that will monitor their monthly purchases.

When the law is implemented in 120 days, Uruguayans will be able to grow six marijuana plants in their homes a year, or as much as 480 grams (about 17 ounces), and form smoking clubs of 15 to 45 members that can grow up to 99 plants per year.

New news, Tue May 6, 2014: http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/06/world/americas/uruguay-marijuana-rules/
People can grow as many as six plants at home and produce a maximum of 480 grams per year, according to the published rules. Cannabis clubs of anywhere between 15 and 45 members will be legal.

Another rule allows people to buy as much as 40 grams of marijuana per month at state-licensed pharmacies.


what, only a gram and a bit per day?

At least the days first couple joints are legal, then its back to the black market for the rest of the day. Do they have alcohol buying limits per day there? What a scam. The black market will thrive with limits like that. At least in Colorado the limits are closer to reasonable.


New member


Basically hes saying colorado is trying to cash in and its a joke, then he goes on to say hes creating a marijuana monopoly in his country and hes the shit.
sounds like hes starting a cartel to me

Azackly dood - the dreaded "CARTEL" proof is shown by/in the uniformity of all the laws internationally - they all sing from the same song book - written by - no, not the Jesuit/Mason/Fascist/Capitalist Democracies of our supremely advanced civilization where the "cure" for cancers kill more people than the cancers ever could, if left alone.

There is a rumor about that CANCER has become the second largest killer, behind Heart/Stroke - that's a LIE! The 2nd largest killer is Chemo/Radiation "treatments" for cancer. Any person, child or adult, who dies of cancer should be considered a victim of MURDER!
Why stop at singling out the Bohemians? Its the beatniks we need to watch out for and bongos. Once our youth turn to bongos societies will erode, because percussion is a gateway instrument.