Putin will not give Snowden up IMO, unless Obomba offers Victor Bout in exchange.
Russia has a history of holding onto "pawns" that they'll give up when it's advantageous for them to do so. If Snowden has the insight I think he does, he already knows he needs to get out of there.
Interesting that protesters in Germany want the government to give him asylum. Guess once you've lived it you can see the dangers of what the US Gov is doing more clearly.
If he comes home either by extradition of on his own, he'll meet a jury stacked against him and be tried by a compelling arguement that he broke national security laws in the court room. Legally, by releasing national security secrets, he has broken federal law. Even though he has exposed the gov for the corrupt motherfuckers they are, it would be hard to find a jury that would side with him on the issues. Maybe not. Jury nullification would definatly work in his favor, but that is realistically a long shot.
I hope he finds a great host country in which to live out the rest of his life without fear of extradition or assassination attempts.
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