Captain Red Eye
Well-known member
I’m an Aquarius.
Fuck Trump. Fuck the Blue malcontents too.
The only time I ever voted was for Libertarian Ron Paul in 1988. He wanted to legalize drugs. My best friend who is now a Liberal fanatic dragged me to the polls. I just amused him. Best friend and all. I knew my vote and time were wasted.
I’ve never labeled myself for any political party. The system is pretty well rigged to choosing Coke or Pepsi. Never saw the point in participating in a farce.
Love the United States. It’s a great place to live. I thank my blessings every fucking day I live in this beautiful bubble.
I love the physical places and many of the people too, in that we are blessed.
Kind of obvious I'm not a fan of politicians and governments based in coercion.
Politics is designed to keep people busy arguing over things while the overlords and their friends run amuck using government to give them license to do things normal people would be assholes or criminals for doing.
Ron Paul was probably the most honest of the lot, many of the things he warned people about we're in the midst of now or they've already happened. I liked his idea of ending the Empire and of course ending the drug war too. Mainstream media made sure his ideas never got any traction.