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UK Outdoor Growing 2010


Hi all , & hello to all the outdoor growers that know me . Im back now (new pc) . MY harvest last year was probably the lowest yield i have ever had so nothing to write about . I see a Canadian on here & reminded me of the time i had that BIG Biddy Early that i seeded & then posted 1000`s of seeds & a lot went over there (Mainly Ont ) .
Any of you with bug probs check out www.defenders.co.uk , worth a look .
I have a large selection of seed so will find something suitable for this season , lost an outdoor plot as it got opened up by a lot of work on the railway . I may grow in my garden plot if i can remove the bloody deer that are here (3 of ) . This winter they have eaten most everything in the garden including all the bulb leaf & flowers & only got a few mj plants last year coz i built a little stockade of pallets , trouble is the missus is a vegetarian & dosen`t like the idea of venison in the freezer , yet she dont mind me bowling the rabbits over !!!!
TPS Zed & Mini i will bell you & catchup & mini if you need compost i have hundreds of bags of it here with all the heaps . Pure organic & free .

Stay safe all . BGB


nice one bgb---nice to see ya back---compost yes--gonna wait till end of march start popping me beans---got the beans today thanks esben and wot---i been meaning to try rox for sometime---i got some 12 week satias that are boom---gonn put 4 in a place see what happens not sure on its make up but it sure do rock the head--got a lot of strains to do his year---got more plots than i need--so gonna go with the ones near water get me finger out and water them ---petrol water pump---drieing then hauling gallons of wter in buckets is to much hard work---turn up water no exersion moe on to the next plot it will sae hours and hours and gie them 10 times more water than hand watering-----got 2 on the way i got the free----might buy 2 more--2 of the plots can hold easy 100 hundred plants each 50 meters apart 1 pump will do them 2 and the other is the same---i might not put hundreds in there because of smell but theres room---i neer realy waterd a plot proper yet one or 2 good waterings at most---but me garden plants allways turn out bigger---apart from one plot that does not need it clay bottom holds water all year 6 7 8 10footers from there neer waterd once--gonn go for big plats with plenty of watering----stay safe all nice to see ya back bgb


Active member
Hi all , & hello to all the outdoor growers that know me . Im back now (new pc) . MY harvest last year was probably the lowest yield i have ever had so nothing to write about . I see a Canadian on here & reminded me of the time i had that BIG Biddy Early that i seeded & then posted 1000`s of seeds & a lot went over there (Mainly Ont ) .
Any of you with bug probs check out www.defenders.co.uk , worth a look .
I have a large selection of seed so will find something suitable for this season , lost an outdoor plot as it got opened up by a lot of work on the railway . I may grow in my garden plot if i can remove the bloody deer that are here (3 of ) . This winter they have eaten most everything in the garden including all the bulb leaf & flowers & only got a few mj plants last year coz i built a little stockade of pallets , trouble is the missus is a vegetarian & dosen`t like the idea of venison in the freezer , yet she dont mind me bowling the rabbits over !!!!
TPS Zed & Mini i will bell you & catchup & mini if you need compost i have hundreds of bags of it here with all the heaps . Pure organic & free .

Stay safe all . BGB

you should get a bar of soap break it into bits and put it round your garden or piss in a bottle and let it get stale and spread it round the parimeter the deer wont come near it


Hey guys popping in - up to ten pages already!!!

I'm gonna doa few autos this year from beans wam gave me - popping on April 1st my official 3rd birthday of growing. Getting a wee greenhouse to ut them in, keeping in subtler and hoping for a good summer.

Also putting in some hop rhizomes for screening/smell cover... Grafting might have to be done for shits and giggles (I know it kills the THC but hell it'd be fun!)


Transplanted all my chilli seedlings today - hate thinning out but had too many 'early jalapenos' now have 96 in individual sections in trays including 12 tomatillos. Looking forward to another season of chillis (my overwintered ones are still going 3rd season and fruiting already) - got bolivian rainbows and some sweet variegated-leave ones too which should be really pretty decorative AND functional pot plants.

Excited about hops though - WAM fancy your hand at our favourite plants closest cousin? You got the weather and the sun and I can source some rhizomes. Cure them like weed but faster and I'll brew you beers with them come September!


Active member
Transplanted all my chilli seedlings today - hate thinning out but had too many 'early jalapenos' now have 96 in individual sections in trays including 12 tomatillos. Looking forward to another season of chillis (my overwintered ones are still going 3rd season and fruiting already) - got bolivian rainbows and some sweet variegated-leave ones too which should be really pretty decorative AND functional pot plants.

Excited about hops though - WAM fancy your hand at our favourite plants closest cousin? You got the weather and the sun and I can source some rhizomes. Cure them like weed but faster and I'll brew you beers with them come September!

still waiting for some germination results here with the chillis...

cool! hops sounds sweet... how much would i need to grow to make a decent brew? still keeping channels open for a garden grow this year... officially it's still 'no', but i'm trying to weezel my way into a late germ with smaller (and more:D) plants! but we'll see. might have little guerilla opportunity, too!

anyone wanna grow the flying dutchmans 'the pure'? had an offer to share :tup:

sunday, yeah!



Active member
Hey everyone :)

Welcome along all the new posters along with some of the old peeps showing up as well...good to see yer BGB!! Will have to catch up soon man :joint:

Cool that everyone seems to be sorted for beans...nice work Esben and WAM! Sorry WAM not to be able to join in...its a long story but i have to keep stuff low-key this year :(

What awesome Spring weather today....nice!! I've just got back from Amsterdam which was really nice as well. It was my first trip (of many i hope) and can't believe how cool it is!! Its just so nice to be able to smoke and not be punished for it.

On the first night me and the GF were sat outside some coffee shop having a spliff and a cop walked right past..how cool is that! I almost shat myself until i realised where i was!!

Didnt smoke to many varieties as its usually 10-12 euros a gram and there was only 2 of us. Got some nice Nevils Haze and some SSH. The missus went for some Kali Mist as its her fav at home. Also had a Silver Haze spliff in some coffee shop that had the GF nearly tripping :D She couldnt understand a word i said for nearly 15 mins.
TBH we spent most of the time either in a coffee shop or in the red light district...but cant remember all the shop names...we were very stoned! We did go to the van gough museum but spent only half an hour in there as the coffee shops were calling!

I know that our fav place was Greenhouse which was a surprise...It had a real nice layout with friendly staff, good food, nice weed and a really cool koi tank built into the floor.

I think the most crazy thing is the fact that you have to hide your tobacco if you want to make a spliff!! Since the tobacco ban you actually cant smoke it, but weed is legal!! Of course the shop don't care as long as its hidden away...wow!

The most frustrating part is that we had to come home to the shitty UK with its shitty laws. It was just sooooo nice to be able to smoke out and about, it really is the future.

Will be getting out in the garden this week and getting lowryder island ready...

Peace all, TPS :)


ahoy bgb!
must i keep some esben '09 crosses for ya?

Nice one wot , i may take you up on that ! TPS can provide an e-mail addy . Obviously i can read messages but can`t yet post .
Seeing as i never done a lot of online last year i`m a bit behind on a lot of whats been going on but it`s no suprise to find 1 of the most educational & generous seed developers still doing all he can for the outdoor mj scene & has had my respect for many years & coming from me that has to be earned . Esben , hats off to you good buddy .
TPS , i`m not suprised you enjoyed Dam , i can`t see me & her ever getting over there , bit tied with the dog !

bigwity . it may work as i have tried everything else including fishing line & thin garden wire stretched tight a foot off the ground, pity Renardine was taken off of the market coz that was the ultimate repellant . I watched 1 of the buggers 10ft from the kitchen window standing on it`s hind legs chewing the new buds off the top of a Magnolia & was tempted to take it out then . I`m beginging to dream of venison roasts & burgers . Grrrrrrrr

Stay safe all . BGB


Rezinrebel, the active ingredient of Reynardine was Bone Tar oil. Pine Tar oil is the active ingredient of Jeyes Fluid, Coal tar oil is the active ingredient of Creosote. Both of these are easily spilt whilst gardening. ;) If you want to burn some bones to the mix, why not call it Cannardine. Believe it or not Ferret shit works well. High in nitrogen too.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I would try "The Pure"....even better i would try any Flying Dutchmen strain.
They are top quality! It´s my favourite WhiteWidow to the date...i´m still missing Mr.Nice BlackWidow :)
All the best


Hello people..! :)

Great to see the UK Outdoor 2010 thread buzzing with activity. I'll have to have a good read to catch up with what everyones doing.

I been without a grow for 10 months but I'm happy to announce I have several plants on the grow! :)

For outdoors I have some seeds germinating; TopHaze X PurplePeace f1s, just 4 seeds I made back in '06, Indica#1 X Masterlow f2s which were from some plants BGB grew also in '06, germin' 20 of these. I also have 5 autoAK47 X DieselRyder f1s which Ramp made the other year. All these have turned out female so I started the IndxMlow f2s in hope of finding a suitable auto male to pollinate the nicest AKxDRyder girls. The AK/DRs are under 200w enviros but the next gen will be grown outdoors.
I have several other strains to germ for outdoors (mostly Esben's from a few years back) but I need to find some guerilla sites first.

I have an indoor grow about to go into flower (tho plants are only 6wks old). I've 3 feminised sat leaning strains from GreenhouseSeeds 5 mix pack; NevillesHaze, HawiaainSnow and Arjan's StrawberryHaze. The SSH and Arjan's Haze#1 (that were in the pack) both died as mutant seedlings.. Hoping the surving 3 don't go hermy but they're looking alright in veg. Also have 5 G-Force X WhiteWidow f1s, also made by Ramp :) ..These are not sexed yet, they've just been potted up into larger pots ready to flower.

I bought a BudBox for the indoor grow, is neat and tidy. I got the 1M x 1M x 1.8M tent. Currently veggin' with 250w MH in a Cooltube. The 250wMH will be coming out today and I'll be installing the 600w Growlux and digi ballast.. :dance013:

Have bloody fungus gnats already! Sprayed with Bugclear other night, will repeat spray tomorrow. I should have done it before starting the crop but yesterday I fitted mesh filters over the air intakes and a bug screen made from cheapo gardening fleece that completely covers the entrance. So now the gnats will never escape!! LOL.

Peace all..! :ying:


Hello Zed, good to see you about mate. :yes:

I tried to send you a message but there was no option for it on your drop down menu? Maybe its to do with one of these silly IC rules.

I have recently, very kindly, been gifted some of your AutoAkWW clone only plants. I know some other people recieved them too so I was wondering if you could post some info up on this thread about them, like veg time, flower time, expected yields etc if its no problem?
As you can clone them I asume they are not fully auto so do they veg for a fixed amount of time then flower, or are the just very light sensitive, i.e. they flower much earlier than 'normal' plants.

I have heard amazing results from them so Im really looking forward to growing them out.:)



New member
i grew a plant that turned out male so kept the seeds , i threw the old soil in the garden now im getting about 20 little plants sneeking there way up , , would that be a good indication that the seeds i kept will grow outside in the countryside (hills) without a problem ??? cheers jie


Hi Soulfly :) Afraid I have never grown the seeds or clone from that particular cross I made, so I can't give you any info there.. Minime should be able to help out with the grow spec. I might start a few seeds from that cross for this season though whether they'll perform as well as the cloned pheno, I can only wait and see.

The clone is an f1 so only has half auto genetics.. I think the seeds have the odd auto pheno but at f1 stage they'll be rare. F2s is where autos appear at about 25%, then bout 90% in f3 if f2 auto parents were used - going from experience tho results will vary.

I plan to start the autoAK47xOHaze (FON) project again from the f2 beans I have saved but I'm waiting to see if my current indoor crop develops any of those dreaded virus symptoms first. If not I'll get 40 or so FON f2s on the go to get a nice selection of auto phenos in the f3 crop.



Jie, all weed strains will grow in the British climate but most will not start to flower until way into autumn and therefore will not have ripened fully before the weather become too poor, meaning the crop is poor yield or turned moldy (some strains are more resistant to mold than others).
I'm a bit confused.. You say you grew a plant that turned out to be male and kept the seeds. Where did the other seeds come from? Male plants do not produce seeds, just fine dusty pollen, the female produces seeds. Or are the seeds from what you didn't grow first time round?
I'd hate to think you threw out a very much smokable but seeded female plant thinkin it was a useless male..!



New member
Jie, all weed strains will grow in the British climate but most will not start to flower until way into autumn and therefore will not have ripened fully before the weather become too poor, meaning the crop is poor yield or turned moldy (some strains are more resistant to mold than others).
I'm a bit confused.. You say you grew a plant that turned out to be male and kept the seeds. Where did the other seeds come from? Male plants do not produce seeds, just fine dusty pollen, the female produces seeds. Or are the seeds from what you didn't grow first time round?
I'd hate to think you threw out a very much smokable but seeded female plant thinkin it was a useless male..!

what happened is i had 2 female plants going when i was given a couple of male plants , the thing is i didnt know that , and they ended up pollenating the females , i let them grow anyway and they just supplied me with hundreds of seeds ,and a bit of smoke , i have an indoor garden now i grew 12 beans and out of the 12 i got 11 females


Ok Zed thanks anyway man.:yes:

Must have got my wires crossed as to where the original plant came from.

About to start my first seeds of the season, will post pics when it gets a little more exciting. :)


Edit: Forgot to say hello BGB, good to see you about. :yes: