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twitter just permanently banned donald trump


Active member
My comment was only to point out the irony in Boogie's statement that he does not support ANY government control. Nothing more.

You must be a fellow nazi. We should get together sometime and smoke some crack. Just don’t mention hitler. It’s offensive.

Lots of irony here.


That still makes no sense.

Twitter is what got Trump elected, you didn't have a problem with it until now.

Anyone can make another social media app/ platform.

anyone that tries to compete in the field is bought out and or destroyed, just look at parler.

twitter had too much power back then too, but they didnt use it. they pretended to be a benign free speech platform. then when everyone was plugged in they started changing the rules to this point, where an unelected billionaire can decide to shut off the account of a sitting US president. 74 million Americans votes be damned.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
breaking up a monopoly is a governments duty to keep an even playing field. even you Yanks have laws to that effect. monopolies are bad you know.

The exact same post as I replied to Dramamine with applies here;

My comment was only to point out the irony in Boogie's statement that he does not support ANY government control. Nothing more.

I have no quarrel with breaking up monopolies/


Active member
anyone that tries to compete in the field is bought out and or destroyed, just look at parler.

twitter had too much power back then too, but they didnt use it. they pretended to be a benign free speech platform. then when everyone was plugged in they started changing the rules to this point, where an unelected billionaire can decide to shut off the account of a sitting US president. 74 million Americans votes be damned.
Great thing here is we do have individual rights.


You don't seem to get it. Everyone sees what your saying for what it is.

Your principle end at your own "ban button"

How does someone handing out warnings and bans, just keep complaining about people getting banned?! smh

Rules for thee, not for me.

so another one who thinks IC mag and twitter is the same. ic has a nish, we operate in that nish, we never invited presidents to use our platform to speak to their citizens, we never move in to the real world. we don't even use real names and anyone banned can just make a new account. how you can see that as being on par with twitter/facebook i do not understand.

but in the end i am celebrating with you. just for different reasons, lmao.


Well-known member
anyone that tries to compete in the field is bought out and or destroyed, just look at parler.

twitter had too much power back then too, but they didnt use it. they pretended to be a benign free speech platform. then when everyone was plugged in they started changing the rules to this point, where an unelected billionaire can decide to shut off the account of a sitting US president. 74 million Americans votes be damned.

82 million better quality Americans votes counted too:kiss:


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
there's competition, relatively small but there
And as soon as they gain enough of a following, Twitter or Facebook will buy them up.
ebay does ok in the amazon space
True. But Ebay also doesn't offer a competitively priced alternative and slap their name on it, directly competing with people who pay to be on there. Like Amazon does.
big companies look like they'll dominate forever
but they don't
My problem isn't with large companies. I happen to work for one that is frickin' awesome to their employees. What I have a problem with are monopolies. Of which right now there are several. And a couple of them directly led to the mess we are in right now.


Active member
The exact same post as I replied to Dramamine with applies here;

My comment was only to point out the irony in Boogie's statement that he does not support ANY government control. Nothing more.

I have no quarrel with breaking up monopolies/

If they broke up Twitter, it would make no difference. There’d be a lot of little companies and Twitter. Just like now.


Active member
so another one who thinks IC mag and twitter is the same. ic has a nish, we operate in that nish, we never invited presidents to use our platform to speak to their citizens, we never move in to the real world. we don't even use real names and anyone banned can just make a new account. how you can see that as being on par with twitter/facebook i do not understand.

but in the end i am celebrating with you. just for different reasons, lmao.

You’ve joined the political nish.

You are part of the real world.

Some here use their real names.
Many names on Twitter are fake.

Anyone banned on Twitter can make a new account.

IOW you can’t exempt yourself.


Well-known member
for the past few years a number of governments have tried to get social media platforms to crack down on certain bad behaviour. This includes mobbing, hate speech etc. some of these platforms have agreed and have begun to implement these rules.

Let´s face it - a lot of what goes on on social media is anything but social. It is extremely anti social from what I can tell.
A lot of these haters would never dare to say some of the things to a persons face. They think it is fun to be an asshole and know they can get away with being rude and insulting even if there´s no real reason.

Facebook etc were suppose to be a positive experience for people but more and more often the opposite is true. Pretty sad really.

But let´s not forget that a platform is just that. It is the people who participate who make it `happen´ and there´s just too many anti social wankers and bitches out there

sorry, just needed to get this out lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gaiusmarius
so another one who thinks IC mag and twitter is the same. ic has a nish, we operate in that nish, we never invited presidents to use our platform to speak to their citizens,
I don´t think twitter invited Trump or anyone else in politics, sports etc. People just sign up...


82 million better quality Americans votes counted too:kiss:

they are and do count, biden won after all and has 26 thousand troops making sure he get inaugurated smoothly. but thats not the point. im not saying twitter should declare trump the winner, just don't shut down a sitting presidents account. if trump broke laws, let the normal judical system deal with it.

but as i said im very happy the mask is off, good job Jack Dorsey, at least everyone knows where they stand now when it comes to twitter, facebook and amazon.


You’ve joined the political nish.

You are part of the real world.

Some here use their real names.
Many names on Twitter are fake.

Anyone banned on Twitter can make a new account.

IOW you can’t exempt yourself.

what ever dude, IC mag is just the same as twitter, sure, why the fuck not, lmao.....when you doing that ipo Gypsy?


Well-known member
they are and do count, biden won after all and has 26 thousand troops making sure he get inaugurated smoothly. but thats not the point. im not saying twitter should declare trump the winner, just don't shut down a sitting presidents account. if trump broke laws, let the normal judical system deal with it.

but as i said im very happy the mask is off, good job Jack Dorsey, at least everyone knows where they stand now when it comes to twitter, facebook and amazon.

if that "sitting president" was not a sociopathic fucking wingnut intent on doing as much damage as he could before leaving office, he would still be tweeting. there HAS to be limits, lines YOU DO NOT CROSS! even for the Chump...;)


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
if that "sitting president" was not a sociopathic fucking wingnut intent on doing as much damage as he could before leaving office, he would still be tweeting. there HAS to be limits, lines YOU DO NOT CROSS! even for the Chump...;)

True enough. I'm sure that Trump would be banned from here if he were to carry on the same as he was on Twitter.