Ummm, 200 mg of cannabis absolute in a coco butter suppository certainly demonstrated THC effects when I personally tested it and the cancer patients we've made them for report effects as well.
Hee, hee, hee, wait till I tell you where we all stuck them!
So is the 200mg of absolute combined with coco oil what you would recommend for most cancer patients?
If you are using suppositories I whould recommend olive oil over coco. It blends evenly and doesn't separate. And I would be afraid to go over 1:1
It's an established scientific fact, whether it's true or not. The hemisuccinate ester is the usual suppository form of THC.
Does conversion to the ester make it more water soluble?
Would this same prodrug work orally or is it completely different mechanisms of absorption and metabolization?
Currently have a friend with pancreatic cancer w/ metastasis into liver, 2nd round of chemo. Made some oil using ethanol/rice cooker and 20 cc syringe. He felt it was too 'druggy' (his term) not being a cannabis user. We experimented with dose, but he didn't like the sensation orally.
Then, I made suppositories from the remaining oil (size 1#). He's taking 3x a day, larger dose at night (00#). Reports less pain, a bit more energy, ability to eat after chemo.
Made another batch finely ground herb heated in coconut oil, then cooled before filling capsules. He seems to tolerate that better, again, 3x a day (size 1# gel capsule) and 00# at night. Cannot accurately measure g/ml and mg, but ratios for ground herb into oil 3:1.5, similar to a paste.
Any added suggestions would be welcome.
what are recommendations for taking concentrates orally for cancer? The same as for the suppositories?
We've used the same dosages and gone through the same issues with building tolerance before administering 330 mg dosages three times a day.
We've used the same dosages and gone through the same issues with building tolerance before administering 330 mg dosages three times a day.
Hey GW!
So you are recommending 1 gram orally per day? 90 days or longer? And what kind of oil? BHO? percentage thc?