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Tropical Greenhouse 2010 (or Milfhunt 2010)


dumb question ... but just out of curiosity and you dont have to answer if you dont want but since your in the tropics is there a big market for cannabis? I just heard that it was dirt cheap in south america but im just assuming thats where your at. btw ur grow looks kick ass


Smallfry, I'm not located exactly where you think, but close enough. It is dirt cheap here, but it's awful. Bricked shwag with seeds, stems, leaves and males all bricked up together. I don't get it. There is a huge market for the good stuff, and the prices are higher than US.

I'm 16 days flower now. I've eliminated all the males. Not sure what the final plant count is, probably about 150. I've pruned the bottom branching ghttp://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=12621&pictureid=271035 rowth on all of these. I will have fans running above and below the canopy to maintain lots of air movement once these start budding up heavy.

I've been taking lots of clones. I also chttp://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=12621&pictureid=271036 ame across this cool purple male. He looks like he's expressing the purple skunk genetics. I'm collecting some of this pollen to splash on a few of these fems.

Here are the girls

Nute burn

New member
wow thats so very nice, im jeallllllllllllous :0 What kind of soil are you us using? Seems to be working mighty fine!


I'm running straight compost that I make myself. I was using a 20-20-20 fertilizer, but just switched to 10-30-20 and molasses today (day 20 flower)


22 days flower and the stretch should be mostly over. I really like the w these are shaping up. The supplemental lighting allowed me to put on alot more size than I normally see at this time.

The purple one looks like a Mazar cross. I hit it with some of the pollen from the purple male.


Well-known member
holy shit this is the coolest thing I have ever seen in my whole life ever.

one of these days i hope to have a greenhouse this nice for real.
It is my life long gole to have a greenhouse this kick ass.


I spent some personal time hanging out with the ladies today. I'm very happy with the way these are turning out. Since I trimmed the lower branching early on, these are almost all single cola plants. It makes it sooooo much easier when trim time rolls around. I will be doing them by hand, solo.
