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URGENT! Large black hairy pest found attacking my plant- HELP!


Hahaha I love the pictures! It was helping you prepare for cutting! Removing those big pesky fan leaves, making your job a little easier. Cute little beast.
Black/Sable female cats are notorious for being sassy, dominating everyone, being demanding, and generally causing chaos. Wehave one of them. I played fetch with her for about 2 hours yesterday. If I don't play, she stands up and puts her claws in my leg or bites my toes. And she gets sooooooooooooooo excited and makes all these insane noises I can't really deny her. Fortunaely our cats only eat bottom leaves and we end up stripping them off anyhow in flowering. We keep them out of the flowering room. And we make sure to blow smoke in their faces when they want it, so then they are chiller about eating plants.


"easy growing type"
week 17 of some cuban haze bagseed. Have had very little problems with pests until this happened!

Fantastic Fantastic Fantastic!!!! I LOVE YOUR CAT!!!!!


Goes to show the intelligence of our great leaders. If supposedly less intelligent animals than them can recognize the medical and social benefits of Cannabis and they cant.


lol I love to blow smoke on my cat, after 30secs he runs to the food bowl, and after another 15min he sleeps like a rock on the floor, seriously I thought he died couldn't wake him up at first lol!!

I had a cat I had to rename him Fritz. When we would come home from shopping and empty paper bags were sitting on the floor. Fritz would climb into one and star meowing. He would stay until someone gave him a shotgun in the bag. He would come out. Get something to eat. Jump off the third floor balcony and go get himself laid.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Oh what a cute wittow kitty cat!!!!!!!!!! We have a couple fan leaf munchers over here, but wow, your kitty is going for the gold:cathug: Smart Kitteh!! :D
I will say that our sable female does not go for bud. Mr. Mountain has been growing fresh catnip outside all summer and they all love it, roll around in it, etc. The extra large orange one eats it all up, the others don't. But the no. 1 mackerel tabby (my personal feline attachment) prefers pot. She came to us loving pot. I think she smelled it coming off my skin and decided she was coming home with me. We literally call " ......., wanna get high little girl?" and she comes running, every time. Loves big huge clouds of smoke, keeps her face in the smoke. Will come and stick her face in the bowl if we're smoking hash and it's still burning. now SHE has eaten a nug or two in her time, but it's ok. They don't damage flowering plants (on the rare and super short times they get in the flowering room), so it's cool. We DID have to train her not to use the cloners as her personal lounging space. Now that we have our next project going under flourescents in a new room, however, she DOES lay on top of the light for hours at a time. Those plants get a little munched, but they are just there until we're done sexing them and then we'll be looking for the ultimate anti-anxiety female. I was surprised we didn't get all females this time (we got about 90% last year) b/c the sable cat was spending all her time basking in the light. We were sure she was going to turn them all female, but then again, she likes men a lot, so maybe she was saying "How about some nice males?" the whole time instead. yes, we love our cats.


My dog will eat as many fan leaves as i let him when im trimming my plants, he always sleeps really well afterwards. I tend to deny him after the first two dozen or so, he's a greedy wee bugger. Its well known that cats and dogs self medicate, cats have a very broad palette when it comes to herbs, even more than dogs.
Cats, at least, need roughage (or however you spell it), so I figure at least the roughage indoors hasn't got anything nasty on it like bugs, pests, the chemicals the city sprays for mosquitos, or anything else. We are careful what we use on our outdoor plants, too, but nothing is babied like our indoor garden, so the cats are probably safer eating roughage indoors. Although that catnip has been treated extra special b/c we knew it was for them. I mean these are spoiled cats. Only Blue Buffalo food for them. I'd feed them raw, but 3 out of 4 of them won't touch it. 2 of them will ONLY eat kibble or wet food. The other wants cooked human food. He's the large former alley cat that we got from Animal Control. We had to ease him into eating cat food. I was hand feeding him meat from my plate the first week we had him to make sure that he got SOMETHING to eat. We are sure he was surviving in some apartment complex by dumpster diving, there's no other explanation. Cat no 1, the mackerel tabby WILL eat raw, but she is something of a wild cat, though we are fairly sure someone owned her and just abandoned her when they went on summer vacation or the first time she went into heat. People are really shitty, animals are not disposable, ya know?


May your race always be in your favor
I have a Siamese that helps me everyday he only picks certain leaves, he sniffs them and picks his fav. The dog also get his daily leaves also.



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Re: URGENT! Large black hairy pest found attacking my plant- HELP!

You guys it's a fucking canterpiller!