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Treating Cancer with Concentrates Thread

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
In regards to treating cancer I have only used RSO. I used 99% iso as a solvent. I have successfully treated 2 cancer patients with it.

I have made a lot of the alcohol extracts. RSO, QWISO, QWET, but my favorite I call ND Sap. I discovered this concentrate when I stopped making RSO. The ND Sap provides a medicated feeling that lasts twice as long as RSO. For the first half of the buzz the difference is very noticeable. It is because there is something in it that was not lost. Something that does get lost during a heat decarb process. My guess is that it is the terpenes that the RSO is lacking. ND Sap is basically QWET. No heat used whatsoever, only fan dried or evaporated. Then stored in a sealed container for a minimum of 100 days. Preferably 120 days. I don't have the exact timing nailed down yet. After the 100 days or so, it should be fully decarbed, naturally. Using the grain alcohol, it does extract different compounds from the plant, but the important part is not losing certain compounds, like the essential terpenes. I have seen the naturally decarbed sap provide pain relief where RSO had no effect. I am not putting down RSO, it does work on fighting cancer, but there is no going back for me. The naturally decarbed sap is my favorite hands down.

After I get so many posts in will I be able to put in my own custom avatar?

ND Sap
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I guess 10 images is the max :(

I like them all, especially the products made with no heat. QWISO and QWET. All you need to do is store it in a dark place for a minimum of 100 days and it will naturally decarb. You have to be careful though because during the process of decarbing CO2 is created. The pressure caused from the chemical change can cause syringes to leak as well as vials.

Welcome aboard and thanks for sharing GG! I've noted your contributions on other forums.

Extracting the terpenes is easy by any number of different processes, but as you allude, holding on to them during purging and decarboxylation is the challenge.

Especially during decarboxylation using heat, so I congratulate you on your simple, cost effective solution.

Not sure how many posts before you get to post an avatar, but in the interim, all our minds eyes will conjure up visions of a goddess.
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Welcome aboard and thanks for sharing GG! I've noted your contributions on other forums.

Extracting the terpenes is easy by any number of different processes, but as you allude, holding on to them during purging and decarboxylation is the challenge.

Especially during decarboxylation using heat, so I congratulate you on your simple, cost effective solution.

Not sure how many posts before you get to post an avatar, but in the interim, all our minds eyes will conjure up visions of a goddess.

Thanks! Coming from you, that means a lot!!

I would like to note that with the naturally decarbed sap or whatever you want to call it, I have had full success, it is very noticeable compared to any other oil I have tried. Recently however, I have spoken with someone who did not have the same success. They mentioned that their QWISO was a very thick tar. They thought and I agree that it was so thick that it was not able to decarb like I mention. Over a very long period of time their oil only decarbed 50 to 75%. Then they heat decarbed it and sampled it and then considered it to be 100% decarbed. The person thought it was due to the viscosity of the product that it did not decarb fully in a reasonable amount of time compared to my results. Of the three times I made it and had full success, grain alcohol was involved and intentionally some grain alcohol was left behind to where my oil was liquid, the thickness of honey, rather than a thick tar. At this point I am believing that it being liquid (honey thickness) makes it easier to naturally decarb. I have a lot more experimenting to do! Maybe I was just lucky, but the difference is amazing. The THC buzz with the ND Sap literally lasts twice as long as it does with RSO. I am guessing that it is due to the terpenes being present. If it is the terpenes, it is amazing the difference they make.

The next batch I make I will leave it a little thicker than water, and will shake the vials daily to see if this will help speed up the natural decarbing process by way of gassing out the CO2 more quickly and what ever other chemical changes that are involved. I will document my results and report my findings.

The shit is so potent and long lasting, I am unable to consume an ounce of premium buds converted into this oil about 3 to 5 grams, within a couple of months. It takes me 3 months or longer to consume that much. Unless I am taking it 3 times per day, then I can build up a tolerance to it.

Thanks again GreyWolf, I have read a lot of your stuff too!


Active member
I decided on ethanol. Everclear at 98% is preferred but have used a brand called Diesel at 71%. Tested at 59% THC using choice sugar trim and wispy under growth from blue cheese and white rhino. Basically no CBD however.

I rely on Skunk Pharm for most info regarding.


We just heard back that our patient with terminal brain cancer went in for her scan today after only 45-60 days of eating 40mg thc 12 mg cbd capsules.

The tumor has recessed and is getting smaller, the doctors are perplexed by how this has happened bc she hasn't told them about her cannabis use. I'll get more info on how many capsule she consumes daily.

We did a whole plant butane extraction, followed by an ethanol wash, then cut that with organic coconut oil and filled capsules. Seems to be the preferred method of delivery amongst our patients.


Active member
We just heard back that our patient with terminal brain cancer went in for her scan today after only 45-60 days of eating 40mg thc 12 mg cbd capsules.

The tumor has recessed and is getting smaller, the doctors are perplexed by how this has happened bc she hasn't told them about her cannabis use. I'll get more info on how many capsule she consumes daily.

We did a whole plant butane extraction, followed by an ethanol wash, then cut that with organic coconut oil and filled capsules. Seems to be the preferred method of delivery amongst our patients.
Awesome for her, unfortunately my patient died last month because her effing doctor husband basically talked her out of it when she was lucid enough to make her own decisions. She had numbness in arm around August and was told her breast cancer spread to brain. Surgery in late sept. and then radiation. Hubby said if she took the oil they won't treat her. Well that would have been the best thing. They killed her in 3 months. And made a shit load of money.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Moderator: I just deleted one of the duplicate posts, and both disappeared. Is it possible for you to make it reappear, or is it gone/gone beyond its capture in GG's Post 21 reply?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Awesome for her, unfortunately my patient died last month because her effing doctor husband basically talked her out of it when she was lucid enough to make her own decisions. She had numbness in arm around August and was told her breast cancer spread to brain. Surgery in late sept. and then radiation. Hubby said if she took the oil they won't treat her. Well that would have been the best thing. They killed her in 3 months. And made a shit load of money.

More than once, we've supplied 90 days plus worth of HSO to end of life patients and had their doctor talk them out of it.

In most cases the meds just dissapear, but in one case they were passed onto a colon cancer patient, whom experienced a miraculous and complete remission.

Another was returned to us, and we committed them to another end of life patient, whom died before we were able to get them to her, so they went to yet another patient who went into remission.

There never seems to be a shortage of patients, and so far only those whom have followed through with the prescribed regiment, are still here.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hey Gdub,

If you are donating concentrates for these types of treatments what are your absolute best recommendations to date?

What method of delivery and which one concentrate do you pick for that right now?

We have donated any number of strains, some also from donated sources, but currently we supply Holy Anointing Oil and Holy Shit Oil, from BHO or QWET.

We are experimenting with 200 mg sublingual troches formulated by our new pharmacist.

Most of the material comes from our garden, which has Train Wreck and White Widow, but more high CBD strains like Cannatonic, Maui Bubble Gift, and Harlequin.

It is way easier to get someone started building tolerance using higher CBD strains, and they are typically in the shortest supply as far as donated material.
We just heard back that our patient with terminal brain cancer went in for her scan today after only 45-60 days of eating 40mg thc 12 mg cbd capsules.

The tumor has recessed and is getting smaller, the doctors are perplexed by how this has happened bc she hasn't told them about her cannabis use. I'll get more info on how many capsule she consumes daily.

We did a whole plant butane extraction, followed by an ethanol wash, then cut that with organic coconut oil and filled capsules. Seems to be the preferred method of delivery amongst our patients.

Keep the faith, RSO or any other quality decarbed concentrate can really work. Here is my first patient. It has been over 4 years and he is doing great! The cancer has not returned, but he has had to continue to take maintenance doses. He verified that for himself that maintenance doses are necessary. The first video was taken after around 5 or 6 months of treatment. It was very difficult working with this patient, he was suffering from "chemo brain". For 11 years before treatment with concentrated cannabis oil he went through chemo, bone marrow transplants, and all kinds of other treatments. I used my best buds, the cream of the crop, here is a quick video of his testimony just before he went for a scan and was confirmed cancer free. He had been assured that he would be dead at this point due to the size of the tumor. I treated him for free and it took a lot more than 90 grams because it took him a while to learn how to make the oil himself and keep a consistent supply. He is a minister and was not looking to marijuana just to get high, he was looking for an alternative treatment to modern medicine since modern medicine had already failed him for so many years. He was only getting worse, not better. His family was not supportive of him turning to cannabis, until after this video was taken. Here is the first video, it was just a quick video taken at Cannabis Camp [YOUTUBEIF]http://youtu.be/W0nwqBtxXKc [/YOUTUBEIF]

The second video was taken by an organization that was shooting video testimonies of different cancer survivors that used cannabis oil to treat their illness. I do not endorse this organization, I really do not know much about them. Here is a clip of my patient just over a year, maybe two after I treated him with the RSO. You can clearly see he gained weight and he no longer has "chemo brain". Because of cannabis oil he has been able to spend the last 4 years of holidays with his family being cancer free. The 11 years prior, he seemed to always be in the hospital getting yet another treatment during the holidays. Cannabis has not only changed his life, it changed the lives of his entire family. The beginning of this video is a repeat of the first one taken at cannabis camp. Then it goes into his testimony one year later. He looks even better today!
Again, I do not endorse this organization. I am happy they took the time to do the video. I do not know what they do or have to offer. All I know is that is my patient that I treated with the oil. I was still helping him at the time the second video what taken.

A 10mL syringe of RSO, top notch buds, some extra oozed out on to some foil while it was still warm

Some of my average RSO, fully purged.
Premium RSO 2013_0330-15.jpg

RSO works great for treating cancer from what I have seen. As long as it is quality and taken correctly. If it were me with cancer or any other serious issue, I think I would be taking what I am making now, naturally decarbed sap.
Sorry to be off topic, but is there an option to 'like' entries? I notice a statement under some posts that says X number of people have found this post helpful.
I have been registered here since 2010, but just haven't used the site until now. I guess you could say I am ignorant to the protocol here and I apologize.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Sorry to be off topic, but is there an option to 'like' entries? I notice a statement under some posts that says X number of people have found this post helpful.
I have been registered here since 2010, but just haven't used the site until now. I guess you could say I am ignorant to the protocol here and I apologize.

Lower right offers an opportunity to find the post helpful, and lower left gives you the opportunity to report it, like it and comment, and tell whether they are on or off line.
Lower right offers an opportunity to find the post helpful, and lower left gives you the opportunity to report it, like it and comment, and tell whether they are on or off line.

Thanks for the info. I do not see that option. I guess I need to get the 50 posts in before I can do that.

I like having a "like" button. :)

It is not easy for me to get 50 posts in. I don't post that much on forums anymore after my home state site seemed to be more arguing and bickering so I backed off on posting and started putting a lot more into blogs. I will try to get my fifty in.


Well-known member
Premium user
Thanks! I would "find your post helpful" or "like" it, but I can't do that yet! LOL

Either way, I am another post closer to my 50. Thanks buddy!

GG thanks for your newbie input but please keep to the subject or use the search function. Thanks

Seems like alot of Oncologists are totally against the mixing of holistic treatments along side the poisons and radiations that keeps filling the pockets of the pharmacuticals industry.

If I were sick I would just not tell them about it. I can totally understand how the end of life patients rights really go out the window once they cannot leave a hospital or hospice care.

The right to live for ONE.


Well-known member
Premium user
Has anyone experienced any type of positive assistance with the use of oil's from their doctor or oncologist? It would be interesting to see a comparison. Not really sure their oath allows for it either.


Well-known member
Premium user
Has anyone experienced any type of positive assistance with the use of oil's from their doctor or oncologist? It would be interesting to see a comparison. Not really sure their oath allows for it either.

I was reading and came upon this from the SFweekly from this last December 2014.

Good stuff here. Talks with a lady who is beating stage 3 lung cancer at 66 years of age. Interesting also states, her oncologist is amazed and remains unnamed but has referred 26 terminal cancer patients to her for reference. Good for her hope she can continue to help others possible alternative cures to these life threatening diseases.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
The doctors from Oregon State Hospital University were floored by the effects cannabis concentrates had on our Alzheimers patient and said they looked forward to it being federally legal, so they could use it on all their Alzheimer patients.

Can you imagine their reaction when she greeted them at the door with, "Well hello, good to see you, please come in", when their previous experience with her was a final stage frightened, and combative patient, who couldn't speak, whom they had just prognosed as having another 60/90 days of life left, when they released her to her daughter to care give.

PS: She lasted another 4.5 years and had a good time along the way.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the info. I do not see that option. I guess I need to get the 50 posts in before I can do that.

I like having a "like" button. :)

It is not easy for me to get 50 posts in. I don't post that much on forums anymore after my home state site seemed to be more arguing and bickering so I backed off on posting and started putting a lot more into blogs. I will try to get my fifty in.

Yeah, all the sites seem to have their moments, some longer than others.

On the other hand, I have noticed your posts elsewhere and with what you have to offer, shouldn't have a problem hitting 50 meaningful posts, especially if you spread yourself out a bit and check out the Medical, Cooking With Cannabis, and Introduction threads.


Active member
Many people around me with serious diseases and cancers are interested in using cannabis oil but have concerns about it interacting with their current medications, of which they are usually on many. They often ask for advice on such issues as their doctors play ignorant and dismissive.

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