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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Well-known member
illegal migrants get three meals a day, free housing , free heating, free mobile phone etc. meanwhile tax hikes are effecting employment, and many tax paying natives who are in need of support are getting no support and forced to be homeless .


Well-known member
fighting age men in there thousands being housed in tiny villages mcnoodle. outnumbering the natives instantly

what do men do when they go long periods with no sex? go looking
what you're saying is identical to what republicans have been saying for decades here. it's mostly all bull shit.


Well-known member
That sounds like a great plan. Let him and the ashkenazis in brooklyn heights deal with the problem
ya... new york... famously known as a super majority white state and not a melting pot lol....

and what problem exactly? migrant crime? if i had to guess about ireland's "migrants" it's likely within reason to assume it's the same or similar as the US.... illegals and legal migrants commit less crime than the native population.


Well-known member
That sounds like a great plan. Let him and the ashkenazis in brooklyn heights deal with the problem
that will go down well i'm sure. boat loads of syrians, algerians, eritreans , afghans and such from completely different cultures that hate the people in the neighbourhood they are moving to . sounds about right


Well-known member
most of ireland can barely afford to heat their houses or feed their families and meanwhile the state welfare is supporting illegal criminal migrants to eat , sleep for free, and even return home for a holiday all paid for by the same people that are struggling, going bankrupt , and some , homeless on the streets.

and this prick has the nerve to use the ' neo nazi'and ' right wing' terminology on a group of people that represent the actual opposite .

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
Ah but I thought you said you were observent? That's all I am really. You've spent enough time in the DC area that you should know you can't turn around without seeing or hearing about what's going on politically in the Federal government. Hell most of the suburbs are just where all the people that work in the Federal government call home at the end of the day. Now I'll grant you that living up in the mountains of New Mexico one could keep themselves hidden from most of the new in the DC area and live in blissfull ignorance. I'll even grant you that you probably don't watch or listen to the news and even if you did most of what you would see or hear would be more about whatt was going on locally.

You still manage to be pretty well informed though based on the things you say in some of your posts, so you're getting your news somewhere. Maybe you do gett it from just this site but if that's your only source then you're scouring any and all threads that have to do with politics or at the very least most of them. Which is far more obcessive then most if not all of the people active in this thread. I know this because I've seen you reference things not really discussed in this thread. I on the other hand only participate in this one thread and even then it's not always on a daily basis nor do I choose to respond to everything that gets discussed here. Like before last night I didn't come in here for like 2-3 days because I had other more important things to me to do. There were almost 20 pages of posts that happened in that time and yet I only responded to the five or so posts that were replies to what I said 2-3 days ago plus one or two other posts. Most of the other stuff was just too pointless and irrelevent to respond to and would take me the better part of the day to respond to if I allowed myself to get caught up in all of that. Like all that stuff about the various "isms" as you put it. Most being stuff people throw out when they're trying to side track from what was being discussed because they didn't have anytthing worthwhile to come back with.

Yeah, yeah, I know, too much for you to actually read so you can spare me that bit of commentary.
😂 Nah man….I actually read all of it.

In all sincerity since I have returned to IC this is the only news I read. Before coming back nothing. I’m not on social media nor do I search the internet for news. Sure don’t watch it on TV.

My wife is on social media so she tells me some stuff…for example that the position I was going to take on the Forest in April got cut because of the budget thing. That was in local news though. And because she is Swiss and gets news from there…I hear about the wars etc. from the European perspective.

I don’t need to search these threads long for the general narratives. Some of these maniacs post them all day long. Every day. By being observant one can easily draw the pictures. It’s not tough at all. It’s like skim reading a book by picking up on the author’s style of prose. I’ve learned how to cut out the filler and find the message. Then of course I just have to sort out the emotionally influenced opinions and biases. There’s really only a handful of consistent posters…and they’re teamed up. It’s Coke or Pepsi most the time.

I’m not a negative person at all…and truly do not care who the president is or have any serious feelings about any of the issues that people on here are driving themselves crazy over. I do know what I see and hear where I live. Observations. I’ve always been boots on the ground. See it for myself. Attempt to be free of other’s opinions affecting me.

This is all entertainment for me. Getting jack asses wound up amuses me sometimes. And it’s what keeps these threads going. Without drama this thread would be 10 pages long. It would be no fun for most all participants.

Do I think some of these people are in need of a head check? 😂 come on man…read some of the shit some of them believe. It’s fucking nuts. I really don’t see where some conclusions are drawn from…looney tunes stuff

I was in the nature most the day…watching the weather shift back to high winds tomorrow. Save your minds run mountains (or whatever exercise) enjoy time and space…it’s healthy….reject the programming 😂 invasion of the mind snatchers


PMA = positive mental attitude
Old school PMA
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