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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
Ya that. My favorite 2 cars I had; 1968 T-bird - 429 cobra-jet - 1976 Oldsmobile 98 - 455
Awesome selection. I had a cutlass at one time…not a good year or big block. A 428 in a ‘68 T-bird is sweet.

My first car was a 1977 Chrysler New Yorker. The Anti-Chrysler. Big block. Power everything.

Built a ‘66 C20 Chevy pick up. 383 stroker backed by 400 turbo tranny. Had that for 20 years. Sold it a couple years ago. It got too pretty. I should have not got into the body/paint. You never make your money back on those type projects.

Now I just like my mini truck. 1999. My everyday. I’ll probably never get rid of it. Just a good running truck. Reliable and ok on gas.


yeah around here it's the suburban wife grocery shopping vehicle. they can't even get in and out of the damn things.
around here it's them but also a lot of white dudes either fresh out of high school (assuming they graduated...) or having a mid- life crisis.

either way, never are they doing any actual real work with the trucks (not great to have to lift things above chest height, work trucks are down in the normal height range ime)

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
around here it's them but also a lot of white dudes either fresh out of high school (assuming they graduated...) or having a mid- life crisis.

either way, never are they doing any actual real work with the trucks (not great to have to lift things above chest height, work trucks are down in the normal height range ime)
What do you drive Mayo? Do you even work?

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
dangit, i accidentally read a jm comment.

o well, it gimmes a chance to say this:

"i work harder in one week at my job than you do the whole year"
I seriously doubt that. You read everything. You’re like that.

Your quoted comment has no context without backing. Do you know what I do? And what do you do? You won’t say. Because it’s not true.

You are bogus

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
As a point of clarification.

Big L, Libertarians are often affiliated with the Libertarian political party and usually vote for a much smaller government. I know many of them and used to be one. Sometimes people call Libertarians, libertarians, but there is a difference.

Small l, libertarians are "no government", since government inescapably is a consent violator. Small l, libertarians usually don't vote and are akin to Anarchists and some are Voluntaryists. I know many of them too, this is a philosophy rather than a political position.

We now return to arguing about Trump and other stuff.

Captain Red Eye

Well-known member
DOGE is essentially what libertarians want. Seems to be going well with the people lmfao. Seems to be going well in Argentina or wherever libertarian president Milei is from too.

No offense, but your terminology is not accurate.

Doge is what many big L, Libertarians might favor.

What small l, libertarians want isn't Doge per se, it's the possibility of peacefully being left alone.
Until being left alone is an option, some small l, libertarians might like the conditions on the plantation to get better, but the underlying philosophy of a small l, libertarian isn't to improve conditions on the plantation, it's to end the plantation itself and expand individual choices for peaceful people.

Milei isn't a libertarian, he's sometimes close to being a Libertarian, but the Wolverine look has to go first, no matter what he claims to be. :p

He could even be a plant to protect the Federal Reserve dollar creation scheme.

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
As a point of clarification.

Big L, Libertarians are often affiliated with the Libertarian political party and usually vote for a much smaller government. I know many of them and used to be one. Sometimes people call Libertarians, libertarians, but there is a difference.

Small l, libertarians are "no government", since government inescapably is a consent violator. Small l, libertarians usually don't vote and are akin to Anarchists and some are Voluntaryists. I know many of them too, this is a philosophy rather than a political position.

We now return to arguing about Trump and other stuff.
I’m an Aquarius.

Fuck Trump. Fuck the Blue malcontents too.

The only time I ever voted was for Libertarian Ron Paul in 1988. He wanted to legalize drugs. My best friend who is now a Liberal fanatic dragged me to the polls. I just amused him. Best friend and all. I knew my vote and time were wasted.

I’ve never labeled myself for any political party. The system is pretty well rigged to choosing Coke or Pepsi. Never saw the point in participating in a farce.

Love the United States. It’s a great place to live. I thank my blessings every fucking day I live in this beautiful bubble.