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Well-known member
4-June-2024 :
Last night there was a sudden, torrential storm. This morning, outside the house, I found this large mantis in the pot where the Extreme Haze (NL#5-Haze "extreme haze pheno" x Old Timers Haze "green light pheno", Tropical Seeds Company; born May-14) is still.
I think the poor mantis was dragged along the ground by the storm, and managed to climb to the pot (which is protected from the rain by the wall and by what protrudes from the roof) to safety. I surprised her by getting rid of the leaf litter and dog hair that was tangled around her wings, legs and antennae, while she was sunbathing to dry. When it was dry, I carefully moved it, between two huiguera leaves, to the garden itself, where it has a multitude of potential food.


Well-known member
26-July-2024 :
Extreme Haze
 reg (NL#5-Haze "extreme haze pheno" x Old Timers Haze "green light pheno", Tropical Seeds Company; born May-14).
Still not totally sure about its gender. As T.S.Co warned in their description of the variety, it grows and develops very slowly.


Well-known member
07-August-2024 :
This is how the next few days will look climatologically at my home; Oscillating between 23°C (73'5°F) night minimum, and 43°C (109'5°F) maximum daytime in the shade:

Extreme Haze  reg (NL#5-Haze "extreme haze pheno" x Old Timers Haze "green light pheno", Tropical Seeds Company; born May-14).



New member
Extreme Haze  reg (NL#5-Haze "fenotipo Extreme Haze" x Old Timers Haze "fenotipo Green Light", Tropical Seeds Company; nacida el 14 de mayo)

El 7 de septiembre , contrariamente a lo que esperaba, la planta se declaró macho. Una pena, porque tenía un aspecto muy "Old Timers Haze green fen

Extreme Haze  reg (NL#5-Haze "extreme haze pheno" x Old Timers Haze "green light pheno", Tropical Seeds Company; born May-14)

On September 7, contrary to what I expected, the plant declared itself as male. A shame, because it had a very "Old Timers Haze green feno" appearance.
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Hermosas plantas, como siempre @Eltitoguay (MIG). Si ves esto en algún momento quisiera volver a contactarte. Una lastima lo de tropical.


New member
¡¡Hola, @Talamanca!!
Si; soy MiGó Montuno. ¿Cómo te va todo por allá?
Saludos a tod@sl@s tic@s.

Hola Talamanca!!
Sí, soy MiG o Montuno. ¿Cómo te va por allí?
Saludos a todos los costarricenses.
Un gusto volver a saber de ti compañero, guardaste genética de tropical ? A mí solo le quedaron 3 cepas de ellos. Doble zamal, altísimo y viejo Congo. Está último pie para extraer semillas para conservarla.


New member
¡¡Hola, @Talamanca!!
Si; soy MiGó Montuno. ¿Cómo te va todo por allá?
Saludos a tod@sl@s tic@s.

Hola Talamanca!!
Sí, soy MiG o Montuno. ¿Cómo te va por allí?
Saludos a todos los costarricenses.
Un gusto volver a saber de ti compañero, por acá todom bien, lograste guardar genética de tropical ? A mí solo me quedaron 3 cepas de ellos. Doble zamal, altísimo y viejo Congo. Está último pie para extraer semillas para conservarla.


Well-known member
King Congo

King Congo

Btw, I remember that this King Congo (Congo Point Noire X SouthAfrican Ciskei Highlands), being borned arround 2017-June-23, started to shows female preflowers durin the first week of August.
Id love to find some king congo seeds to grow, was really bummed to see tropical seeds co went out of business, but also that they retired the king congo, looked amazingly heavy in producing weight.