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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
Since the BLM thread is closed and I don't feel like making a new topic, here's Kyle Rittenhouse's (murderer) handler outing him;

the last two screenshots are particularly great;









Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You know what scares me the most about Trumps openly expressed desre about wanting to head an authoritarian government, besides the fact that so many of his supporters are okay with that? It's the fact that they seem to think he'll do a good job at it. Yet Trump has filed to do a good job at anything in his life. He needed help and cheated his way thru school because he wasn't a good student. When he first went into business he was unsuccessful on his own and need lots of help from the fortune and the ties his father built up. With that he finally managed to appear to do well by becoming the owner of multiple casinos but then he fail at that and went into multiple bankruptcies in an industry where the house always wins. He attempted to develope multiple smaller businesses after that which mostly amounted to putting his name on things that someone else built up as successful with some of them shutting down in disgrace as being nothing more then scams to seperate people from their money with promises that never materialized. As President he failed miserably to understand even basic principals of how government worked or how to get things done with his few successes being accomplished by others that he took most of the credit for. He then was such a poor president that he failed to secure a re-election bid and was so incapable of admitting defeat he tried to steal the results which he also failed at and ended up picking up 4 indictments and 91 felony charges in the process. I could point out quite a few other failures but I think I've made my point.. So what scares me with this history rich in failure, all these supporters who are okay with him being America's first dictator, what makes them think he'll be any better at that? I mean sure as a dictator he can essentially do whatever he wants even if he fails at it, but being a successful dictator is more then just getting away with everything you try to do. Unless of course your goal is to piss the majority of the country off and having them revolt against you eventually He seems to think he'll end up lbeing like putin or Orban but given his incompetence I think he's more likely to end up like Gaddafi. Which would be fine with me except for the pain and suffering the nation would have to go thru before we reach that inevitable conclusion.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

I stand corrected. Apparently it is modus operandi to declare states of emergency for eclipses. That blows my mind. WHY???
You may not have heard but there are all sort of conspiracy theories floating around currently that have the upcoming eclipse pegged as a sign of the end times as well as other fantastical things. For example there is one theory that looks at the way the path of this eclipse and the path of the last one in 2017 cross each other to form a big x over the United states and at the area where the two paths cross (the center of the X) there is a park in Illinois known as Giant City State Park. Supposedly the Government has a plan to use the darkness of the eclipse to remove from the park some actual giants they have found there while following up recent sightings of said giants.

The video below discusses the Conspiracy theory about the giants as well as a couple of other conspiracy theories going around in connection with the upcomming solar eclipse. It's all quite ridiculous to the point of being hilarious



Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
The sky could be falling?
It frees up OT rules for first responders and such. After digging into it, it makes sense. I feel there could be another classification so that things of this nature aren't declared an Emergency, but what do I know? I didn't even know it was normal to declare a state of emergency for eclipses.

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
I didn't even know it was normal to declare a state of emergency for eclipses.

It isn't. Texas did it because it's Texas and others copied them. There was a total eclipse just a few years ago and it was no big deal. Now the media hype machine is on full blast and it's like there has never been an eclipse in the US before. Everyone who is spending thousands to see it will no doubt state it was a life changing event and it totally wasn't a waste of time and money.


Well-known member
It isn't. Texas did it because it's Texas and others copied them. There was a total eclipse just a few years ago and it was no big deal. Now the media hype machine is on full blast and it's like there has never been an eclipse in the US before. Everyone who is spending thousands to see it will no doubt state it was a life changing event and it totally wasn't a waste of time and money.


It frees up OT rules for first responders and such. After digging into it, it makes sense. I feel there could be another classification so that things of this nature aren't declared an Emergency, but what do I know? I didn't even know it was normal to declare a state of emergency for eclipses.
That sounds more credible.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It's really not much of a surprise when you consider all the predictions of doom and gloom going around and when you have a Presidential Candidate regularly saying how bad the US is currently and that it's going to get worse unless he's elected because only he can fix it (even though he is personally implicated in much of what has been going wrong). I mean it's pretty crazy, it seems like for the past year I've seen near daily videos and other reports of how the country is headed for a total financial collapse, how stores are struggling to stay stocked with food, how aliens are coming, how Christ is returning soon, how AI is going to takeover and destroy all humans. Now this is just my opinion but I think there are a whole bunch of people that just aren't happy with their own situation and rather then trying to do anything about it they are secretly hoping the end times come so we can all move on to the next stage in human existance.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
It isn't. Texas did it because it's Texas and others copied them. There was a total eclipse just a few years ago and it was no big deal. Now the media hype machine is on full blast and it's like there has never been an eclipse in the US before. Everyone who is spending thousands to see it will no doubt state it was a life changing event and it totally wasn't a waste of time and money.
It's the first time in modern history a total solar eclipse is going to fall across the US and is within driving distance of 200 million people. I get it and it does make sense. You're going to have small towns flooded with out of towners breaking shit left and right. Think of them like a swarm of locusts.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It's the first time in modern history a total solar eclipse is going to fall across the US and is within driving distance of 200 million people. I get it and it does make sense. You're going to have small towns flooded with out of towners breaking shit left and right. Think of them like a swarm of locusts.
And in some of those towns there actuallly will be a swarm of locusts too. A super swarm in fact consisting off two broods which is something that only happen about every 200 years. But yeah the point about crowds is valid. There is a YouTube channel I watch and the creator of that channel is currently in the process of rennovating a resort in Texas that was abandoned and he bought real cheap. The total land consists of over 300 acres. As far as the resort facilities go he's a long way from having people come out there to use the resort. However since he has so much land that is mostly unused he decide to take two big open fields and get them marked off into camping spaces for the purpose of seeing the eclipse since the resort is right within the path of the eclipse. When he start exploring the idea he decided to check with the local government to make sure it was okay for him to do this, they said he was fine to use the land that way but warned him to tell all the guests reserving spaces to bring their own food because they expect that all the towns stores are going to be wiped out of stock due to all the people expected already, not counting the hundreds of people that will be coming to his resort.

It's really quite crazy what people are willing to do to see this eclipse wrom within the path of totality (I think that's what it's called). The land he opened up for camping is just a big open field divided into 20 meter x 20 meter lots. There is no electricity, no water other then a nearby river no facilities of any kind other then a dozen or so porta potties he rented. The only real ammenity is that he managed to book a few local bands for entertainment snd he managed to sell out every single lot (which totals into a couple of hundred lots) in advance for $600 each for 3 days and 3 nights. Pretty crazy for an event that is expected to only last for about 5 minutes


Well-known member

I survived the eclipse in Texas. There were no swarms of locusts or people. We had seven stoners gathered at a friend's house in the path of totality. I will say it was worth the drive to see the corona. It was like turning off a light switch when the moon took over for four minutes and eighteen seconds. There was a solar flare visible at the 5 o'clock position on the sun when it went over us.

The life changing event I experienced was the big hugs given and received all around.

All I have to do now is survive the Red Heifer sacrifice.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
With FBI statistics placing police accuracy in shootings at roughly 20%, what could possibly go wrong with arming teachers and placing them into a target rich environment?

I agree that it's a bad idea and it is also likely to have unexpected consequences such as making it more difficult for the state to find good qualified teachers due to many not even applying because this makes things too far above what they're willing to sign up for. It also probably won't be long before a teacher that is having a bad day snaps and uses the gun on an unruley child.

On the kind of good side (but not really) the teachers that are willing to accept this and go thru with the training might actually become better more accurate shooters then the police since they won't have the same options or support systems to back them up that the police enjoy. They'll be on the front lines where for them it will be either get it right or die.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I agree that it's a bad idea and it is also likely to have unexpected consequences such as making it more difficult for the state to find good qualified teachers due to many not even applying because this makes things too far above what they're willing to sign up for. It also probably won't be long before a teacher that is having a bad day snaps and uses the gun on an unruley child.

On the kind of good side (but not really) the teachers that are willing to accept this and go thru with the training might actually become better more accurate shooters then the police since they won't have the same options or support systems to back them up that the police enjoy. They'll be on the front lines where for them it will be either get it right or die.
I was thinking more along the lines of a teacher shooting a student unintentionally or a student getting a hold of a teachers gun.

I've never been more glad I don't have school aged children.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I was thinking more along the lines of a teacher shooting a student unintentionally or a student getting a hold of a teachers gun.

I've never been more glad I don't have school aged children.
Well those are also good examples of unexpected consequences and I'm sure there are probably a few others. I hear you on being glad to not have school aged children. My wife and I got together too late in life to have children which I use to regret but now I'm grateful for...except when I need help in the yard. :biggrin:

I am also grateful that I was born when I was and grew up in the time I did when school shootings were unheard of and if someone was that pissed off at someone else it was resolved with a fist fight out in the courtyard (also a relatively uncommon thing). I can't imagine what it would be like if I had to worry about someone deciding to shoot up my school on any given day.