Old Piney
Well-known member
Its Southern cousin took a nap in my garden.
View attachment 19169252

Its Southern cousin took a nap in my garden.
View attachment 19169252
That is AWESOME! Looks like a Scarlet Kingsnake (Milk Snake).Its Southern cousin took a nap in my garden.
View attachment 19169252
Its not the cure. They are lying to you again.Scientists have finally discovered a possible cure for cancer and trump's administration is forcing them to remove any mention of the word mRNA for grants.
Scientists Say NIH Officials Told Them To Scrub mRNA References on Grants - KFF Health News
Two senior scientists say National Institutes of Health officials advised them to remove references to mRNA vaccines in grant applications, and they fear the Trump administration will abandon a promising field of medical research.kffhealthnews.org
Wake up you feckless fucks!!!
i just wish i understood what your ideal is, like your ideal society.
i know what societies you hate (all of them that exist), and i know what attributes you appreciate (freedom), but i want to know what your ideal system looks like. still wondering. and i'll still wonder as i wander.
How else do you explain hundreds of thousands of people exterminating 6,000,000 Jews?"goodness lies in the heart of every man, just waiting for the hero in them to come out"
you talk of ppl as though we're generally very stupid and always on auto- pilot... by that token, aren't ppl like hitler tantamount to THE ONES THAT PULLED THE TRIGGER SINCE THEY'RE MANIPULATING CHURL AUTOMATONS?
Yes, some people are in fact grasshoppers waiting for the signal to be locusts.That's where an effective indoctrination system comes in handy!
Exploiting the human Fear of being different is one way they do it.
Atrocities are easier to direct when the mob shouts louder than reason.
View attachment 19169221
Sure they can, threatening can be done en masse and doesn't requiire physical contact, it only requires that you have the attention of those you are threatening. Now if you had said one man can not physicallly killl millions without the help of millions that would have been more accurate but nobody ever said that Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc physically killed millions by their own hand. I would disagree though that any of them needed millions to do the work of killing millions, given the right circumstances one minion could kill hundreds or even thousands. Take the Jews during the holocaust for example, most of them were killed in large groups inside a gas chamber. All that was required was enough troops to man the concentration camp, enough to offload all the Jews from the trains, process them into the camp and eventually herd them into the gas chamber. Let's say the gas chamber could hold 1000 Jews at a time. Chances are that the controls that turned the gas on andd off was handled by one man. By the logic you're trying to use only that one person who turned the gas on and off was responsible for the killing but it took all the soldiers in the concentration camp to get the Jews from the train into the gas chamber and they all knew what the end result was going to be, so really they all shared some responsibility in killing all those Jews. Still it's not like they went behind Hitler's back and said, "You know what, just for grins and giggles lets take all these Jews and kill them in the gas chamber" Hell if that wasn't the plan all along the concentration camps wouldn't have even had a gas chamber." Ultimately the plan, the order came down from Hitler. Only he had the power to command all those soldiers to carry out such a heinous act without question. Just because he didn't physically do it himself doesn't make him innocent of the crime. Same goes for Mao, Stalin and whatever other brutal dictator you want to add to the list. Each were the ones that had the power and influence to order others to do the actual dirty work and it was done because the people who followed the orders knew or at least believed that there were other soldiers under the leader's command that would kill them if they disobeyed. So while the leader didn't physically do all the killing himself it was the leader by virtue of his power and authority that was responsible for the killing.Yeah, by other people employed by the state, not by his own hand.
One person cannot physically threaten millions without the help of millions.
Charismatic fascist leaders giving top down orders.How else do you explain hundreds of thousands of people exterminating 6,000,000 Jews?
Let wisdom by thy guide.How else do you explain hundreds of thousands of people exterminating 6,000,000 Jews?
All men have good and evil in their hearts, it’s up to those individuals which way they go.
Yes, some people are in fact grasshoppers waiting for the signal to be locusts.
Every dictator has millions of people following their orders instead of dragging them down the street.Charismatic fascist leaders giving top down orders.
The point is, Musk is comparing Nazis who killed people with US govt workers as a justification for cutting their jobs.
Hitler and other tyrants don't build up the administration state, they tear it down. It's not the first time Musk has tried to paint figures like Hitler as pro big government to make people think the democrats or people who are in favour of a functional regulated government are the same as Nazis.
It has made life difficult at times, but it has also served me well. I fundamentally don’t believe in authority.The belief in authority and "must obey" mindset is an intentionally implanted method used by intelligent but evil people to control other people. It's been in their playbook for eons.
Nowadays, government schools and other cultural norms promote and enable it.
If people can believe they are "just following orders" they can mentally distance and export personal responsibility for their actions onto "authority". "Just doing my job" becomes an accepted refrain. Drug war cop platitude. Nuremberg excuse. "just following orders". 'They told me I had to" "If you obey, you won't get in trouble".
Trained in obedience most people can't fight through the dissonance and obey authority, even when "authority" is being evil.
I'd estimate out of the general population less than 10 people out of 100 have the wherewithal to see through this. When that number increases humans will evolve, until then, humans will remain livestock with cell phones and corn syrup arguing about who should be their master rather than, "why are there masters to begin with"?
Ah but I thought you said you were observent? That's all I am really. You've spent enough time in the DC area that you should know you can't turn around without seeing or hearing about what's going on politically in the Federal government. Hell most of the suburbs are just where all the people that work in the Federal government call home at the end of the day. Now I'll grant you that living up in the mountains of New Mexico one could keep themselves hidden from most of the new in the DC area and live in blissfull ignorance. I'll even grant you that you probably don't watch or listen to the news and even if you did most of what you would see or hear would be more about whatt was going on locally.This is what it’s like not to watch the news/follow politics/live in fantasyland. I do not know.
This sad section of a pot forum has been my only source of o so important news and current events. In itself a microcosm of what you fine subjects feed yourselves on the daily through the years. This is my taste.
Same menu. It tastes like shit and is not good for a body. A lot of additives poisons lies
I eat it. Then I shit it. Just like you
the exception : I don’t swallow it with a hook line sinker….it’s not hung up in my bowels
damn, yeah i was so busy with the stupid *is hitler bad* shit, i missed the main shit...The point is, Musk is comparing Nazis who killed people with US govt workers as a justification for cutting their jobs.
That's not true he was guilty of slander (libel is when it's in writing).lol. Sounds pretty damning. No actual evidence and testimony’s from 3 trump haters. That’s why he is libel and not GUILTY. There is a yuuuuge difference.
It has made life difficult at times, but it has also served me well. I fundamentally don’t believe in authority.
Why can a police officer tie me up and take me away if I do anything wrong, but if I witness them violating the law I’m just supposed to call another cop? How are police somehow more of a citizen than me?