Thanx, Tyrone. Actually, these aren’t autos. They are just extremely slow to flower due to the genetics developed in their native environment. Looking for as much as 6 months from seed to harvest. Not going to devote this much time to a grow again!!
You’re right, for all practical purposes they look healthy despite the overcrowded conditions. I’ve delved into the back reaches of the cabinet and even in this region they look incredibly healthy. What scares me is the fact they will continue to griw even during early flowering stage. I’m afraid I’m going to open the cabinet doors one day and they’re going to reach out and get me!!
I’m thinking I’m going to be left with no other choice than start removing some of the massive growth and see what happens.
Keep y’all posted.......
Oh wow, I must have missed that. Yeah, just the wild sativa stretch then. That's nuts. At this rate they might end up opening the cabinet doors themselves and moving in w/ you.
I have also had luck with incremental thinning as opposed to wholesale chopping/snapping, especially with those sensitive strains that herm when you look at them funny. The plants get a lot less shock when I do it slowly over a week or two, little bits each day. Hopefully you still have enough time/space to implement a less extreme solution.