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Ur Favorite Beer?

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Russian River - Pliny the Elder
Timmerman- Any of the Lambics
De Dolle Oerbier - Reserva 09
Three Floyds - Alpha King
Erie Brewing Co- Derailed Cherry Ale

I like Sour beers and hoppy beers. I don't drink too many, but when I have a beer I like to have a nice one. When i'm somewhere that doesn't have a deep selection, I'll usually go for a New Castle. I used to drink Heinken and then for a while Stella, but I've had too many of them.


A couple other of my all time favorites....

1) The Abyss. Only had it five times, all 2009 series.
2) Old Rasputin (north coast brewery)
3) Hop Henge experimental IPA.
4) Jubel Ale- a winter ale by Deschutes. Definitely one of the best beers ever, imo (but it must be fresh)

A really good one I recently had is Old Engine Oil Porter. Pretty kick ass but kinda expensive at $4-5 per 12oz bottle. It is an import from Scotland I believe.

Another good Scottish brewery that I like is Brew Dog. Thier Hard Core IPA is pretty good, but thier Dogma is really interesting!!

Mikkellers is always going to be one of the best, but it is a little to rare and costly for my budget (not taste).

One of the best I ever had is the 30th aniversary Sierra Nevada's four bottle series, all corked. Damn the barley wine was amazing, but the grand cru was amazing.

I have a chance to buy an Ola Dubh #16 for $10 per 12oz bottle (maybe 11.2oz). I am still contemplating it...


Awesome beer, highly recommended...



Active member
Southern Tier has some amazing beers IMO. The Creme Brulee Stout is amazing as well as the Chocolat Stout. I would highly recommend either.
OK. My buddy aged some Brooklyn Brewing Black Chocolate Stout for roughly a year and busted a 4 pack open tonight.

I'm just gonna come out with it; this is the best beer I've had in my life. I'm not a world traveled beer dork, but I've been around a bit. I've had KBS many, many times (grew up in Michigan) and this is better IMHO.

I had to tell someone. If you've got access to this stuff, grab a few four packs and throw them in the cellar for half a decade. You might be amazed at what happens.

I'm getting very, very dark chocolate on the front. Medium through is a backdrop of alcohol with a hyuuuuuge molasses/dark fruit feel. Mind you, I'm a total espresso stout dork and I'm not getting any espresso here, yet I still consider this my favorite stout of all time. That's how good it is.


Well-known member
Dupont Foret Organic Saison Ale....... yum:dance013:

kind of like liquid nitrous oxide....

makes you swoon with joy


food in the fridge ??

food in the fridge ??

i don't think so !!


old soggy matzo balls...


coronass and heinikrap both taste horrible for how expensive they both are.... shits rank city! i cant believe these are seen as good brands or high end brands in america

if ima go way dirt cheap prolly PBR or Coors ORIGINAL... both are great no doubt in tall boys only though

if ima go cheap/average id prolly go with rolling rock for them super hot days george killians irish red for night, oo my god almost forgot my favorite cheap beer MOOOSE HEAD shits to good!! fuckin shower in that shit. best canadian beer for sure

if ima drop some dolla ....... new glarus spotted cow. new glarus totally naked for sure sooo good too good. anyone else drink new glarus its micro out of wisconsin. stella artosis is delicous too

not a fan of the coffee or chocolate flavored beers. not hatin on em. i just like my beer to taste like beer. i am hatin on coronass and heinkrap haha

suds n buds baby!


who the hell eats any more ??

who the hell eats any more ??

food is for babies and fat chicks !!





was on a boulevard wheat kick now settling into dose equis pretty regularly....local mexican place has 32oz mugs for $3.50 too